Wonder Doctor Chapter 2161

The cave was silent for a full moment before a scene inside appeared in front of the two as the formation in front of them quickly dissipated.

Lin Ran saw that inside the cave in front of him.

There was a stone pillar that was roughly a metre high.

At this moment, on the stone pillar, a white thing was being placed on it.

Lin Ran fixed his eyes on it and found that it was only the size of a palm, with a silvery white body.

There was just a small red dot in one of its positions.

Upon seeing this thing, Lin Ran instantly came to his senses.

“This is the flying shuttle!”

Lin Ran was about to rush over at once.

“Stand still!”

Yue Beishan, who was on the side, saw this and said in a cold voice.

Lin Ran stopped in his tracks at his words and looked at him.

“You’re still not leaving!”

“Go! Why should I leave, we haven’t even decided on a winner yet!”

Yue Beishan said in a cold voice.

“You go, without the flying shuttle you’re no match for me!”

Lin Ran said indifferently, turning around and continuing to walk towards the front.

“Stand still!”

Yue Beishan said angrily.

However, Lin Ran didn’t even bother with him.

“I told you to stand still!”

Yue Beishan was a little annoyed, and with a flip of his palm, a strong wind swept towards Lin Ran.

Lin Ran turned around and looked at him, his palm formed a sword finger and instantly a ray of sword mane struck out.


The sword mane instantly penetrated the strong wind and crashed into Yue Beishan’s entire body.

Yue Bei Shan’s entire body was directly knocked backwards and sent flying out.

It then smashed heavily onto the ground.


“Go away, my grudge with you ends here!”

Lin Ran turned around and didn’t bother with him.

“Lin Ran what the hell are you for! If you have the guts, you can kill me!”

Yue Bei Shan couldn’t understand.

Why was this guy still refusing to kill himself even now.

He himself had always wanted to kill him!

“What use would killing you be to me, to get me back?”

“If killing you can make me go back, I will definitely not be soft!”

“Just like back then, killing you would only send me over the edge!”

Lin Ran said as he turned to look at Yue Bei Shan.

“You have great natural talent, but it’s a pity that you were born into the Yue family!”

“What happened back then is still the same, I will still kill your whole family if I do it again!”

“Your home is a home, but the home of the people being killed is not a home?”

“If you still want to go back, live well, otherwise please help yourself!”

Lin Ran finished without paying him any mind, and with a wave of his palm, an instant array had separated him from Yue Bei Shan.

“Master Shu watch him!”

Lin Ran turned around and spoke to Pillow Book.

With the formation separating him and the strength of Pillowside Book, dealing with this Yue Beishan could still be resisted for a while.

Time was tight, and Lin Ran did not want to delay any longer, so he immediately walked towards the flying shuttle.


A few moments later, he came close to the flying shuttle.

Lin Ran finally saw the shuttle in its entirety.

The entire shuttle was only the size of a palm.

It was silvery white in colour, and in some places there was a bright flash of light.

When Lin Ran looked at it, he realised that the bright light on the shuttle was caused by the cross-section.

The whole shuttle was oval in shape, but on its surface there was an angular cross-section.

These cross-sections decorate the entire shuttle like a mirror, which is a wonderful sight.

And on one of the shuttle’s positions, a piece of the mirror was red in colour.

Apparently it was this piece of flying shuttle remnants that had just broken through the Lingshang armour and entered his body.

Yue Beishan was standing outside at this moment, watching Lin Ran standing in front of the flying shuttle with a cloudy expression on his face.

He didn’t know how many years he had guarded this flying shuttle before.

But it had never been able to be refined.

To be honest, he was curious in his heart as to whether Lin Ran could refine it or not.

If Lin Ran could really refine it, he would be doing himself a favour instead.

At least he wouldn’t have to think about revenge in the future.

Without the flying shuttle one wasn’t even a match for Lin Ran, if he had obtained it.

If he got the flying shuttle, then he would have almost no chance of fighting at all.


Lin Ran stood in front of him, naturally unaware of what this Yue Beishan was thinking.

Facing the flying shuttle in front of him, Lin Ran slowly extended his palm.

To be honest, he actually didn’t even know himself how exactly this flying shuttle was going to be refined.

He even tried to bring his power closer to the flying shuttle, but the shuttle was just like an iron lump, not reacting at all.

“Do you know how to refine this flying shuttle?”

Lin Ran asked the pillow book through his voice.

“I don’t know, this thing wasn’t even refined by the Immortal Emperor back then!”

“But Immortal Emperors can use it!”

Pillow Book returned.

“Try dropping your essence blood on it!”


Lin Ran nodded, the power couldn’t be injected into it, so he could only try this most crude method.

As soon as he said that he would do it, Lin Ran directly dropped a drop of his essence blood onto this flying shuttle only.

The surface of the shuttle was like a mirror, and the blood quickly slid down towards the side.

The entire silver-white flying shuttle had a bloodstain cut into it, looking very abrupt.

Lin Ran looked at the shuttle, expecting some connection to appear.

But in the end, he was disappointed, the shuttle didn’t react at all.

It was as if it was simply a rock.

“I I don’t know how many times I’ve used this method, do you think if it worked it would still wait for you to come over and refine it?”

Outside the formation, Yue Beishan sneered.

Originally, he was worried that Lin Ran had a way to refine this flying shuttle.

But now it seemed that this fellow, like himself, had no understanding of the flying shuttle at all!

Lin Ran didn’t pay any attention to him, his gaze fixed on the flying shuttle with a deadly gaze.

He was on a tight schedule himself, it had been a whole decade since he had made this trip out.

He honestly didn’t know what the Anti-Alliance was like nowadays.

But ten years could already change a lot of things, so he just wanted to get out sooner rather than later.

If the Anti-Union was really in a situation, at least he could still struggle a bit!

What was more important was that the people who were important to him were all in the Anti-Union!


Suddenly just when Lin Ran didn’t know what to do.

There was actually a tremor from the flying shuttle in front of him.

This tremor caused even Yue Beishan outside the formation to look stunned.

This kind of reaction was something he hadn’t encountered at all before.

“What’s going on? Why is this flying shuttle reacting to this kid!”

Yue Beishan was puzzled in his heart.

But at that very moment, the flying shuttle was slowly rising up from the stone platform.

The flying shuttle quickly rose to mid-air and followed the sharpest point of the shuttle as it turned towards Lin Ran.

Lin Ran couldn’t help but gulp at this scene.

Previously, even a fragment of the shuttle had been able to hit him without the ability to fight back.

Not to mention that he was facing the entire shuttle at this moment.

If this flying shuttle attacked him, Lin Ran knew clearly that he would have almost no chance of fighting back!


Suddenly, just as he was pondering what this flying shuttle was actually up to.

This flying shuttle actually stabbed directly towards himself.

“Holy crap!”

Lin Ran’s face instantly changed when he saw this.

But the speed of this shuttle was too fast.

Before Lin Ran could even react, the flying shuttle had instantly arrived in front of him.

The next moment, something happened that even Lin Ran did not expect.

The shuttle actually stabbed itself right in the chest.

All he heard was a “click” sound.

Lin Ran clearly felt that at least three of his ribs were broken in his chest.

But it was as if the shuttle was attracted to something inside him.

It was so desperate to burrow in that it was soon more than halfway in.

“Lin Ran!”

The pillow book froze even as he watched.

But at this moment, Lin Ran didn’t have time to pay any attention to him, his forehead was covered in sweat and his entire mind started to become blurred at this moment.