Wealthy Chapter 43

I nodded and said to Lin Fang, “Open Chu Xiaoxiao’s friend circle and see if the video is still there.”

Lin Fang was busy pulling out her phone, while I started searching Weibo for the video that could be used as evidence to prove Chen Yu Zhou’s rape case.

I was still having a headache as to what keywords to use to search, but who knew that once I opened Weibo, the hot search was: Tong City rape case reversed, see righteousness or for the bureau.

Even though I was prepared for it, when I saw it with my own eyes, I still cursed a D*mn!

Then I searched for news about the Tong City rape case, and surprisingly, all of them were picking up on my identity and Chu Xiaoxiao’s identity.

I became a security guard in a nightclub, while Chu Xiaoxia became a celebrity socialite I had a crush on. Chu Xiaoxiao and I, we made a trap to deliberately screw over Chen Yu Zhou.

And none of the videos released by Chu Xiaoxiao could be searched!

“D*mn, do these people speak without conscience?!” I couldn’t help but search for those people’s comments on Weibo, surprisingly, they were all cursing Chu Xiaoxiao and I. Occasionally there were one or two people who spoke up for us, all of them were quickly cursed to the core.

Even a blind man could see that this was the water army bought by Chen Yu Zhou!

Lin Fang’s hand shivered and her phone fell to the ground with a thud, I looked at her nervously, she was pale and said to me, “Xiaoxiao deleted it, Xiaoxiao is going to flip.”

I yelled down, “I don’t believe you, Chu Xiaoxia is not like that.”

“But, she deleted all the videos from her friends circle, who else could have deleted them if not her?” As Lin Fang spoke, tears fell from her eyes.

When I saw her crying, my heart was in turmoil, and the fire that had just risen to the top of my head was extinguished. Now I am Lin Fang’s main backbone, if I am messed up, Lin Fang will not be more messed up.

I calmed down a bit and said comfortingly, “Don’t worry, I’m still here, you go and get some sleep first, you have to go and take care of your dad.”

Lin Fang cried and shook her head, “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to leave you now.”

“I ……” I didn’t know what it was like to have a large stone blocked in my throat, but for Lin Fang to trust me so much was something I could never have dreamed of.

“Now it’s clear that Chen Yu Zhou won’t do anything to you. He is going to clean up after me and Chu Xiaoxiao. It’s safer for you not to stay with me instead ……”

“I don’t, I just want to be with you, Zhang Chao, do you like me?”

Lin Fang suddenly snapped, confusing me, I hadn’t prepared for an answer at all.

But looking at her teary eyes, her red nose from crying, that pitiful, heartbreaking look, I nodded my head forcefully.

“I like you too, and I want to be with you.”

She flung herself into my arms and wrapped her arms around my waist and wouldn’t let go.

A great joy hit my chest, and all my cares could not suppress the happiness of the moment, so I laughed and hugged her hard.

No matter what Chen Yu Zhou wanted to do to me, how many tricks and schemes he used, there was nothing he could do to me, because Lin Fang liked me.

I kissed Lin Fang’s earlobe and said, “Okay, we won’t separate. Hey, our pure friendship has gone sour. I’ll have something to fool around with when I go out, you’re the one who chased me.”

Lin Fang snorted out a laugh and punched me with her pink fist.

I can’t tell you how happy I am, happy to the point where I can let Chen Yu Zhou go even now that he is strutting his stuff in front of me. At this moment, I have only one thought in my mind, and that is to be with Lin Fang in peace.

“What do you think, what do we do now? If Xiao Xiao retracts his confession, we can really only let Chen Yu Zhou slaughter us.” Lin Fang said.

“I still don’t think Chu Xiaoxiao will retract her confession, although I haven’t known her for long, but I can see this person’s character very thoroughly, she is a righteous woman, at most she will no longer testify in court, but there is absolutely no way she will retract her confession or withdraw her case.”

Lin Fang nodded: “You are right, Xiao Xiao is very righteous, she is not that kind of person. But, Zhang Chao, don’t you know that jianghu big brother from Ju Chun Yuan, can you ask him to buy us some face and help to mediate?”

I stared at Lin Fang for a moment, then said, “Da Long doesn’t have that kind of face. Besides, things have gotten so big that it’s no longer possible to deal with it peacefully, and now there’s bound to be a wound between us and Chen Yu Zhou.”

“What about the head of …… who just called you, we can still look for him.”

I said, “The chief was just being polite and courteous, I’m a retired junior soldier, how could I really bother the chief.”

Lin Fang was in some disbelief and rubbed her face in despair.

Suddenly, she raised her head and remembered something: “Right, Xiao Xiao and I mentioned that you know the manager of the Junran Group. Chen Yu Zhou will definitely give Surrounding Group a face.”

I stroked her hair heartily and said, “No really, Chu Xiaoxiao framed me, you’ve known me for so long, do you still not know my family situation?”

When I said so, my heart felt bad for a moment.

As a scout, I had learnt how to observe and how to deceive people. If I wanted to lie, I would be able to keep the other person from seeing the flaw.

But these were used on the enemy, on the battlefield, and I would never use them on someone close to me.

At this moment, however, I lied to Lin Fang.

Lin Fang didn’t continue to ask further questions and accepted my answer; I couldn’t tell her some of the truth just yet, the time hadn’t come.

As luck would have it, by the end of the night, a new video was put online of me brutally beating the Thai guy.

The video showed the peeps hiding upstairs and was choked out as if the Thai guy had no chance of fighting back and was being pinned down by me.

There was a huge outcry on the internet, and this time people were calling me names, not even one or two of them speaking up for me.

I simply shut down the website and stopped reading.

I figured it was about time for Han Kun to contact me, and sure enough, I had just shut down my computer when Han Kun’s call came in.

“Young master, what kind of line are you putting out and which fish are you fishing for? When are you going to close the net?”

I expected Han Kun to open his mouth and ask me how I was doing, or to curse Chen Yu Zhou angrily, but to my surprise, this was what he said.

I took my phone and hid in the bathroom, which was a little better soundproofed, then looking in the mirror, I couldn’t help but hook a winning smile, “Nothing can be hidden from Uncle Han.”

“You kid, you look loyal and honest, but you’re actually full of ideas, just like your dad.”

“Uncle Han, how do you know I’m putting in a long line to catch a big fish?”

“You asked Chu Huaien’s daughter to send a message to Manager Qu, who immediately contacted me. You went to a lot of trouble to pa*s on three words, asking me to wait before making a move, isn’t that an indication that you’re in little danger and are putting in a long line to catch a big fish, worried that if I jump into the water, I’ll stir up your big fish.”

“Uncle Han, you have a discerning eye. Chen Ruhai is a very cautious person, testing me step by step, he is different from his son, Chen Yu Zhou is arrogant and does not know how to restrain himself, even if there is a big hole in front of him, he will jump in head first, but Chen Ruhai is different. If I let Chen Ruhai know now that I have you as my backer, he will definitely stay put this time, and I won’t be able to find a better opportunity to strike at the Chen family.”