Wonder Doctor Chapter 791-792

Chapter 791

“There’s something!”

Lin Ran thought of that word almost instantly.

But before he could react, a huge and pitch-black object poked out from inside the crack, it looked like one of the legs of some animal, and after appearing it landed directly behind the Yue family, blocking their path of retreat.

Following that, the thing slashed forward violently, just like a huge slab of stone, pushing all of the Yue family towards the inside of the crack.

“No! What is this thing, what the hell is it doing!”

Yue Feng’s entire body was dumbfounded, he didn’t know exactly what the other party was, but this power was simply not something he could fight against!


Suddenly, a sharp voice shot straight up into the clouds, shaking the sky with dust, and Lin Ran finally saw it at that moment.

In the dust that filled the sky ahead, two things that seemed like ghostly fire appeared, seemingly the eyes of some kind of creature, which looked at his direction from afar, and suddenly actually opened its bloody mouth.

With that tentacle, it directly pushed all the Yue family members into its mouth, including Yue Feng.

Before Yue Feng could even make any response, the huge blood-basin mouth directly closed up, and a dozen Yue Clan members, including Yue Feng, fell without even making a single wave.

“Goo dong!”

Lin Ran and Li Sheng took several steps back at the same time as they watched, their faces filled with shock.

“This ….. What the hell is this thing!”

Li Sheng asked nervously, he had never seen this thing before.

“I wanted to ask too!”

Lin Ran was equally dumbfounded, he had never heard of the Ten Thousand Treasure Spell Formation and this thing before.

Even the concept of magical beasts was something he had only heard mentioned in the Pillow Book when he had encountered a magical lynx before.

“Pillow Book!”

Lin Ran suddenly remembered this guy and hurriedly shouted in his mind.

“Don’t F**king sleep, hurry up and see what the hell that is!”

“What’s that?”

With a dumbfounded look, Pillow Book raised his head to look and his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Holy Sh*t! A devil lynx this big, this is probably the Devil Lynx Ancestor!”

“Demon lynx ancestor? You can’t just say rat ancestor!”

Lin Ran said without good humour.

“I’m afraid a devil lynx this big was left over from the last war and has lived for such a long time to grow this big!”

Pillowbook marvelled.

“What now? Yue Feng has already been eaten by it!”

Lin Ran asked busily.

“What to do? Run, of course! Such a big devil lynx with a hard skin that no one but an Immortal Emperor can even fight it, touching it is your death!”

The pillow said.

“Of course, if you can guarantee that you won’t die if he swallows you, then you still have a chance.

Pillow Book laughed.

“Bah! Can’t you talk, I’ve got nothing to do, find him to swallow!”

Lin Ran gave him a blank look, followed by greeting Li Sheng to hurry up and run, while telling him about his encounter with the magic lynx.

“You said this is a magical beast?”

Li Sheng listened with a dumbfounded expression, he had never seen a magical beast before either, this was the first time he had seen one.

“Never mind what it is, hurry up and run, it’s just a rat and the ancestor of rats can easily get us killed!”

Lin Ran said helplessly.

The two men had already run out several miles as they spoke, and the huge abyss behind them gradually faded out of sight.

But just as the two practiced taking a breath, the earth in front of them unexpectedly began to tremble as well, followed by a huge crack that fiercely appeared, apparently the demonic lynx ancestor had come again.

“Holy Sh*t! This isn’t going to spare us both!”

Lin Ran couldn’t help but curse, while pulling Li Sheng up and turning his head to run again.

“Kid, remember how I told you before that this devil lynx lives in packs? You got rid of a small one, looks like you’re being targeted by this big one here!”

Pillowbook laughed.

“Sh*t! It’s so big, that little one doesn’t know how many times heavier than its grandchildren, is it necessary to be so serious?”

Lin Ran cursed angrily.

“That can’t be helped, who let you kill someone’s grandson and run to their old man’s territory, if you don’t mess with you, who will!”

Pillow Book laughed.

“Don’t be smug there, you’re buried in its belly forever even after my death, by the time you get back your Immortal Emperor will have lost all his bones!”

Lin Ran disliked.

“You don’t need to use excitement anywhere, I already have no hope for the Immortal Emperor’s survival, otherwise with the Immortal Emperor’s ability I’m afraid he would have come to me already!”

Pillow’s indifferent attitude really made Lin Ran a little speechless.

“Why are you running this way, turn around!”

Suddenly Pillow Book’s voice rang out.

“What’s wrong?”

Lin Ran was stunned, he hadn’t run wrong ah, just now a crack appeared behind him that demon lynx ancestor must have come out from behind, where did he go wrong by running forward?

“Stupid, do you think that demon lynx is stupid? I told you they have a high level of intelligence!”

The pillow scolded.

As soon as his words fell, a gap opened violently in the ground in front of him, followed by a bloody mouth poking out directly, not even giving the two Lin Ran time to explain, a large area collapsed directly and poured in towards the devil lynx’s mouth.


Lin Ran’s teeth bared, this Devil Lynx Ancestor had directly swallowed a large area of land just to mess with him, this was simply not prepared to give him a chance to live.

“What should we do?”

Looking at the sky rapidly darkening down, in the blink of an eye, he was about to enter the belly of the old devil lynx ancestor and become someone’s dung in two days, Lin Ran was also anxious.

“Looks like you really have to kill your way out of his belly!”

The pillow said helplessly.

“Brother Lin Ran!”

To the side, came Li Sheng’s terrified voice, by this point he was in utter despair.

“If you can get out, say to my father on my behalf that I’m sorry!”

“Cut the crap! You have to get out alive too!”

Lin Ran said angrily, while saying back.

“Don’t resist!”

He said as he grabbed Li Sheng next to him, his mind busy urging.

“Hurry up and take him into your space, or he’ll really die!”

“No problem!”

The pillow was not polite, and directly took Li Sheng in with a wave of her small hand.

“What about you?”

Pillow Book asked.

“I don’t know, if I go in too, then none of us will be able to get out!”

Lin Ran said helplessly, while hastily mobilising his entire body’s Healing Dao True Qi to protect his body, lest he be corrupted to death by the stomach fluids of this terrifying Demon Lynx Ancestor.

The endless land was swallowed by this Devil Lynx Ancestor straight away, and Lin Ran’s eyes were pitch black as he stumbled and fell, not knowing how long it would take before his surroundings completely calmed down.

But then he felt weightlessness, as if the old devil lynx ancestor outside was making a lift, and he also felt weightlessness clearly inside.

Luckily, the weightlessness didn’t last long and everything quietened down. The ground beneath his feet made Lin Ran’s heart slightly calmer, but as soon as there was the thought that he was inside this guy’s stomach at the moment, he got goose bumps all over his body.

He couldn’t help but think of the time when he was watching the Journey to the West and the Monkey King ran into the belly of Princess Iron Fan.

“I never thought that I, Lin Ran, could be the Monkey King once in my life. When will it end?”

Sitting in place, Lin Ran didn’t dare to move around, just wanting to adapt to the darkness here as soon as possible so that his eyesight could recover first.

His eyesight was good, but there was no absolute light source in his stomach, so he had to adapt slowly even if his eyesight was good.

Chapter 792

Darkness, darkness everywhere, and even terribly quiet, Lin Ran couldn’t imagine that he would be in the belly of a huge magical beast all the time, the key was that he couldn’t even hear this guy’s heartbeat here, Lin Ran really doubted if this guy had a heart or not.


Suddenly, there was a slight tremor and a hazy red light suddenly lit up around him, Lin Ran only felt an object on his body trembling rapidly, he was busy taking it out and found that it was Yue Feng’s short sword.

He had grabbed this short sword at the hotel at first, and on his way to attend the Ten Thousand Treasures Spell Formation, Yue Shan had tried to take it back by force, not realising that here it was having a strange movement.

Holding the dark red short sword that kept trembling, Lin Ran noticed that the red light around him was getting more and more dense, and then the scene around him actually brightened up.

However, these red lights were all surrounding the dark red short sword, neither approaching nor moving away from it, as if there was something on this short sword that attracted them, but kept them from approaching.

“Hmm? What’s that in front of you?”

Suddenly, Lin Ran noticed that not far ahead of himself, there was actually a long and very bright bright light, also red, and he hurriedly touched it, only to find that it was none other than another dark red short sword.

“Yue Feng is around here?”

This was Lin Ran’s first thought, one of the two short swords he had, and the other was in Yue Feng’s hand, at this moment the short sword appeared here, that could only mean that Yue Feng must be nearby.


Lin Ran picked up the short swords, both of which were raised above his head, and immediately the scene around him brightened up.

He only saw that there was a large space here, making a basketball court size, surrounded by red flesh, so obviously he was really in the belly of the Demon Lynx Elder.

And at that moment, at his feet, there was still a piece of land left, but it was very small, and all around the land was black liquid, I don’t know if it was the guy’s stomach fluid.

And on one side, near the direction of the fleshy wall, there were a dozen corpses lying, none other than the Yue family members who had been swallowed by the devil lynx in one bite, Lin Ran rummaged around carefully and found that Yue Feng was also in there, but at this moment, these people had all started to decay, apparently they had been digested by this devil lynx old man’s stomach fluid.


Suddenly, Lin Ran realised that something wasn’t quite right.

“One has logically been in for half a day, but how come there are no signs of decay on one’s body, and the two dark red short swords don’t show signs of decay either.”

Lin Ran looked at the pile once again and found that many of the magic weapons inside had decayed, but the two short swords in his own hands were the only ones that had not decayed, which was a little strange.

“Kid! Guess what I found?”

Suddenly the pillow’s voice rang out.


Lin Ran asked busily.

“These red mists… Guess what they are?”

“Don’t be so secretive at this point, hurry up and tell me!”

Lin Ran said without good humour.

“How uninteresting!”

Pillow said helplessly and followed with an explanation.

“This red mist is the stuff you found at the herb exchange back then, the venom that was attached to the herbs!”


Lin Ran was stunned to hear this, somewhat incredulous.

But then he seemed to understand something.

“Those herbs came from Fengling Town, and this devil lynx also has them in its body, could it be that all that venom was secreted by this devil lynx?”

“We don’t know this for now, but those venoms are definitely unrelated to this Devil Lynx’s old ancestor, and if you think about it, this Devil Lynx’s venom is biased towards these two short swords of the Yue Family, doesn’t this also hint at a problem?”

The Pillow Book said.

“You mean that the Yue family has something to do with this old devil lynx ancestor?”

Lin Ran said incredulously, the Yue family was always outside, and this Devil Lynx Ancestor looked like he was always in the Ten Thousand Treasures Spell Formation, how were they both connected? Lin Ran was puzzled.

“Don’t think about it so much, just at least show that there is some sort of relationship, now is not the time to think about that!”

The pillow said.


Lin Ran nodded in agreement, no matter what relationship the Yue family had with this Devil Lynx Ancestor, now was not the time to think about it, right now he had to hurry up and find a way to get out of here, otherwise he could really become food for the Devil Lynx at any moment.


“What now?”

Lin Ran asked, now that he was inside the devil lynx, he was really a bit helpless.

“This way, just screw him to death!”

Pillowbook laughed.

“I’ll guide you in the direction, you just kill it all the way there, once you break its heart, even the most bullish magical beasts will have to die!”


Lin Ran nodded, while preparing to take out his own dagger.

However, on second thought, no magic weapon could carry the load here, and only these two short swords in his hands could, so he simply didn’t use his own magic weapon either, and took the two dark red short swords and went straight to work.

“This is it! Let’s begin!”

Pillow Book chose a place and directly gestured for Lin Ran to begin.

Lin Ran also talked nonsense, his eyes narrowed slightly, his body while a true qi wrapped itself around him, followed by his hands opening up and slicing directly inside the Demon Lynx Old Man’s body.


A piercing sound sounded, each sound sounded at the same time, a piece of flesh and blood in front of him was sliced open a slit, blood sprayed everywhere, good thing there was a true qi protecting his body, Lin Ran this was not poured into a bloody man.

“Is this old thing about to die, it’s not even responding!”

Lin Ran killed all the way out a dozen metres away, but this devil lynx was as good as dead, not even half reacting.

“What do you know, this old thing is so big, it takes a long time for its nerve reflexes to work, so cut the crap and hurry up and kill it!”

Pillow Book urged.

Lin Ran nodded and went about his business once again.

In fact he really did mutter about the size of this devil lynx, at this time he opened a dozen meters of mouth, but to others is like an adult body by a mosquito bite, not at all painful or itchy.

Lin Ran saw this and didn’t delay, running wildly all the way to “kill God and Buddha!” In just one hour, he had killed several hundred metres, but he still couldn’t see where the heart was.

“Don’t worry, if my calculations are correct, you’ve only just reached the stomach wall!”

Pillow Book laughed.

“Holy Sh*t!”

Lin Ran was so angry that he simply wanted to curse, these few hundred meters had already made his hands and feet sore, but now the pillow side book said that he had only just killed the stomach wall, this was simply playing with himself.

“Don’t worry, this thing’s internal structure is very simple, you just need to kill out the stomach, above it is definitely the heart wall, kill it and find the core and you’re not far from success!”

The pillow book laughed.

Lin Ran was helpless, what else could he do, he could only continue killing.

Sure enough, after just two minutes, Lin Ran did kill out of the stomach wall, and what appeared in front of him at that moment was a large ma*s of even stronger flesh wall, the very heart wall of this devil lynx.

“Go on!”

The pillow looked as if nothing was wrong.

Lin Ran was already exhausted and his clothes were soaked through, so he had no choice but to lie down in place and rest for a while, and only after his strength had almost recovered did he continue slashing.

When Lin Ran managed to squeeze into the heart of the devil lynx, the thing finally felt something and its whole body shuddered violently, followed by a violent tremor.

With Lin Ran inside it, he was knocked around so much that he was lucky to keep from falling out, not to mention continuing on.

“Hold on tight, this thing is very strong in life, after ten minutes the wounds behind it must have all healed, you hold on to your speed and soon you’ll be buried alive by his heart!”

Pillow Book urged.

“If I’d known that was the case, I wouldn’t have come in even if he’d bitten me to death! This is simply not human work!”

With a bitter look on his face, Lin Ran forced himself to steady himself and continued to kill his way towards the inside of the heart.