Wealthy Chapter 138

Amidst the noise of discussion, I said to the bearded man with the face of a pig’s liver, “Are you still playing? Or have you had enough of scamming and seen it take forever?”

The woman asked irritably, “What do you mean?!”

I laughed, “Actually, my brother just saw that you were cheating, and he said it was definitely the case. As the saying goes, a novice is afraid of a veteran, and a veteran is afraid of a thousand hands. If you two are cheating, how can these two kids beat you? My brother was so eager to do justice, but he couldn’t catch you cheating on the spot, so I had to take advantage of the game to win back the $5,000. Are you guys just going to go along with it and lose enough for my five grand before you leave, or do you have to swallow the money?”

“When did we cheat? You’re the one who cheated, it couldn’t have been more obvious!”

“Did you catch it? You’re not a liar? If you say you didn’t cheat, then how come you lost to a novice like me?” I laughed.

The woman was tempted to withdraw, but the bearded man’s anger had been aroused by me, and with his hands propped up on the table, he glared at me, “F**k you, I’m afraid of you! Let’s play, I’ll play a big game with you! I’ll win or lose!”

At this point, the rest of the people in the room could see what was going on, they didn’t care so much about whether I was cheating or not, they cared more about finding out how I was cheating.

I smiled and walked over to the woman and tapped her on the shoulder, she was shocked.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not going to eat you again. To be fair, you deal the cards.”

The bearded man was worried about how to get the woman to deal the cards, but he didn’t think I would take the initiative. The woman was very reluctant to play this game, but she had no choice but to play along as the bearded man was highly motivated.

“How do you want to play?” The woman asked, looking at us both.

I smiled and said, “Well, gambling is all about luck. If you’re lucky, it’s the same no matter how you play, so why don’t you tell me what big bet you want to make with me?”

The bearded man followed my pose, propped his hands on the table, leaned over and said with a sneer, “If you win, I’ll give you back all the money, and if you win, it’s the same. We’ll win or lose in one hand. ”

He and I stared at each other for a moment, and in the midst of the breathless silence, I sneered, “That’s no big deal.”

“Then what do you say to a bet?”

“I win, you and your woman get the hell out of here. You win, the three of us go. It’s so windy, whoever goes out will die, a game of life and death, do you dare to play. If you don’t dare, admit your guilt early and I’ll spare your life.”

I was deliberately provoking him, and the woman was already trembling when she heard this, but the bearded man was so angry that his face turned red and he clenched his fist and said, “I’ll play along. Let’s bet on the size of the bet, one card to determine the winner.”

The woman sniffed and dealt the cards, I kept my eyes on the bearded man and didn’t even look at the woman, I didn’t care if she was cheating or not.

“You open first.” The bearded man said to me.

I smiled and cupped my cards in my hand. When he finished, he uncovered and looked at his cards, cursed when he was done, then couldn’t wait for me to open them and turned the bottom card over straight away, the ace of spades.

“That’s the biggest card there is.” The bearded man said to me, “I’m going to win, dammit!”

With those words, he came over to take the money from my table, which I held down with a slap.

“You want to cheat?!”

I shook my head, “You could have at least waited until I opened the cards and looked at them.”

The bearded man looked at me in disbelief, he didn’t understand what I was doing, he already had the biggest hand of all, there was no way I could beat him.

The others reacted in a similar way, muttering what was going on with me, wasn’t this a losing position?

At this point Touji slowly turned around and turned his duck cap right around with the zip up as high as it would go, and I looked at him with this weird look on his face and asked, “What are you doing?”

Baldy’s face was expressionless as he said, “Getting ready to get out of here.”

Old Gump’s reaction was similar to Baldy’s, except that Old Gump was older and not as calm as Baldy.

I cried and laughed, “You could at least look at my cards.”

I said, turning my cards over.

On the face of the card was a colourful joker that was jeering silently at the bearded man and the woman.

The king, right on the head of the ace of spades.

The whole room was silent, everyone was dumbfounded, staring at the coloured king in disbelief.

I said, “I don’t really know how to play poker, but this is the biggest card in the deck, right?”

“No way, you’re cheating, I’ve already drawn the big and small kings out of this deck!” The woman pointed at my nose and said loudly.

A pair of eyes flocked to me, an anger that wanted to execute me on the spot burned towards me, and those present surrounded the three of us in a group. Baldy wasn’t scared at all, but Old Gump was terrified enough.

The bearded man cursed a F**k and asked, “What else do you F**king want to say?”

I took the big king, held it between two fingers, looked back and forth, then smiled.

“What are you laughing at? You’re F**king cheating and you have the face to laugh?!”

I nodded, “I did cheat, didn’t I?”

Everyone was furious, not expecting me to admit it at all, and Lao Gan’s face was ashen, a sense of helplessness at the mercy of God.

I looked at the woman with the poker cards between my two fingers and said, “As the saying goes, a novice fears a veteran, a veteran fears a thousand hands, and what do you know that a thousand hands fear?”

I walked up to her, the woman was undaunted and tilted her head up to stare at me.

Full, I took the card and stuck it into the deep gash in the middle of her chest and she froze, not reacting to what I was going to do.

I suddenly pushed hard, the card was like a sharp blade, and at once it separated her clothes, two white soft flesh like rabbits popped out, the woman was shocked, hands clutching her chest, luckily she covered up in time, did not go naked, but the spectators were looking dumb ……

For, from the clothes on her chest, a floor of playing cards fell out, which were exactly the same as the cards we were using.

“A thousand hands is most fearful of missing a hand.” I chuckled in her ear, “Missing a hand means chopping it off.”

The woman was paralyzed and fell to the ground on her butt. She looked at the floor of playing cards and knew that she had completely “lost” her hand today.

I threw the king into the pile of cards on the floor: “I was cheating and borrowed a king from your deck, so I’m returning it to you.”

The bearded man and the woman both knew they had lost completely!

I took all the money from the bearded man’s table and threw some of it back to the two boys and gave the rest to Lao Gan, who was delighted.

“Young master, you’re really something! I was worried that you would lose ……”

I smiled and put my arm around Old Gan’s shoulder, “Uncle Gan, you can follow me with confidence from now on, I am a person who knows the least about losing.”