Wealthy Chapter 692

The fire was burning fast and we didn’t dare to wait much longer, we immediately had to get out of here as soon as possible, I wanted to climb up first and then grab Wu Yi Yi up, as it was too late to find something to climb higher.

But at this time, there was a strange noise from above, I hurried that torch to shine, the face outside flashed, I didn’t see anything, but that big iron door was closed.

“It’s broken!”

The lock was on the inside, but the outside was pressed with something heavy and I couldn’t push it even if I wanted to.

Even if it wasn’t pressed with something heavy, this iron door itself was not light in weight, and without a ladder, I couldn’t push this door with the strength I had to jump up.

“Someone is trying to get us killed!” Wu Yi Yi was terrified and cowered by my side, tears falling down her face, “What do we do now? Is there a fire extinguisher?”

This fire was not something we could put out at all, and looking at her like this, I Xin Chai blamed myself and felt heartbroken, if I hadn’t let her follow me down, there wouldn’t have been so much going on.

I took her in my arms and said, “Cover your mouth and nose with your clothes and be careful not to inhale the poisonous gas, which can kill a person in a minute. Don’t be afraid, there must be another exit.”

Since the people who originally lived here were able to escape, I thought there must be another way out.

The fire soon turned from hot smoke to open fire, the ceiling crashed down overhead and Yiyi Wu was so scared that she kept dropping tears.

I didn’t dare speak, forcing myself to calm down and let my breathing get lower and lower; any extra gasp of air in this situation would kill us.

I thought that the door must be on the other side of the wall, and felt the wall a little to find the door, which had been ruffled by the fire and Wu Yi Yi’s face was all pitch black.

I gestured and asked her if she was all right, and she shook her head at me as she dropped her tears.

I hugged her head and rubbed my cheek against it, unable to speak, so I could only tell her not to be afraid.

But there were so many places already covered in fire that I could no longer lean over even if I wanted to go rummaging around.

Wu Yi Yi hugged me tightly, crying and asking, “Are we going to die here? I don’t want to die.”

I covered her mouth so hard that I could not speak, but could only gently rub the top of her head to soothe her.

At that moment, the whole room was like a big furnace, and in between the daze, I thought I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.

I pulled Wu Yi Yi towards the place where the knocking sound came from, but there was no door there, but a face wall. I thought it was strange and knocked too, but this back was empty!

I pushed Wu Yi Yi to the front and said against her ear, “Run as soon as the door opens.”

The smoke made my throat hurt, as if fire was burning down my throat.

Wu Yi Yi asked me with red eyes, “What about you?”

Before I could answer, the door outside opened, and I pushed Yiyi Wu out of the room, and at that very moment, the fire behind me came towards me like eyes, burning my back.

I felt the door behind me being slammed shut again. I rolled in place to put out the flames, but it was pitch black and I couldn’t see anything.

“Is that you, Yi Yi?” When I spoke, my voice was horribly hoarse.

The man whispered, “Don’t make a sound, your airway is burnt, take this in.”

The voice sounded fifty years old, it was a woman’s voice and it was cold.

I asked, “Who are you?”

The only person who would appear in a place like this is the person who has been living in this house.

I grabbed her wrist and to my surprise, she dissolved my force with just one deft move, cupping my chin with her other hand and putting the medicine in my mouth.

It was like a sweet spring flowing down my throat, clear and sweet and cold, very pleasant and instantly dissolved the pain inside.

“Don’t you say a word, here’s another one for the little girl, you don’t have burns on your back, get out of here quickly and run all the way down the tunnel, the little girl is stunned.”

She said and let go of me.

I sat in the darkness for a while catching my breath and I did feel better, I felt her looking at me as I was looking at her too.

Who the hell was this person? Why would you make a burglar-proof mechanism in your own drawer that would spontaneously combust.

After dwelling on it for a while, I decided it was better to go and find Yiyi Wu first. She had just inhaled the poisonous gas too, and if she was not treated in time, she would be in danger.

And this woman’s kung fu is not weak, I may not be able to beat her now, and even if I could, there is no need to, she is my saviour anyway.

I said to her in the darkness, “Many thanks.”

Wu Yi Yi was lying less than twenty metres away from me, not moving, but I felt her pulse and it was still breathing, so she should have just been scared.

I picked her up on my back and felt the wall and walked outside for about twenty minutes before I saw the sky outside.

It was very stuffy in this cave and once I was outside, my whole body felt like my chest was hollow.

Soon, the mobile phone on Wu Yi Yi’s body rang. I took it out and saw that it was Moon Man Gong calling.

“Yi Yi, where are you guys? How come Zhang Chao’s phone couldn’t get through, the building reignited, how come I didn’t find you two?!”

I said, “Yue Man Gong, it’s me, I’m in the back of the mountain.”

“Why did you run so far?”

“It’s a long story. But we’re all okay. How’s the fire in the house now?”

“Out, but there’s nothing left to burn in the bas*ment, not even the frame, and the firemen are already here. They’re going to focus on the Thousand Doors this time, two serious fires in just two days at the Thousand Fists, luckily there were no casualties. I’ll send for you, you can’t walk that much on your feet.”

My knee was already swollen with pain and my skin felt like it was tearing, something you’re bound to experience in rehab, it was unbearable, but I didn’t take it seriously.

I said, “Forget it, it’s a bad place to find, I’ll be right back.”

I fed Wu Yi Yi a pill and then stood guard at the entrance of the cave, which obviously couldn’t hold people for long, and she would come out of the cave after a while.

Who the hell was this person? She wasn’t the same person as the one who had held me captive either, or she wouldn’t have saved me.

To be able to dig such a long tunnel at the Thousand Gates, this was something Hu Xingren must have known about. These two people were definitely hidden by Hu Xingren, but it looked like the middle-aged couple could move freely; they didn’t look like they were imprisoned, but rather like they were living here in seclusion.

This was too strange, and judging from her skills, she was a member of the jianghu. This person’s skills were probably no better than Moon Man Bow, yes they must be better than most of the people in the Thousand Fists Pavilion, why would someone with such good skills live in seclusion? Could she be a fugitive?

I will see today who this person really is, and it won’t be long before she comes out of the cave.