Winner Takes All Chapter 1067-1068

Chapter 1067


In the quiet chamber, Chen Dong’s footsteps landed heavily in front of the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Path.

Stopping to stand, he held his breath and concentrated.

Efforts were made to adjust his state.

Even so, Chen Dong’s heart was thumping faster, more tense and throbbing than the calmness of water before.

The first three seats of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body were, to him, not enlightenment or memory at all, but a naked replication.

What already existed in his mind was now just being replicated clearly a little along the outline of his memory through observation.

This also led to Chen Dong wondering whether he was in the domain or out of it!

When Chen Dong’s eyes were once again as bright as stars, his entire state of being, became completely different.

Standing tall, he seemed like a statue.

His breath was calm and steady, gradually slowing down.

All over his body, the only change was in his increasingly bright and unblinking eyes.

Even as he entered his state, Chen Dong’s chest rose and fell, becoming slower and fainter, his breathing even lower and inaudible, with longer and longer intervals.

If there were martial artists present at this time, they would have been astonished at Chen Dong’s state.

A state of concentration, of focus to the extreme, of near oblivion!

When one enters this state, one’s entire perception is weakened, seeking the greatest “power” to chase the only burst of perception.

All his concentration was focused on the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Path, seeking to memorise it as quickly as possible.

Time pa*sed slowly.

The entire chamber, was plunged into silence.

After three minutes had pa*sed, Chen Dong’s chest could hardly even be seen to rise and fall.

If it wasn’t for the hint of white air lingering from time to time from the tip of his nose, it was just like a statue.

Only ……

Gradually, Chen Dong’s forehead was soaked with dense beads of sweat.

As time pa*sed, the beads of sweat on his forehead became more and more filled and dense, as if they were a bean, sliding down the corners of Chen Dong’s face, eventually flowing down to his chin and dripping down to the ground.

And Chen Dong’s bright eyes were also shifting violently at the moment, bright and uncertain.

At times they were as bright as the white moon, and at other times they were as dark as a black hole.

When it reached the sixth minute.

Chen Dong’s face turned a little white, and a painful look appeared on his face.

Even his breathing, which had been like a turtle’s breath, could not help but gradually increase in urgency.

Such a change seemed extremely bizarre in this deadly silent chamber.

It was as if Chen Dong’s body was bearing a tremendous load as time pa*sed and his memory of the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body advanced.

And, the load was becoming increasingly unbearable.

At the seventh minute, Chen Dong’s chest rose and fell high and low, and the sound of breathing had reappeared.

The whitened and pained face had been thoroughly wet with sweat, as if washing his face.

The eighth minute.

Chen Dong’s body began to tremble, the amplitude was very faint, going to be able to be clearly captured by the naked eye.

Even, along with the body trembling, Chen Dong’s features gradually twisted and twitched, his lips slightly opened, faintly emitting the sound of teeth knocking against each other.

And, as time went on, this change was intensifying at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

It was as if every second Chen Dong was being subjected to an unimaginable and increasingly terrifying pressure load.

Time was pa*sing very slowly.

Especially for Chen Dong at this moment, every second was like a year.

When one second ended and the next began, the unbearable load rose again.


Chen Dong’s dropping hands fisted violently, making a muffled sound in the silence.

The bruises on the backs of his hands stood out.

On his neck were even more sinewy and gnarled, like earthworms climbing up.

And Chen Dong’s pale, pained face rose to red.

The neck was thick.

He was panting like an ox.

As his chest rose and fell rapidly and dramatically, Chen Dong’s throat even made a sound that sounded like a bellows being pulled.

When the ninth minute was up.

In the quiet chamber, a muffled grunt suddenly rang out.

Chen Dong, who had been standing still, swayed violently, staggered back three steps, and with a bang, his right foot fell to one knee on the ground.

Sweat poured down like rain, wetting the ground in the blink of an eye.

With this kneeling, Chen Dong’s body trembled like sieve chaff.

His chest rose and fell violently as he breathed heavily and recklessly.

After losing control of his willpower.

At this moment, Chen Dong instantly displayed a scene of extreme exhaustion, as if he had emptied his entire body of strength in the short nine minutes he had just spent.

“Phew …… phew …… phew ……”

The panting sound like a torn bellows echoed in the secret room.

Chen Dong’s bright eyes, which were now obscure to the extreme, were containing a strong sense of doubt and shock.

Half a day later.

Chen Dong’s body gradually calmed down, his panting continued, but he was finally able to speak.

“What a terrifying martial heritage!”

The first sentence that opened his mouth was with a strong sense of fear.

It was the kind of trembling scorn that came from the depths of his soul.

By this moment, it was clear to Chen Dong why, for thousands of years, Xiongnu had been able to maintain the 72 Martial Dao Bodies, which had not been leaked out on a large scale, and could even still stand among Xiongnu’s top secrets!

The reason is simple, it’s this feeling similar to the suppression of memory sealing!

The martial heritage of the first three Wolf Martial Bodies was “inexplicably” engraved into the depths of Chen Dong’s memory.

In order to verify whether he had mastered the inheritance of all 72 Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies, he had directly skipped the other Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies and tried to remember this last Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body.

The result, however, gave him the creeps.

In fact, in the first minute after entering the state, he was already certain that in his memory, there was no martial inheritance from this 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body.

The reason why he had persisted was also driven by curiosity.

Only as a result, it had created him in such a sorry state now!

“Forcing the memory of this seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body actually made the martial dao inheritance of my initial three previous Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies blurred, what exactly is this …… tactic?”

Chen Dong sat down on the ground in exhaustion, raising his hand to wipe a handful of sweat from his face, while his heart was beating faster, he was terrified to the extreme.

After he entered a state of oblivion and memory, every second that he faced the martial heritage on the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Path, everywhere he looked, it was as if there were heaven-shaking thunderbolts that blasted straight into his eyes.

Words simply could not be appreciated by those who had not experienced it first-hand.

In a short span of nine minutes, Chen Dong had not only failed to remember the inheritance on the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Path.

Even because of the impact of these nine minutes, it made even the first three martial dao inheritances of his at this time, become blurred.

It was as if …… the martial heritage of the seventy-second Skywolf Martial Dao Body had been directly formatted by the first three Skywolf Martial Dao Bodies that he had memorized and replicated in his head.

“With such means, it is doomed that unless one has enlightened all the way to the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, it is simply impossible to forcefully plunder the strongest inheritance of this last one!”

Chen Dong recalled the state he was in just now and murmured with his heart pounding, “In that case, if I rely on my memory alone, will I really be able to memorise all of these seventy-two Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies’ inheritances?”


Chapter 1068

The voice echoed.

At this moment, Chen Dong could hardly suppress the questioning of his great greed.

Even more, he suspected that it was not just the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Body that had such tactics.

Rather, with each one, the further back one went, the stronger such means became.

The seventy-two Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies, inheriting the essence of the martial dao of the hundred tribes, could be called the martial dao treasure of the entire Great Snowy Plain.

But over the long years, the Xiongnu had kept such secret treasures in a high shelf, and those who could comprehend them were pitifully few.

This in itself is a kind of ban on the martial heritage of the seventy-two Heavenly Wolf Martial Bodies, covering the hundred tribes of the entire Great Snowy Plain.

Perhaps this was one of the key reasons why the Xiongnu had been able to maintain the majesty of the royal court for so many long years, even though it had been in decline in this harsh and cruel Great Snowy Plain, and had been barely able to maintain the majesty of the kingdom.

This is coupled with the restrictions imposed by the Heavenly Wolf Court.

It was simply impossible for outsiders to enter, and those who entered to enlighten themselves were closely monitored, and they were unable to copy a single Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body with drawings.

Coupled with this restriction on the 72 Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies themselves, it had already reduced the chances of leakage to a minuscule amount.

“We can only remember them one by one from the beginning!”

Chen Dong’s eyes flashed, and although he was fearful and scornful, he was also unwilling to do so.

After being shocked by the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, he was indeed terrified, but it also fuelled his great greed even more!

What if the restrictions on the …… Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body were not due to special means, but merely appeared naturally due to the elevation of the martial realm level?

Considering this, Chen Dong’s great greed became more and more inflated and intense.

This meant that the Martial Dao inheritance on the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao was far beyond his perception, or at least the level he had been exposed to before his memory loss.

After all, the accumulated exercise of the martial dao over the years had long since been engraved into the bloodline instincts.

Having lost his memory, Chen Dong was still able to glimpse the strength of his martial dao before he lost his memory.

If he could engrave all the martial heritage from the seventy-two Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao into his memory, even if he could not pa*s it on in the future, it would be like capturing a monstrous treasure relative to himself.

The martial dao treasures that the Huns had guarded and watched over for thousands of years had been moved into his own mind!

Resting for a full half an hour.

Only then did Chen Dong’s physical state recover a little.

His breath had stabilised.

The heavy sweat on his forehead had also lessened considerably.

That feeling of palpitations also disappeared without a trace.

Chen Dong took a deep breath, his expression gradually calming down, then he got up and took a step towards the first Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body.

As he walked forward, his mind was also thinking and recalling quickly.

To his relief, the martial heritage of the first three Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies that had just become blurred due to the impact of the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body had now gradually resurfaced in his mind after recalling them, gradually becoming clearer and clearer.

This meant that the impact of the 72nd Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body was not a similarly formatted destruction of memories.

Rather, it was merely a blurring of the martial heritage concerning the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body after a brief and violent shock.

When you think about it, this in turn has the meaning of warning the enlightened that they should not take any chances.

“All recalled, this saves a lot of time.”

When Chen Dong stopped to stand in front of the third Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, the martial inheritance regarding the three Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies in his mind had all become clear.

Chen Dong raised his head, his eyes profoundly following one of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies and looking towards the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body.

His eyes gradually became puzzled.

“I have no memory of the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, so …… what Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body was I originally on in terms of my level?”

Raising his hands, he rubbed his face.

As his hands fell, a cold look resurfaced on Chen Dong’s face, only for his gaze to blossom back into light, blazing and fiery.

He moved to the fourth Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body, concentrating on it with his full attention, and soon entered a state of near oblivion.

That strong sense of familiarity quickly swept through Chen Dong’s entire body, and one inheritance, as if it were a replica, quickly found its corresponding outline in his mind as he gazed at it, and as he remembered it, the outline was also quickly depicted clearly.

Ten minutes, one!

Chen Dong once again stepped in front of the fifth Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body and continued to memorise it.

The body was like a mountain, not moving at all.

His qi was like a turtle’s breath, steady and increasingly slow.

It was a far cry from the state of the seventy-second Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao body he had just faced.

Ten minutes, another one!

Chen Dong did not stop and continued to stride towards the sixth one.

He only had three days, three days was not a long time to say, not a short time to say.

But with the existence of great greed, wanting three days to master as many martial heritage as possible, every second became extremely precious.

He was not willing to waste a single second.

Ten minutes of memory, one familiarity at a time, flooded his mind.

The seventh seat.

The eighth.

The ninth.


One by one, Chen Dong’s shadow was left in front of the body of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Path.

For each one, Chen Dong strictly grasped it in ten minutes.

In a state of near oblivion, his senses and perceptions were extremely weakened, and his full strength was applied to his memory and eyesight, allowing Chen Dong’s efficiency to be described as perverted and terrifying.

And as he memorised one Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, as the ranking of Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies improved, Chen Dong could not help but feel nervous and anticipatory!

He was curious, anticipating, just how many Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Bodies his strength corresponded to!

The Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body in front of him made it clear to him that he should have dabbled in comprehending the Martial Dao inheritance on the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body before he lost his memory.

The point was.

From where exactly did he, a man within the domain, dabble in and enlighten the highest Martial Dao inheritance on this Great Snowy Plain before he lost his memory?

How many Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao bodies did the strength of the final enlightenment stop at?

Tension and anticipation were intertwined in his heart.

So much so that Chen Dong’s heart could not help but beat faster.

The twentieth.

The twenty-first.

The twenty-second.


As the ranking of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body that was replicating his memories increased, Chen Dong gradually felt some strain and obscurity.

But that was all.

This might also be related to the change in his state of mind.

However, it did not affect his ability to memorise the martial heritage of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body at all.

The strain and obscurity also appeared initially when he faced the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, and when he forgot to focus on the memory, it soon became smooth and lubricated, and the strain and obscurity disappeared.

In its place, there was the hearty pain of memory replication!

It was like the Best*al bloodlust of a beast.

Each time he memorised a Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, it gave Chen Dong a soothing sense of achievement that hissed out.

The tension and anticipation within Chen Dong’s heart grew stronger and thicker as the ranking of the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body increased.

Just how many seats was …… in?


As he moved to replace the Heavenly Wolf Martial Dao Body, this time, Chen Dong’s footsteps suddenly became heavy, so much so that when he landed on the ground, he made a clear and audible footstep sound.