Skillful Guard Chapter 569

The room is simple.

It was filled with a faint scent of medicine.

At this moment, Bai Mucheng was lying on the bed, fiddling with her mobile phone, she looked about 17 or 18 years old, and as Zhao Tuhao said, she was also extremely beautiful, but unfortunately, her face was pale and could not see any blood, and her body was also extremely delicate, that is, she was lying on the bed, if she was standing, Qin Hai felt that a gust of wind could blow her down.


Bai Muqing looked up after hearing someone enter and said, “Didn’t you go to the auction?”

“It’s finished.”

Bai Long walked quickly to the bedside, with more than a little doting in his eyes, “Why are you still playing with your phone, it’s not good for your eyes.”

“It’s fine.” Bai Mucheng said with a smile, “Did you get any good shots today?”


Bai Long responded with a smile.

He had indeed auctioned a few trinkets as well and told Bai Muqing about them right away, taking this grandfather and grandson to finish before Bai Muqing noticed Qin Hai and asked in confusion, “Grandpa, who is he?”

“He is a friend I met today.” Bai Long smiled, “Came to check your body.”

Bai modelled a pair of big eyes to look at Qin Hai, more or less suspicious, this girl also knew her health condition, some older saintly and famous doctors could be helpless, and Qin Hai looked much younger and did not look like a doctor.

“You’re a doctor?” Bai Muqing asked curiously.

“Not really.” Qin Hai Hai said.

“Then you can cure my illness?” Bai Muqing blinked his eyes.

On the side, Bai Long snapped his face up and said, “Nonsense, Mu Qing is not sick, Hai Hai is here to check your body.”

Bai Muqing spat out her tongue, “I know my health condition.”

A flash of pain flashed in Bai Long’s eyes and he hurriedly looked at Qin Dahai, who stepped forward and gestured, “Hold out your right hand.”

Bai Muqing cooperated and stretched out his right hand, Qin Dahai took his pulse, and after about ten seconds, he got up and walked to the side to get a cup full of water, and there was a silver needle in his hand at some point, Bai Muqing was obviously afraid of this needle, and his eyes dodged a little: “Do you need to stick the needle again?”

“The sea?” Bai Long was also distressed.

Qin Dahai said, “It’s alright, just taking a drop of blood to see.”


Bai Long was also willing to give up and said, “Mu Qing, it will only take a moment, it doesn’t hurt.”

Bai Muqing looked for a nod.

The two grandparents were amazed, but Qin Dahai was able to stab the silver needles into the blood vessels, and Bai Muqing closed his eyes instinctively, but soon opened them in surprise.

“It seems …… a little comfortable ……”

Bai Mucheng said incredulously.

Qin Hai but did not say anything, at this time the silver needles are piercing into Bai Mucheng body, he slightly twisted, then quickly pull out the silver needles, between the needles at this time covered with a layer of red blood film, in the light can clearly see its flow non-stop, but did not slip off, this technique let Bai Long surprised incomparable, the heart of a few more confidence.

Throwing the silver needle into the cup, the drop of blood soon blended into the water, Qin Dahai shook it and put it between his nostrils to smell it again, then frowned.

“Hai Hai, how is it?” Bai Long asked nervously.

And at this time Bai Jiquan and his wife also walked in, both of them placing their eyes on Qin Dahai.

“Go out and talk.”

Qin Dahai got up and said.

Bai Muqing frowned: “Can’t I just listen?”

Bai Long hurriedly soothed Bai Muqing a few times, then pulled Qin Hai out, after closing the door of the room, Bai Long hurriedly placed his gaze on Qin Hai, who said, “It is indeed a bit troublesome as the illness is terminal.”

Just a bit of trouble?

The three of them were instantly shocked.

Zhao You, on the other hand, came over and said, “Don’t sell yourself short, old brother.”

“Blood marrow transformation is, by definition, a lesion that has accumulated over a long period of time, making the bone marrow’s ability to produce blood greatly weakened and the blood rejection ability almost zero.” Qin Dahai said in a deep voice, “If I’m right, she just accidentally cut her finger and had to be weakened for a while, right?”


The middle-aged beauty was busy nodding and said, “A few months ago, she accidentally scraped the back of her hand and as a result, she was lying in bed for over a week and couldn’t get out of bed.”

“Is there anything that can be done?” Bai Jiquan said in a deep voice.

Qin Hai Hai said indifferently, “There is.”

The three men must have been suddenly lifted up in spirit.

Qin Hai Hai said, “Pen and paper.”

Soon a pen and paper was handed to him, and Qin Dahai swiftly wrote down as many as thirty herbs.

Blood transformation?

Difficult to cure?

Although he could not understand the cause of Bai Muqing’s illness, he could still cure the blood mutation in her body.

“Is that enough?”

Bai Long looked at the dense writing on the paper and was busy asking again.

Qin Dahai smiled and said, “Enough.”

If Qin Hai made the slightest move, he was afraid that this guy would simply give an order to the hidden sentries lurking around to kill him. Noticing his difference, Bai Long shouted in a deep voice, “Sit down!”

Although Bai Jiquan sat down, there was no trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Qin Hai did not care, but took out the blood jade stone, took the Kun Wu knife and cut it, soon a layer of powder kept slipping down into the cup, this technique made Bai Ji Quan’s pupils contract, his heart was amazed.

After this blood jade stone had thinned a layer, Qin Hai handed the quilt to Bai Long and said, “Rinse a spoonful every day before going to bed, get the herbs ready, and treat it in three days.”


Looking at the blood jade stone powder in the cup.

Bai Long nodded his head excitedly.

Qin Dahai paused and added, “I am afraid that the blood marrow mutation in Bai Muqing’s body is caused by the radiation of foreign objects, you should have quite a few antiques in your collection, perhaps which one has the aura of Yin and Evil, plus her physique is quite a bit special, her resistance ability is already strangely poor, it is better not to let her touch it in the future.”


Bai Long said solemnly, “I will take it to heart.”

“You should also play less with electromagnetic radiation items like mobile phones.” Qin Hai shook his head and said, “It’s better to have less exposure before there is a cure.”

“Good!” Bai Long was busy responding.

Qin Hai got up and said, “It’s late, I won’t stay long, I will come back in three days.”

He was also anxious to go back.

To experience the powerful effects of the Nine Dragon Divine Seal on his body.

If the Blood Jade Stone was refined with a few herbs and the Nine Dragon Divine Seal was added to improve the operation of the true qi in his body, he thought that it would not take long for his strength to rise to a higher level.