Wealthy Chapter 671

I knew who was responsible for the sudden fire, or even who did it, but I couldn’t tell the firefighters, or I would have exposed Moon Man Mountain’s identity.

As to whether or not Moon Manshan could really be one of us, I don’t report too much confidence, just a gamble.

Since seeing that dodge of fireworks, Master Hu was in a much better mood and was supported by the disciples of the Thousand Sects as they came over to thank the fire chief.

“Our men have gone in and searched the place, there are no remains, not even a cat inside.” The fire chief said, “Don’t worry, old man.”

“I’m old and confused, I’m sorry sorry sorry, you guys are tired today, little palace ……”

Xiao Gong immediately came over, with a few red packets in his hand, and stuffed them into the hands of the fire officers.

These fire officers and soldiers have not even had time to take off their fireproof suits, their faces are black, they are confused by this move, the money is certainly not acceptable, they can only gasp at the heavy fireproof suits to desperately dodge, the result is not much easier to get than to put out the fire.

The fire chief was busy saying, “Old man, I appreciate your feelings, we really can’t accept this money.”

“Hey, it’s not a red packet, it’s a lottery.”

The fire chief saw that I had just given a military salute and was a bit more cordial to me, winking at me repeatedly and asking me to save him.

I persuaded him, “Uncle Hu, don’t stuff it, it’s just a mistake for them to make, if you really thank them, send a banner in a few days.”

“So, that’s good, I’ll listen to Xiaochao.”

“Old man, you are old, smoking so much poisonous smoke is bad for your health, you go with the ambulance first and go to the hospital for a health check.”

Master Hu was obedient and did whatever the fire chief said to him, and got into the ambulance with the help of the Qianmen sons.

The fire chief smiled at me awkwardly, “Old man, your heart is good, but you’re really confused.”

We exchanged a few pleasantries and kept expressing our thanks, then the fire chief went to the scene to do a preliminary fire investigation to find out exactly how the fire had started.

Zhao Zichen caught a break at this point and asked me, “Do you think Master Hu is playing dumb?”

I said, “One hundred per cent.”

But the question was, why would he pretend?

“Shh.” Zhao Zichen said, “Just wait and see.”

That night, both Xia Gehuai and Wu Yi Yi were exhausted to the point of exhaustion, the two of them had gone to put out the fire, and although they hadn’t been of much help, they were so tired that they couldn’t speak.

Hu had gone to the hospital and I hadn’t figured out how to cross-examine him yet, so I didn’t go to him before I spooked the snake.

I asked him where he had gone to chase the arsonist. He pointed out a hill for me to see. Zhao Zichen and I looked at each other and didn’t say anything because the hill was the one where the fireworks were set off just now.

I was too tired that night and my mind was a little unclear. I couldn’t tell if Moon Man Bow was completely unaware of the man hiding, or if he knew and was deliberately hiding it?

There were so many people coming and going from the Thousand Gates, it would be too difficult to hide someone at the Thousand Gates who would not be visible at all.

Both Zhao Zichen and I kept our mouths shut about this matter. I was supposed to go back to Tongcheng that night, but early the next morning, I promised Team Wu that I had to go to the police station to make a statement, so I had to stay.

At night, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, I felt like someone was watching me, and even when I was asleep, I felt like someone was standing by my bed with a knife, ready to stab me.

I woke up with a gasp from my nightmare and wiped my face, but it was covered in tears.

It was still light outside the window, and when I looked at my watch, I saw that I had only been asleep for ten minutes.

Insomnia is a dull pain, as soon as I close my eyes I want to see Chu Xiaoxiao’s face, I can’t stop thinking about my time with her, it hurts more than being shot in the chest. When I think of all the good things she did for me, I really want to beg her, or at least talk to her, if she really doesn’t love me anymore, at least let me see her happy, I will bless her.

But as soon as I think about all those past events, her playing tricks on me and all those crazy nights we had, I feel like they should have been just me, and the thought of her doing that with someone else in the future makes me want to go back and kill them right now.

I can’t figure out, f*ck why?!

She’s been following me around lately and there’s never been anything out of the ordinary, we’ve always had a good relationship, there’s no chance of her falling for someone else.

I can really go to hell as a scout if my wife is around me and cuckolding me and I don’t know it.

I took my phone and looked at our previous chats, wondering if she had deleted me. I wanted to ask her why, but with my hand on the screen, I couldn’t type a word. These once sweet conversations were now like knives, stabbing me in the heart one by one.

I flipped to the photo of us together and it hurt like blood dripping from my heart. She was too beautiful, and maybe from the very beginning, I was not entitled to her.

I tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, and by some miracle, I dialed Chu Xiaoxiao’s phone.

“How dare you!”

The phone was instantly answered, and then a man’s voice burst out from the other end of the line.

This man was not Chu Huaien’s voice, it should be her fiance’s.

But why was her fiancé so mean to her, and why was it that in the middle of the night, they were still together?

Could they be ……

My temples pounded, and the thought of what might happen between the two of them tonight made me want to f*cking kill someone.

I called Chu Xiaoxiao’s number again, and it was cut off as soon as I called, and then when I called again, it was simply turned off.

My heart was about to explode and I couldn’t even think about anything else, I immediately called Meng Meng.

Meng Meng was sleepy: “Captain, it’s so late ……”

I didn’t wait for him to finish his sentence and hurriedly said, “Brother, do me a favor and contact Chu Xiaoxiao for me.”

“Uh, captain ……” he was a little embarrassed, “You two have broken up.”

“I don’t care! Brother, count on me to beg you. You take a couple of guys and help me check out his house, I’m begging you.”

Meng Meng said, “Don’t be like that, Captain, I’ll take some men there.”

I hardly ever begged, and I knew that the way I looked now, it must have scared him.

When I hung up the phone, Meng Meng led the team off. I kept calling Chu Xiaoxiao’s phone again, although I couldn’t get through, but my mind kept wondering what they were doing.

I was going f*cking crazy and couldn’t wait to get back to Tong City, if I could catch it myself, I ……

Such thoughts tormented me for about half an hour when I received a call from Meng Meng.

“I’m already at Chu Xiaoxiao’s house.” Meng Meng said, “Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

I couldn’t wait to ask, “What’s wrong with her?”

“It’s not much, took a punch.” Monk said hastily, “Don’t get angry.”

I had mixed feelings inside, I couldn’t say what I felt.