All For You Chapter 1691

Before Yu Yuehan could hand the phone to Nian Xiaomu, a small fat hand had already taken the phone away from his hand.

Skillfully, he positioned the handset to his own ear.

“Shangxin Aunt~”

A milky voice greeted.

That sweet and sticky voice could really crisp people up.

She let go of the hand holding Nian Xiaomu and climbed into her seat herself, answering all questions.

“Little brother Su doesn’t miss little Liu Liu? Little Liu Liu is at Grandpa Tai’s house, so soon we can go back to see little brother.”

“Poopie is in wow, so is grandma Tai, grandpa Tai won’t let poopie get married, grandma Tai agreed as soon as she came.”

“Little Liu Liu is not a flower girl, Little Liu Liu is a credit to me, I now have two little brothers to mess with ……”


Nian Xiaomu looked at the little glutinous rice dumpling who was chatting with Shang Xin and knew her better than she did with a stunned expression, and looked at Old Lady Yu in bewilderment.

Old Lady Yu smiled.

“During the time you guys were away, Little Liu Liu pestered me every day, asking me to take her to the hospital to see her little brother, I didn’t understand what was going on at first, or she held my hand and found Mr Tang and Shang Xin’s ward, hugging people’s bellies and refusing to let go, saying that she wanted to cultivate a relationship with her little brother in advance.”

Old Lady Yu said here, couldn’t help but laugh.

Going to see the little brother and talking to herself alone to Shang Xin’s belly was still a small matter.

She also packed all sorts of snacks and toys from home into her little backpack and carried them to the hospital to share with her brother.

Mrs. Yu couldn’t stop her no matter how.

Even the two ugly snowmen in the fridge that she couldn’t even stand to look at, Little Liu Liu wanted to take them with her.

It was only when Old Lady Yu lied to her and told her that her little brother was still too young to look at cold things, what if he was born like Yu Yuehan and had an icy temperament, that Little Liu Liu was dissuaded from the idea.

But after that, Little Liu Liu went to see her brother every day.

It wasn’t until the doctor reminded him that children have weak resistance and should not be in and out of the hospital too often that Xiao Liu Liu became obsessed with talking to Shang Xin on the phone again.

Every day before going to bed, she had to say good night to her brother, otherwise she would get up in the middle of the night and ask her if her little brother was asleep ……

For those who don’t know, when they see her clinging to Shang Xin so much, they would think that Shang Xin is her real mother and the one in her belly is her real brother!

“If Aunt Shangxin looks good, her little brother will look good too, Little Liu Liu will have to take up a place in advance and adopt her little brother!”

Little Glutinous Rice Dumpling, who was on the phone, heard Old Lady Yu’s words and fervently explained for herself.

Her little hand even reached over and touched Nian Xiaomu’s tummy, curling her eyebrows with a smile.

“Ma Ma has a younger brother, Aunt Shang Xin has a younger brother, when will Aunt Avalanche give Little Liu Liu a younger brother too?”


As soon as her words left her mouth, Nian Xiaomu caught a glimpse of Mo Eternal’s figure approaching them out of the corner of her eye and immediately reached out to cover her little mouth.


Nian Xiaomu twisted her head and glanced to make sure Mo Eternal didn’t hear her, and quickly reminded, “Little Liu Liu, you can’t say this in front of your Uncle Eternal, something big will happen!”

“Oh.” Little Liu Liu nodded with a dumbfounded look, thought for a moment, and then asked without understanding.

“Why is Uncle Eternal angry? I even heard him hugging Aunt Zheng Yan yesterday and saying that he asked her to give him a baby, he doesn’t like little brothers bah? I actually like little sisters too ……”

Nian Xiaomu: “……”!!!

There’s still this going on?

Little Liu Liu, you know too much!