Wealthy Chapter 557

“I think I know you’ll disagree, and if you don’t then forget it. I’ll send you a wreath when Han Kun dies.”

After saying that, Jiang Ming hung up the phone.

I squeezed my phone, my chest feeling as uncomfortable as if I had a big stone pressed against it.

Choose the jianghu beings and Han Kun dies.

Choose Han Kun, and the beings of Jianghu become involved in the meat grinder.

Seeing my dishevelled face, Chu Xiaoxiao walked over and squatted at my feet to comfort me, “Life and death have a destiny, don’t be too upset, even if Uncle Han was still awake, he wouldn’t want you to beg Jiang Ming.”

I rubbed my face, not wanting to give up just like that.

Jiang Ming was right, I still had a lot of things Jiang Ming needed, not just the same as the thoughtless mountain.

I let out a long sigh and said, “Xiao Xiao, do you know anyone in the TV station?”

“I haven’t been in touch with the TV station since the company went out of business, but there are still contacts.”

I said, “Okay, you’re studying advertising design, do you know anything about communications?”

Chu Xiaoxiao was confused and asked, “Not proficient, but I can find you someone. What exactly do you want?”

I wiped my forehead, it was the middle of winter, but my forehead was covered in sweat.

“It’s only an hour, I need this person’s picture out on every media platform in the city of Tong, as well as Weibo and all the major websites on the front page as well.”

“Who’s photo?”

“Moon, Full, Mountain.”

I said, word by word.

Yes, I had too much in my hands that Jiang Ming wanted, and it was only right that I should stand absolutely in the initiative.

I can’t give Jiang Ming what he wants, it should be that I give what Jiang Ming has to accept.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn’t ask much, as soon as she tied her long hair up and coiled it behind her head, she said, “It doesn’t take an hour, you give me the photo, within twenty minutes.”

“I’ll have Meng Meng send it to you right away. And with a message, Yue Zhengjun did you see it?”

Zhao Zichen walked over with a cigarette in his mouth at this time, and when he heard my conversation with Chu Xiaoxiao, he said, “So you want to …… However, are you sure this will work?”

“Take a gamble. I can’t be led by Jiang Ming’s nose, only I can dominate.”

Meng Meng gave Chu Xiaoxiao a photo, and to my surprise, this one was still a current photo.

The Yue family’s offspring were all good-looking, and Yue Mangshan and Yue Man Gong looked very much alike, though not as handsome as Yue Man Gong.

After being locked up by me for so many days, when I saw the photo of Yue Manshan again, I was a bit afraid to recognise it as Yue Manshan.

Yue Manshan’s face was burnt and yellow, his eyes were a bit out of focus, he didn’t look as radiant as when I first saw him, his beard and hair were long, and the T-shirt he was wearing was old.

I had no sympathy for him; he had not received the punishment he deserved.

Chu Xiaoxiao quickly put this photo on all the platforms, paid for by me of course, and I wanted to make sure that Yue Zhengjun could see it.

Yue Zhengjun was now secretly wanted by the police and he was definitely very concerned about the news from the outside world. With Jiang Ming’s ability, it is unlikely that he would have absolute control over Yue Zhengjun. Jiang Ming would also have to design the setup to kill Jiang Yunqing; he has the intelligence, but would not have the absolute strength.

Before I do that, I have to ask another person’s permission, and that is Lin Yue’er.

Using Moon Man Mountain as a condition to exchange for Han Kun’s life would be absolutely unfair to Lin Yue’er.

In the beginning, Yuehmangshan aided and abetted the enemy, and only then did Lin Yue’er’s life become worse than death.

But I had to go and talk to Lin Yue’er.

I asked Chu Xiaoxiao to take me home. By this time it was late and Lin Yue’er had fallen asleep, so Chu Xiaoxiao invited her out.

Seeing that my eyes were swollen, Lin Yue’er hurriedly asked me what was wrong.

I didn’t need a woman to have extra sympathy for me.

I cleared my throat and said, “I need to ask you for a favour. I may have to release Moon Man Mountain.”

Lin Yue’er’s face full of worry suddenly turned into doubt, her voice turned cold as she whispered, “Why?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “Sister Yue’er, don’t blame Zhang Chao, he had no choice but to do so. Now that Han Kun is bleeding profusely, only Jiang Ming’s third uncle has the same blood type as Han Kun. But as you know, what use is it for us to beg Jiang Ming, we can only, only use Yue Man Mountain as a bargaining chip to force Jiang Ming backwards to save Han Kun.”

Lin Yue’er suddenly realized, “Why didn’t you say so earlier? You have all been kind to me, and Han Kun is still my benefactor after all. If he hadn’t defeated Liu Rong, I wouldn’t have known when I would have been able to take my revenge. As long as you can save people, there is no need to ask my opinion ……”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking you to hold your breath.” I said.

Lin Yue’er and Chu Xiaoxiao both stared, “Then what do you mean?”

I said, “If you come with me to a place, I have to release Moon Man Mountain, but things aren’t that simple.”

They both looked at each other, neither of them knowing what I meant. I told them to follow me to the car and we would talk about the details when we got in.

By the count of my fingers, it had been almost a month since I had caught Moon Manshan.

Originally, I wanted to strike while the iron was hot and get Yue Zhengjun to agree to give up the Yue family headship to Yue Man Gong.

I didn’t expect that Yue Zhengjun was quite resilient and had resisted for a month.

There are many things in Jianghu that are beyond my common sense and cannot be deduced from the common mind.

On the one hand, the Moon family looks hypocritical, good-natured and falsely noble, but on the other hand, this arrogance engraved in their bones means that it is difficult for them to succumb to threats.

This time, however, Yue Zhengjun would have to yield even if he didn’t.

As our car drove to its destination, there was no peace at the Jiang residence.

At the same time that my phone’s Weibo feed received a tweet of Yue Manshan’s photo, Yue Zhengjun saw his son’s photo on TV.

His eyes were red as he hugged the TV.

In another room of the Jiang Residence, Jiang Ming’s household servant pushed open his door in a hurry: “It’s not good master, something big has happened.”

Jiang Ming put the book back on the shelf and said with a displeased face, “You better really say something big about the sky falling, or your sky is going to fall.”

The house servant licked his lips and said, “You don’t know, now on the TV, on the internet, there are pictures of the young master of the Yue family everywhere, and they are accompanied by a small line asking if Yue Zhengjun has seen it. This is not to put you on the spot, right? I guess now that Yue Zhengjun has seen it too, we don’t dare to lock him up. Master, what do you think we should do now? If that master makes a scene, the few of us won’t be able to bear it.”


No sooner had his words left his mouth than the door was pushed open so vigorously that the two doors hit the walls on either side, and after the man walked in, the two doors were bounced back so hard that they slammed back together again.

Yue Zhengjun strode in with a great flourish.

He didn’t say a word, and Jiang Ming was already wrinkling his nose with a headache.

What a troublemaker, Jiang Ming hated nothing more than having someone else he could coerce.

“Young Jiang, it’s time to honour your promise.” Yue Zhengjun said.

His harsh eyes made Jiang Ming feel familiar, and after thinking carefully for a while, Jiang Ming remembered that he had seen this look on Jiang Yunqing’s body as well.