Wealthy Chapter 415

“I ……”

I patted my pockets all over my body and couldn’t find any cash.

This was embarra*sing, I didn’t have any cash, nowadays, where else would anyone carry hundreds of dollars in cash on the street, nowadays a bank card and a mobile phone would do the trick.

I scratched my hair and said, “Wait a minute, I need to borrow some money from my friend, I don’t have any.”

This is ridiculous, I invited Chu Xiaoxiao to dinner, but in the end, I still have to ask Chu Xiaoxiao to pay for it.

I sent a WeChat to Chu Xiaoxia and asked her to transfer 500 yuan to me to save my life.

The waiter kept staring at me, smiling stiffly and politely, and when I saw his expression as if he was afraid I would skip the bill, I hurriedly explained, “Wait, my friend will transfer it to me right away.”

She smiled ceremoniously, “Okay, just pay.”

I laughed in my heart, she probably thought I was one of those poor people who couldn’t eat at this restaurant. I’ve been through this kind of sh*t so many times that I’ve had no ripples in my heart.

The waiter got anxious waiting and asked, “Will your friend pay you?”

I rubbed my nose and said, “I’ll go back and see what’s wrong with her, she’s not returning my messages.”

Next time I really need to dress up a little better for a place like this, before the waiters here think I’m skipping out on the bill.

The waitress said urgently, “Go and see. If she can’t make it, do something, please. I know our restaurant is quite expensive, but if you skip the bill, we’ll have to take our own wages to make up for it.”

At the end of the sentence, the waitress was on the verge of tears, and I laughed and cried, vowing to dress better next time, lest these people think I can’t even afford a few hundred dollars for a meal.

Why didn’t Chu Xiaoxiao reply to my text message, which worried me more than my inability to pay for the meal?

I went to the dining area and saw that the seats were empty. I asked the waitress standing next to me, who pointed out the window and said, “She’s gone out.”

I followed her hand and looked out. Chu Xiao Xiao was standing at a distance talking to a long-haired woman who was extremely pretty and looked even more gorgeous now.

This woman was no other than Lin Fang, who had been missing for a long time.

Why did Lin Fang come back to look for Chu Xiaoxiao? She is still avoiding me!

I was looking for Lin Fang all over the world! I didn’t expect to see her sneak in to see Chu Xiaoxiao instead of answering my texts.

Lin Fang was holding Chu Xiaoxiao’s hand and begging, I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Chu Xiaoxiao kept shaking her head and backing away.

“Lin Fang!” I shouted and both Lin Fang and Chu Xiaoxia saw me. Lin Fang’s face changed and she hurriedly said a few last words to Chu Xiaoxia and looked like she wanted to leave.

“Don’t you go!!!”

I was about to chase out when the waiter pulled me, the

“Sir, you haven’t paid your bill yet!”

Lin Fang saw that I was being pestered by the waiter and took Chu Xiaoxiao’s hand and said a few more words sharply, Chu Xiaoxiao kept shaking her head with her.

“Xiaoxiao, don’t let her go!”

Upon hearing this, Chu Xiaoxia grabbed Lin Fang’s wrist with her backhand.

I said to the waiter, “I won’t not pay you for such a small amount of money, let go of me, I’ve been looking for this person for a long time, if I let her get away I might never find her again! There are others out there looking for her and her life would be in danger.”

“Sir, I’ll give you the police if you settle the money. I’m begging you, if you don’t pay we’ll have to stick it to ourselves.”

In her haste, she pinned my arm under her armpit, and no matter how ambiguous the position was, my arm was pressed against her soft chest.

I slapped my phone on the table and said, holding back my anger, “I’ve got my phone pressed up against you, you can have this phone if I don’t come back later.”

“No, I really can’t.”

Outside Chu Xiaoxiao also grabbed Lin Fang and wouldn’t let go, tugging Lin Fang’s wrist with both hands.

Lin Fang looked at me and suddenly lowered her head and bit the back of Chu Xiaoxia’s hand, Chu Xiaoxia could not release her hand in pain, Lin Fang turned her head and ran away, Chu Xiaoxia shouted stop and chased after her, the two figures turned the corner at the end of the road and disappeared.

The two of them disappeared at the end of the road.

My heart was in my throat, the little waitress was still clinging to her grip and refused to let go, I was furious, but I couldn’t really hurt her to break free.

“Let go of me, I will absolutely come back, I swear on my character.”

The little waitress was also on the verge of tears and said, “Handsome man you are quite handsome, but I can’t believe you. My salary is only three thousand a month, if I get docked ……”

“What’s going on?”

The two of us had attracted a crowd of onlookers, and amidst the confusion, a man came out with a toothpick in his mouth.

“It’s you.”

Liu Hu and I said in unison.

I didn’t expect to meet Liu Hu here; I hadn’t seen him for a long time.

Liu Hu used to hang around with the Green Dragon Gang, but later on, he was bullied by me and Qiu Lao Dog in the halls, and I had a deep grudge against him, I’m afraid even Chen Yu Zhou couldn’t match the depth of our grudge.

“Cousin, this man won’t pay for his meal.” The waiter said in a crying voice.

I said urgently, “I’m not not paying, I’m going after my girlfriend, I’ll be back soon, I’ll give you my phone as collateral.”

“Who knows how much you paid for this phone, it probably came from the wrong place in the first place. I’m begging you, sir, give me the money first, I’ll go after your girlfriend for you once the money is given.”

This waitress was not using a brutal approach, but was churlish and pitiful. If she dared to be mean to me, I had ten thousand ways to make her let go, but with her like this now, there was really nothing I could do.

“Let go.”

Liu Hu patted the waitress’s shoulder and told her to let go of me.

The waitress and I were both dumbfounded, what was this play?

“Cousin ……”

“You don’t even know him? He bought this restaurant without even blinking an eye, so cut him loose. If you offend him, your boss will have you fired in a minute.”

“But, but, is he so rich? But he doesn’t look like ……”

“My cousin, who just came to Tongcheng doesn’t know you, forgive me. Mandy, let go of him, he won’t renege on your account. Zhang Chao, you go.”

I didn’t expect him to speak for me, hell, was this still Liu Hu?

The situation was too urgent for me to ask more questions, so I nodded my thanks and rushed out the door, and as I did so I heard Liu Hu’s sister ask him, “Can this man really buy our restaurant?”

“Of course he can, he can buy ten of them, a hundred of them.”

“Ah? He’s so rich, brother, have I offended someone?”

“Yes, but he has a good heart and won’t give you a hard time.”

When I found Chu Xiaoxiao, Lin Fang had already disappeared.

“Sorry, she was picked up by a car and I didn’t catch up.”

I took her into my arms, “It’s good you’re okay, next time you don’t chase her out.”