Wealthy Chapter 738

I looked into my mobile phone with Moon Man Bow and nervously studied the map of Ningcheng, while I asked Meng Meng to help me use the satellite map to analyse which area was most likely to hold Yu Xiaohui.

The cemetery is managed by a database, and even if Yu Xiaowei doesn’t have a monument, there must be a name for the person buried there.

The fastest way to find her is to rely on Meng Meng.

Wu Yi Yi said from behind, “No, I’m not going back, I want to stay with you guys, I’ll go wherever you go.”

Yue Man Gong didn’t even look up, he was also contacting his people quickly and asking around.

“Yi Yi, do as you’re told, you go back, we don’t have time to protect you tonight.”

Wu Yi Yi said, “You don’t have time to protect me, Zhang Chao is free to protect me, right Zhang Chao.”

I was also anxious and said, “Who said I’m free, I’m not free either, go back.”

“I don’t care, you’re free anyway, when I say you’re free you’re free.”

I was too busy to even talk to her right now, and since she wouldn’t get off, I didn’t bother to say anything more.

“Monk’s got something, in that cemetery to the east, and he looks from the satellite as if a very strange person is approaching there.”

“Why would anyone go to a cemetery in the middle of the night? Must be a drug addict who can’t find drugs.”

“Come on, let’s go and have a look.”

By this time, the sky was raining and it was getting heavier, destined to be an uneventful night.

Time and again, the events of the jungle exceeded my imagination. I originally thought I was close to the truth, but the more I tracked it down, the more I realised I knew so little.

What kind of secrets are hidden at the bottom of this bottomless jungle? I was already a little afraid to even pursue the deepest truth.

Our car sped towards the cemetery.

As we drove towards the cemetery, a pale man in one of the private sanatoriums was looking down at his mobile phone.

“Boss, Jiang Ming has disappeared.”

“Find him out.”

“Could he have betrayed us.”

“He wouldn’t dare, he’ll always be one of my Green Dragon Gang.”

“Time for bed oh, you can’t stay up late with this body.” He had just finished texting when the nurse came knocking on the door to turn off the lights and remind him to sleep.

Jiang Hu, great chaos was imminent.

It wasn’t just those on our side who felt uncertainty, even those standing opposite us, around Jiang Ming, were beginning to feel a crisis.

Jiang Ming had been the one who had taken care of everything, but at this time Jiang Ming could not be contacted all of a sudden, so there was no one to lead the group.

However, the storm that had been brewing for a long time would come as expected, only this time, there was no telling who would suffer.

In the Thousand Gates, a lone figure is walking alone in the mountains.

The moonlight stretches her shadow as she gradually removes the disguise from her face, revealing a face that is still beautiful despite its age.

The woman did not say a word, did not do anything extra, but was heartbreakingly lonely.

Suddenly, she touched the ring on her ring finger to herself.

“Wait a little longer, it’s almost done, I’ll come and stay with you, wait for me a little longer.”

Alone, she went into the cave, through the long tunnel, and finally into the room that was burned black. Then she drew her dagger, dug through a piece of floor and pulled something wrapped in cloth from beneath it.

She opened the cloth bag and inside was a box of ashes, and underneath it, a few photographs.

In the photos were a handsome couple, two people snuggled close together, both smiling sweetly.

The woman’s eyes were slightly red and her hand touched the man in the photo, then she put both the photo and the box of ashes in her pocket and turned to leave the bas*ment again.

It was late at night in the hospital in Ningcheng, but Hu Xingren could not sleep.

His aged hands were clasped into fists, murmuring and praying.

Our car drove on the highway in Ningcheng, speeding towards the other side of the city.

Liu Hao called me, “Our men have set up a control.”

“Good, have you locked on to the target? We’re already there.”

“It’s locked, just waiting for the right moment to make the arrest.”

“You have to be careful, they are very dangerous when addiction is on the rise.”

“Don’t worry, we are loaded with guns, can we still be afraid of a druggie.”

Yue Man Gong grabbed the phone, “Liu Hao, you should never take it lightly, they all have kung fu, one to beat ten of you is not a problem.”

“Is it that exaggerated, okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Our car arrived just in time, I pulled into position with a drift, then jumped out of the car and ran wildly with Moon Full Bow towards the grave hill.

Halfway up the hill, Liu Hao gave us a hand signal and we catapulted over.

“Where’s the target?”

Liu Hao’s finger pointed and we saw a hobbling figure, heading for a tomb.

He knelt down, like an evil spirit, and with both hands began to dig the grave in the ground.

I said to Liu Hao, “Has the news been released yet?”

Yue Man Gong said, “I have already had the news put out, I just don’t know if they will receive it in time.”

Liu Hao said, “I also had someone try to get the news out, but the time is too tight, I don’t know if the people behind that can receive the news.”

I said, “Don’t worry, they will definitely not let this person fall into our hands, even Yun Yao’s fall was an accident. They will definitely come to silence this man.”

I said to Liu Hao, “Your men are all hiding too much, come out two, don’t bring your guns, go and approach from behind the big trees, slowly, don’t rush, wait for my signal.”

Liu Hao nodded, “No problem.”

Then I said to Moon Full Bow again, “You, wait on the outside, my scent concealment is not as good as yours, you are best suited for ambush.”

Without a word of extra nonsense, Yue Man Gong disappeared in a flash, Liu Hao was dumbfounded and rubbed his eyes hard: ‘Wasn’t Yue Man Gong still here just now?”

“I sent him outside for an ambush.”

“Are you sure someone will really be so bold as to come and kill someone tonight?”

I said, “But it’s more than just to silence him; if I’m right, it’s probably to destroy his face so that no one can recognize him.”

In the darkness of the night, we didn’t dare make too much noise.

After carrying out the basic communication, we didn’t even breathe, I knew that jianghu masters could sense breathing, and Yue Liuhao didn’t dare to breathe out too loudly when he saw me like this.

In the darkness of the night, there was only the sound of rain from the sky and the sound of the figure digging the grave one by one, not to mention how weird it was.

He was fast, for the addiction had taken hold of his mind and turned him into a complete monster.

Crawling on the ground, he soon dug up the urn and couldn’t wait to open it, holding out a handful of ashes and desperately shoving them into his mouth.