Wealthy Chapter 442

Meng Meng took over, “That’s right, the cameras in large shopping malls are set up by getting special security wages, quite reasonable, almost dead end, and the picture is very clear. But she just disappeared out of thin air, I didn’t see her go into any rooms, she was just down this road, walking around, and after coming out of one camera, she didn’t show up in the next one, she couldn’t be that familiar with the cameras, unless she was really familiar with the place.”

The logic of this kind of exclusion is very simple, it just wouldn’t occur to someone without training in this field for a moment.

It had been hard enough for Lin Fang to think of avoiding the cameras, and I thought it must have been her helper behind her who told her that, I just couldn’t figure out who was behind it and what the purpose was.

Why did she follow me? Last time in the restaurant, she took Chu Xiaoxiao’s hand and said she wanted to meet me, but this time why did she follow me again?

“So, you have her locked up.” Chu Xiaoxiao asked.

I nodded, “To be a little more bold, we almost have her, we just need more time.”

“What if she doesn’t show up on camera again?” Chu Xiaoxiao asked again, “Lin Fang had disappeared for months, and during that time she hadn’t appeared in the cameras at all.”

“That’s not true, she underwent microplastic surgery and looked pretty much the same, but moved a few places and the computer couldn’t recognise it. Computers are not the same as people, people have a low level of identification error, but people can’t bulk-rank videotapes. This time we already had photos of Lin Fang after her microscopic surgery, so it was much easier to do a full scan. There’s no way she’ll not show up at all, unless she’s dead.”

When I find Lin Fang, I will send Liu Rong to jail immediately, without waiting a second!

Speaking of Ryu Rong, he’s calmed down a lot lately and stopped coming after me because he’s been so distracted by Han Kun.

He and Han Kun have been throwing money at Suran together, both blocking when the other side will empty their cards and call it quits. In terms of family wealth, Han Kun was no match for Liu Rong, who had a stake in Suran, but Han Kun only had a small amount of dry shares, the majority of which were with me.

The majority of the shares were with me. Liu Rong was sure that Han Kun didn’t have that much money, so he was going to fight hard, but no one expected that after so many days, Han Kun’s action of smashing money into Suran hadn’t slowed down at all, instead, he was getting more and more courageous, and I don’t know where he got so much money.

The company is now in a tight spot and is fighting Han Kun with bank loans, trying to force him back, but Han Kun is not backing down and his own pockets are empty.

If you withdraw at this time, you will lose everything, not only will you lose the money you invested in front of you, you will also owe a lot of debts, don’t look at Liu Rong used to be quite beautiful, want money, want power, but become a bare-a*sed poor man, that is, overnight.

The struggle between the two men has reached an incandescent stage, and neither one of them is willing to back down.

It is said that now Liu Rong hopes that Han Kun will die of cancer every day, and the sooner Han Kun can’t hold on, the sooner Liu Rong will be relieved.

However, according to my understanding of Han Kun, even if he is going to die, he will still clean up Liu Rong first.

Despite the fact that Han Kun and I were at odds, I had to admire him. Liu Rong was a boss to me, but in front of Han Kun, he could only take a beating, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Honestly, I was conflicted in my heart. With such tactics of Han Kun, if he really wanted to steal my shares, it might be easier than turning over the palm of his hand.

I asked Meng Meng to help me find Lin Fang immediately, and when he found her, not to alert the snake yet.

“There must be someone behind Lin Fang who is helping her. This person is very interesting, he knows a lot about our scouting methods and has handed Lin Fang a lot of anti-stalking methods. To catch Lin Fang, this person must be caught together.”


After I hung up the phone, I told He Bi that this place was not safe, He Bi could go back to the villa with me to stay first, the villa was full of Snow Leopard members, no one would dare to make a scene.

“It’s the same where I live.”

He Bi didn’t pretend with me, he said, “I’ll pack my bags first, wait for me for ten minutes.”

He picked up the large suitcase that had been sitting by the door and moved a few books out of it, underneath which were surprisingly all clothes and some daily necessities, as well as a laptop.

Seeing us dumbfounded, he said, “I’m always ready to run, so my bags are always packed.”

“Well, let’s go together then. The company will definitely come after you again for revenge, they’ll want to wipe you out and you’ll have to tell us everything you know.”

I admonished He Bie, who definitely knew something that would make the company want to kill and silence him so badly.

He Bi took a box and pushed it to the door when his phone suddenly rang, he looked at it, the phone number was not recognized and he pinched it without answering.

“It’s probably from the school asking why I didn’t show up for work.” He Bei laughed bitterly, “I won’t be able to be a teacher for the rest of my life. Hey, people like me don’t deserve to be teachers either.”

I didn’t know how to comfort him, but he had chosen his own path, he had done it on his own, no one had forced him to do it, and he had to eat all the bitter consequences himself.

Just as he finished his words, his phone rang again, the same number, and He Bi frowned and looked at me.

“You answer it, quit your job even if you’re not going to do it, don’t let the school call the police.” I said.

In case the police checked over and He Bi’s identity was exposed, wouldn’t it break the hearts of the students in their cla*s who liked him?

He Bi gave me a grateful look as Cai Xiaobing helped him with his suitcase and he picked up the phone, then his eyebrows furrowed quickly.

“Who is this?”

I felt something was wrong and gestured for him to put his phone on speaker, and with shaking hands, He Bi put his phone on speaker, and goosebumps rose all over my body as a child’s miserable scream came from the other end of the phone.

The person on the other end of the line didn’t say anything, and after a while, the girl’s scream turned into a feeble cry, and our hearts all clenched together as the person began to laugh mournfully.

“Who the hell are you? If you have anything to do with me, don’t lay a hand on my students.”

“Tonight, 12 o’clock, Jiang Yang’s house, come alone.”

“You’re Richard Jiang?” He Bi asked, frowning.

“Come alone or collect Jiang Yang’s body.”


The man hung up the phone without giving He Bi a chance to pursue the matter.

I immediately called Xia Gehuai and asked him if Jiang Kai had been released.

“No way, I’m at the guardhouse right now, I’ll go take a look.” Xia Gehuai took two quick steps and then Jiang Kai’s pleading voice came from the other end of the phone. Xia Gehuai said, “No, he’s in the cell, getting beaten up and squealing.”

That’s strange, who could that be?