Wealthy Chapter 451

I picked Ryu Rong up off the ground and punched him again in the stomach, his fat stomach let out a muffled grunt and then he spat out a good portion of the water he had just taken in.

Liu Rong’s face was covered in choked out respiratory mucus, drowning is very painful, waterboarding is forbidden in the army, but at this point I really wanted to use the hardest strokes on him.

“Stop it, you’re killing him.”

At the critical moment, it was Meng Meng who alerted me, by which time he had subdued the woman and picked up one of Liu Rong’s cloth slippers and stuffed it in the woman’s mouth.

When I saw this woman, I was furious, Han Kun had treated her so well, and she was betraying him!

I left the dead pig like Liu Rong on the ground and moved a stool to sit in front of the woman, who was surprised but not very scared, instead she looked at me with determination.

I pointed at her, suppressing the urge to beat her up, and said, “If you dare to shout, I will stuff another shoe into your mouth.”

I asked her something and ordered her to leave Han Kun on her own, or I would tell him about the day.

The reason why I didn’t tell Han Kun directly was because I really didn’t want him to think I was going to help him.

She looked at me with wide eyes, and the moment the shoe was taken off her mouth, she blurted out, “Zhang Chao.”

This time it was my turn and Meng Meng’s turn to suck in a breath of cold air, because I was wearing a mask and she shouldn’t have recognised me. I had never met her before, and even if she recognised what I looked like, she wouldn’t be able to recognise who I was just by looking at my eyes.

She sneered, “I recognise your eyes, they look the same as your mother’s.”

“You’re not much older than me, how could you possibly recognise my mother.”

I couldn’t hide it anyway, so I simply took off my mask.

“I’ve seen her picture and recognise you.”

“I’m not going to beat around the bush with you, leave Han Kun by yourself.”

“Oh, you’re going to help Han Kun after what he’s done to you?” She laughed angrily and petulantly, a smile that made me panic, feeling that she had read my mind as he continued, “Zhang Chao, you grew up without a father, you’re still really lacking fatherly love.”

“I don’t show mercy when I hit a woman, so you’d better be polite.”

“Then go and tell Han Kun yourself, I won’t stop you. Or you can beat me to death.” She said, thrusting her breasts out and closing her eyes, meaning you try hitting me.

sh*t, my slap was raised and lowered, I really couldn’t hit a woman.

“I’ll talk to him, if you still want your face, get out of here voluntarily.”

I was really angry and shoved the slipper back into her mouth, she whimpered like she was cursing me, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Meng wanted me to tie the woman up, but that wasn’t going to show, he was worried about the woman telling Han Kun about our visit.

“We have a mission tonight, what if the police come looking for us?”

“Do you know what it means to be a scoundrel?”

Mon shook his head foolishly and I said, “Then I’ll show you a scoundrel tonight. The police come looking for us, none of them, none of my business, where’s the evidence?”

“Captain, is that good enough for you?”

“Talking rules with people like that, huh, you’ll get played to death.”

A few months ago I was as naive as Meng Meng, always thinking that I must follow the rules no matter what others did – and then I was taught worse than a donkey by the reality of Tomichi.

My girlfriend Chu Xiaoxiao is a total culture guy, and when we cuddled up after making out we talked about everything, and she told me that Nietzsche said that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. When you slay the dragon, you yourself become the dragon.

I graduated from high school and went into the army. When I was holding Chu Xiaoxiao’s smooth body, I pondered the “thoughts” of these cultural people, smacking them around, just wanting to say a fart, I don’t fight with the evil dragon, do I let the evil dragon kill me?

This is a truth that Meng Meng will not understand, and he does not need to understand it, for after completing this task he can go back to Kunlun Mountain.

If I remain the same as before, how can I protect my friends?

Yue’er, Qiaoqiao, and Baldy and Xia Gehuai etc. ……

Meng Meng rarely questions me, the snow leopards all obey me, but I don’t want the snow leopards to become like me, this loyal team was born to uphold justice, deep down I hope my dear comrades will always be just and pure, not like me.

The city of Tong is truly a place more terrible than the border.

Meng Meng spent the whole journey analysing the data on his computer, I had things on my mind and the two of us had no words the whole way.

When the car was almost down the hill, the mobile phone I had thrown on the dashboard rang abruptly, and Meng Meng picked it up and glanced at it, “Captain, it’s the same guy from earlier.”

I scanned it, it was still Han Kun’s phone.

“Answer it.”

“You’re not going to make me swear again, are you? I really won’t.”

“It’s okay, you answer it. I happen to have something to talk to him about.”

As if he were pardoned, Meng Meng picked up the phone and the car stereo played Han Kun’s number directly.

I didn’t wait for Han Kun to speak before saying, “Listen to me first, I’ve finished looking for the man.”

“Xiaochao, why can’t you just calm down? Can fists solve problems.”

“How can I calm down?” I sneered, “You and Old Gan are pretty calm, if treating other people’s lives like they’re lives is called calm, then I really can’t do that.”

“We didn’t expect you to write a cheque to Baldy for three million either, I can get it for you.”

I wanted to say, “Oh, you expected it, but you didn’t know about the most crucial thing, but remembering what the woman and Liu Rong had just done, I didn’t say it.

I said, “I don’t want to talk to you about this, Uncle Han, from now on you should not bother about my affairs, it’s too much to worry about. If you want to go to Denmark, you should buy a ticket and go there quickly. The five members of the Yin family are in good hands, and not a hair is missing.”

“I can’t fly long distances anymore with this illness. I couldn’t possibly leave you alone, I promised your mother I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”

I was going to persuade him to go back to Denmark and stop fighting with Liu Rong, he was in such a state of health now that money didn’t matter anymore, it was life that mattered.

Now, I knew that Liu Rong had bribed a woman around Han Kun, but who knew if Liu Rong had bribed anyone else?

What if there’s more than just this one woman?

Maybe Liu Rong can tease Han Kun, but it’s not good for his health to use up so much energy.

“Can you save yourself before you save me? It’s not like you don’t know that cancer is a terminal disease, the world doesn’t need you to save it that much, and you can’t die without it.”

I got a little angry and mouthed off, and it was only when Monk patted my arm that I realised I had lost my temper.

I took a deep breath and said, “Uncle Han, we can’t talk about each other anyway, I don’t care about your business from now on, and you should keep your nose out of mine. There’s a woman with you who looks like a snake charmer, watch out for her, I ran into her at Liu Rong’s house.”

Han Kun asked, “You ran into her?”

“You can’t believe me.”

“Okay.” Han Kun added, “Hurry up and go back. Nothing will happen, what’s rightfully yours for Junran is yours, don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

When he finished, he hung up the phone without waiting for me to answer again, and the sound of the blind tone after he hung up echoed in the carriage.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I felt like Han Kun didn’t take my words seriously, and the way he treated me was more like forgiving a disruptive child.