Wealthy Chapter 386

“Damn, why is this grandson so impulsive.”

Meng Meng said, “Captain, I’ll take someone to stop him now. He’s carrying a gun, we can arrest him.”

I said, “Don’t! We don’t have much time, and if he won’t talk then that’s bad.”

“We have to bring him back even if he won’t talk, we always have to try him. It can’t be that he’s been converted to tell us everything that happened before and after on his own.” Monk said.

I rubbed my temples, “You keep an eye on him, you mustn’t let anything happen to him! And definitely no one must get killed.”

“But Captain.”

“That’s an order, you can’t go wrong by listening to me.”

“Fine. This Richard Jiang’s wife is really something, she’s like this and still can’t be bothered to get a divorce, can’t you live without a man.”

I laughed out loud and said, “Okay, I’ll have to deal with Richard Jiang sooner or later, but for now I’ll use him. I’ll call He Bi first and persuade him.”

After I hung up with Meng Meng, I immediately called He Bi, but I didn’t realize that my phone was running low on battery.

With the last bit of electricity, I called He Bi.

Luckily, He Bi answered the phone, but he sounded very upset and tired.

“Dr Zhao said you weren’t at the hospital.”

“Tao Zhengyang’s parents are here. Do you need anything? I’ll hang up if there’s nothing.”

“You wait. Don’t worry, I’ve already got someone to warn Jiang Kai, so don’t worry.”

“Richard Jiang was discharged from the hospital early, and as soon as he came home, he locked Jiang Yang and her mother and daughter in the house. Today I was at school and he called to give Jiang Yang a leave of absence. I called the police and they said it was a family matter and they couldn’t control it. Now Tao Zhengyang has been beaten up, I called the police and they said they had no evidence to arrest him. Should we just let him get away with it?!”

“Then what are you going to do?”

He Bi said in despair, “I don’t know, what else can I do?”

The guy was indeed a good teacher or he would have left this alone.

“You wait for now, first thing tomorrow morning my friend will bring someone over to talk to him. As long as he still wants to live in Tong, he’ll be honest.”

After a while, He Bi let out a long sigh, “Okay.”

Unbeknownst to me, after the phone call, He Bi went home and closed the curtains, while throwing the new toy gun in his briefcase into the trash.

At that time, Meng Meng only thought that He Bi had figured it out and had gone home to draw the curtains and prepare for sleep, not thinking further.

I couldn’t have imagined that this was just a test run by He Bi, who knew that he was being monitored and was being watched by the police and had to move.

Of course, at this point, He Bi couldn’t have imagined that we could see more than just that camera outside his house, we could access any Sky Eye camera in the city of Tong. As soon as he was on the road in any public place, Mon Mon would be able to identify him immediately and he would have no way to escape.

He changed his clothes, put on a wig and a hat, put on a beard and stood in front of the mirror to look at him and make sure that even he couldn’t recognise himself.

To escape, tonight was the best time to do so.

But as he grabbed his briefcase and pulled out his wallet and ID, he flipped over to the lesson plan for today’s cla*s.

Could he really run? What would Jiang Yang do if he ran.

Anyway, after I hung up the phone, I asked Meng Meng twenty minutes later how the surveillance was going. Meng Meng told me that He Bi had gone home and that his door had not been opened since then and that He Bi had not left.

I was relieved to hear that I had instructed Meng Meng on the phone that I must not alarm He Bi again before I returned. Recently He Bi may try to escape, constant monitoring, no matter where he runs to, before I give the order, as long as the monitoring, absolutely do not alarm him.

After these phone calls, it was almost dawn, my eyelids were too heavy to lift, and I closed my eyes to fall into a deep sleep.

I had a very strange dream about a particularly beautiful woman with a blurred face.

I didn’t know her, but in the dream I knew she was my mother. I ran after her and managed to catch up with her and looked at her but her appearance had changed, then she was particularly far away from me again and when I chased her, her appearance had changed again.

I woke up sore and tired and couldn’t get up. When I think about the dream I still feel weird, maybe I was too tired last night to dream about such strange things.

The police station was already at work, the snow leopards were on duty to watch over Moon Man Mountain, and Moon Man Bow had gone to the hospital to change his medication and had returned.

All of us were standing by, waiting for Yue Zhengjun to make his move.

We all thought that Yue Zhengjun would come to our door early in the morning, but it was not until nine o’clock, when we had finished breakfast and were bored in the office, that there was no movement.

We didn’t even get a phone call, not to mention the Moon Army’s people.

At noon, Xia Gehuai couldn’t sit still any longer and came over to ask me what to do.

“Yue Zhengjun won’t leave his son alone, will he? If that’s the case we’ll have to follow the procedure and send him to Tong City after the case is filed.”

“Let’s wait a bit longer.”

In fact, my heart was even more anxious than Xia Gehuai’s, if Yue Zhengjun was really planning to use the word delay, then we would be playing ruined.

Xia Shan County is really bored, Xia Ge Huai is right, sometimes not even a case a day, the police have nothing to do when they go out to patrol, after a round of patrol back still nothing.

It’s a simple place with good security, but when you put someone down here, it’s like asking them to retire here and give up all attempts at a career.

Moonman Bow was nervous too, and although he didn’t say anything, he kept pacing back and forth in the corridor.

Yue Mangshan is a hot potato, and if Yue Zhengjun intends to drag it out, we still have to manage the food. And it’s illegal to detain Yue Manshan like this. If we drag it out for a few days, maybe the guys in the police station will even have to eat disciplinary action.

But Xia Gehuai rea*sured me that no one would hold it against me: “There won’t be a single vicious a*sault here for a year and a half, and this time it was an attempted murder. When people found out the truth about Liu Rong’s bullying of Lin Yue’er, they were all very angry. That’s why everyone in our office is with us this time!”

Yue Man Gong also expressed to me that there was no way his dad would leave his brother alone.

“My dad only had my brother in his forties. He had me again in order for the Yue family to have a suitable descendant to inherit, but in the end he chose my brother. If something happened to my brother and he hated me that much, the sons of my two uncles’ families could potentially inherit the Yue family, and my dad wouldn’t stand by and watch that happen.”

Confused, I said, “I’ve heard that only the main family in your family is off limits to the rest of the family and that no one else can enter the jungle. So do your uncle’s sons know kung fu?”

Yue Man Gong shook his head, “Yes, but only three fists and two kicks. But not everyone in the eight families knows kung fu, and none of Zhao Zichen’s family does. If the position of head of the Yue family fell to my two uncles, either Yue Manshan and my father would be their bodyguards or the Yue family would fall, just like the Zhao family. This is something my dad could never endure, and it would be more painful for him than his extinction. You wait a little longer, my dad is a ruthless man, he won’t compromise that quickly, but he will.”

With this word from Moon Man Bow, we took a piece of mind.

Since Yue Zhengjun had offered the word delay, we had no choice but to play along, and whoever delayed until the end would be the winner.

We waited until the afternoon and were so bored that Yue Man Gong and I went to see Yue Man Shan once in the middle of our boredom.

Although his hands and feet were locked in several locks, he looked as if he was sitting there enjoying himself.