Winner Takes All Chapter 2006

“Master Chen!”

“Mr. Chen!”

Lightning flashes.

Master Empty Sky and Jiang Qilin’s voices exploded in Chen Dong’s ears almost simultaneously.

Chen Dong’s chest rose and fell violently, and even heavier breathing sounds came out of his mouth and nose.

Fear what comes!

The diversionary change of formation of the Faith Totem army on the battlefield was now as if the Fourth and Fifth Golden Guards had spoken!

If they don’t do anything, it will be a disaster for the reinforcements from all sides in the domain!

“You have to trust the Daoist Monarch!”

Almost simultaneously, the voice of Grand Master Jiang came with it.

“Could it be that there is really nothing that can be done at all?”

Chen Dong’s face was full of veins and veins trembling.

He did not reject war, but war should at least look like war.

A legion made up entirely of “qi-energy powerhouses” was the only one of its kind in the long history of the world.

Even the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry, which had just won the first place in history, would be as powerless as a dog against such a legion.

Because he was a qi powerhouse, he knew more about the killing power of qi powerhouses on ordinary people!

Under Qi Power, all beings are equal!

This is not just a statement, but a perfect interpretation of the power in the two levels, after using Qi Jin as the threshold to make the distinction.

In this great battlefield.

The Golden Guards, and the Hidden Ones who had appeared earlier, were all verifying this statement.

Even in the midst of ten thousand armies, they were like a man in the middle of no man’s land.

A single Qi powerhouse could be as strong as that in the midst of ten thousand armies, and now …… was a legion, thousands of them!

They are divided into squares, that is the purest, sharpest meat grinder, everywhere they go, all beings are equal, slaughter and crush!

At the beginning of the Great War, Zhenjiang City, which was defended by the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry, was already comparable to the meat grinder of the allied army of the Hundred Tribes.

But its intensity was also within normal limits.

And now, this meat grinder made up of faith totems was definitely more terrifying than the Great Snow Dragon Riding Army!

“Amitabha Buddha, powerless to return to Heaven!”

Master Empty Sky’s pitying voice came out, “It deserves such a calamity!”


Chen Dong froze.

What do you mean by deserving such a calamity?

Although Master Kongkong’s words were in pity, this latter sentence always had a bit of a sardonic meaning!

Followed closely by.

Grand Master Jiang’s voice also reached Chen Dong’s ears.

“Calm down, whether it’s you, or the old man, at this time you should trust the Daoist ruler who is in charge of the chess game, he will be able to turn this game around!”

Chen Dong’s face fell gloomily, and his ancient wellless eyes once again tumbled with a bloody colour.

The metamorphosis of his state of mind had enabled him to face things with more equanimity.

But not so much that he could remain cold and indifferent when he knew what was going to happen but was powerless to turn back.

“How long do we have to wait? How long do we have to wait?”

Chen Dong clenched his teeth and squeezed his voice out from between them, “From the time I arrived on the battlefield and let wait, he, Chen Daojun, as the chess player, will wait until what opportunity will he make his move?”

As he spoke.

The blood qi around him could not help but surge up.

The Bladeless in his hand, at this moment, even let out a sound of sword chanting under the urging of his blood qi.

The six dragons of the Jiang family, who were in the battlefield, were not pursuing the army of the Faith Totem in separate formations, but were instead coming straight towards the northern city gate.

“Our next task is to shelter the Vermilion Bird army into Zhenjiang City, the other battlefield killings, the heart is not enough.”

Grand Master Jiang was the fastest, his dull voice carried to Chen Dong’s ears, “You have to believe that on the chessboard, every step taken by each chess piece has his role to play, lining up the troops, even if it is death, is laid out in advance!”


A bloody aura exploded in Chen Dong’s eyes.

For a moment, his mind was buzzing from Grand Master Jiang’s words.

Death, too, was set up in advance?

This side of the battlefield, fierce battle for such a long time, is already the extent of hell descending to earth, blood-stained three feet of ground.

Were all these deaths staged?

And the armies of faith totems, and the fact that they are now divided and arrayed with the intention of slaughtering the domain reinforcements on all sides of the battlefield, were all set up in advance as well?

What a load of crap!

Chen Dong laughed.

The hideous, sulking face became extraordinarily terrifying with this laugh.

His gaze swept the battlefield in all directions, and on all sides of the battlefield, the banners of the domain reinforcements were still waving in the wind, and the warriors were still rushing to kill in blood.

Their faith had not wavered.

Death had long since been left behind.

The aim was only to protect the 10,000,000 miles of mountains and rivers behind them.

But in front of Zhenjiang City, at the command of the Heavenly Wolves, the great armies of the Faith Totems were divided and arrayed, ready to strike, and fearful killing intent struck the heavens.

All the faith totems, transformed into fierce beasts, were ready to charge and slaughter.

All of this was unknown to the reinforcements on the battlefield.

If even this scene had been set up in advance.

Would it be fair to these inner-domain reinforcements?

Human life, has it ever been so lowly?


A large hand, landed on Chen Dong’s shoulder.

Chen Dong’s eyes quickly focused, but it was Grand Master Jiang who had already arrived at his side.

“This is how heaven and earth are unkind and take all things as ruminants!”

Grand Master Jiang’s face was deep and his gaze complicated, “Break and stand, it’s a critical moment!”

Chen Dong closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

But he stood like a statue, his brow furrowed, forcing himself to open his eyes again.

And high up in the sky.

Master Empty Sky also chanted “Amitabha Buddha” and closed his eyes.

Compared to Chen Dong, he was more aware of what was happening, so the compa*sion in his heart was even more stirring and trembling.

At the same time.

On the battlefield, the towering hill of corpses was built.

Huo Zhenxiao witnessed the changing landscape of the battlefield, his obscure eyes flickering to and fro.

He had been following the situation on the battlefield, and was equally aware of what the Faith Totem army was about to do.

But now, there was nothing he could do!

Even Chen Dong and the Six Dragons of the Jiang Family were equally powerless to return.

Facing an army made up entirely of “qi-energy powerhouses”, this would have been a total annihilation.

In a trance.

Huo Zhenxiao’s gaze flickered for a moment, misting up.

“Master …… when exactly are you coming?”

This was the thought in his mind.

Nowadays, in this battle, the only person who could turn the tide in his mind was only Chen Daojun!

A perverse manoeuvre had driven the battle to such a desperate situation, and it was time for Chen Daogun to make a real move!


On the snowy plains outside the domain, the lights were bright.

A vast caravan of vehicles, tearing up the snow and the wind, is racing across the vast snowfields, sending up waves of snow that look like snow dragons from afar.

And high above, a helicopter follows the road and shines the light.

The convoy was so long that it could not be seen from a distance, and it was a spectacular sight.

And in one of the off-road Humvees.

Chen Daojun sat on the pa*senger side.

The old man in the tuxedo drove the car.

In the back row were Kunlun, Lone Wolf and Lin Lingdong.

The oppressive silence inside the car.

The three Kunlun’s expressions were grave and anxious, eager to get to the battlefield as soon as possible.

“How much longer before we reach the battlefield?” Kunlun finally couldn’t help but ask.

“There is still some time left.”

The old man in the tuxedo said calmly.

“There is a faster way to reach the battlefield, so why do you have to do it this way.”

Kunlun was full of doubts, with the resource reserves within the Black Prison, he was perfectly capable of airdropping everyone directly to the battlefield, but instead chose to do it this way.

“The Zhenjiang City side has already started to build up momentum.”

Chen Daojun raised his hand and rubbed his nose as he said with a profound gaze, “By the time we arrive, the fire will be just right.”