Wealthy Chapter 307

I stared at my watch, mentally calculating the time and hoping that the mission would be over by twelve o’clock.

“Captain, it’s confirmed, Zhao Zichen has stopped at a ruined pier in the east of the city.”

“What’s the terrain like?” I asked.

“Sniping can be arranged, and there are two residential high-rises around it. But the dock is obscured by houses and the view is poor.”

I said to Cai Xiaobing, “Come on, go to the old pier on the east side of town.”

The eastern part of the city was originally an industrial park, but later, when the real estate and financial industries in Tong developed, the factories gradually withdrew and the area was left deserted and overgrown with weeds.

Near the old pier are some demolition and resettlement houses, not many people live in them, but they are not abandoned buildings.

There are two flat blocks close to the old pier, and from the rooftop of the top floor you can snipe across to the old pier.

I immediately arranged for men to wait in each of these two buildings to snipe, with myself in charge of one of the sniper points.

We were so far apart that we could only see them talking but could not hear what they were saying.

Zhao Zichen had been waiting in place, and with him were two other shippers. These two men had probably heard of Zhao Zichen’s identity and treated him with great respect.

But the other side of the deal never appeared.

As time pa*sed, I scanned the area with my scope to see if there were any suspicious people around.

The more I looked, the more I felt something was wrong: “Cai Xiaobing, how do you think this person is going to transport these three carts of stuff if someone is really here to trade?”

Cai Xiaobing said, “Take the car and carry it away.”

“One person driving three carloads of goods? Besides, if this person is a middleman, won’t the criminal gang behind him worry that he’s privy to the shipment?”

Cai Xiaobing said, “Nim is right, Captain, what is this all about. If the person who made the deal doesn’t show up, could it be because Shi Sheng can’t be reached?”

My temples pounded, and suddenly I had a terrible suspicion.

“It’s a possibility. And it’s likely that one of the three carriers is the middleman.”

“What?! How could Shi Sheng not know that.”

I said, “If at the end of each transaction, it is the middleman who informs Shi Sheng to let the shipper leave, then the remaining one can blatantly carry the goods away in a boat here.”

“Then don’t you have to inspect the goods?”

I said, “The middleman himself took part in the whole production process, so there’s no need to inspect the goods.”

I said to Cai Xiaobing, “Have someone check to see if there are any ships nearby.”

Cai Xiaobing nodded, “I’m on my way.”

He ordered Meng Meng to check around, Meng Meng was resourceful and was our Snow Leopard’s scout.

I meanwhile barked at everyone on the radio, “Pay attention to your surroundings, there must be a press nearby.”

I couldn’t believe they weren’t worried about people taking it for themselves. Not only were there people pressing the goods, but there should be others who were letting them out.

The middleman and the middleman may be in the same gang, but the one who is pressing the goods is definitely not.

After three minutes, Meng Meng came back with the news that a fish boat had been found, but there were people on it.

“Look at the nets on the boat.” I said.

“The nets are drying.”

“sh*t, what nets are sunning in the middle of the night, keep an eye on him.”

“He hasn’t docked yet and is quite cautious. He’s probably got nothing on board now, catching him won’t help and will spook the snake.” Monk said.

I scanned the area with my scope while my mind was anxious.

It would be blind if this side had to wait until we contacted Shi Sheng before we started trading.

“Old Yu, have you hacked into Shi Sheng’s account yet?”

“Already hacked in, I’ve been in contact with the seller for about five minutes.”

My eyes snapped open and I yelled, “Five minutes, why didn’t you say so? What did the seller say?”

“Just normal contact, nothing special, was asking me about the goods and I didn’t dare reply too quickly for fear of spilling the beans.”

I cursed and told everyone on the channel, “Bad, the dot may have woken up, prepare for a strong attack, all arrests for everyone.”

At that very moment, a man’s face appeared in my scope, along with a sniper rifle aimed at me.



Two shots rang out, one from me, and as the other man was about to fire, I pulled the trigger first and the head in the scope immediately exploded like a watermelon.

But at the same time, another shot rang out, and I rolled on the ground with Cai Xiaobing’s head pressed against me, and a crater was blasted in the place where we had just hidden.

“sh*t! How the hell did Dot wake up?!”

This I really couldn’t figure out.

From the sound of the gunshots, it sounded like there was another sniper on the other side, but he must have changed positions too.

I shouted over the channel, “Find this guy! We’re taking all three downstairs back into custody.”

Just then, suddenly another shot rang out and a bearded man who had been standing on the dock fell straight to the ground, his head blown out in a big hole.

I immediately turned my gun around and let off a shot in the direction of the gunshot, and the man who had just fired was shot through the throat.

Cai Xiaobing and I ran downstairs with all our might, while informing the rest of the men, “Meng Meng, get that crusher for sure!”

As soon as Zhao Zichen heard the gunshot, he covered his head and found a concrete wall to hide behind.

The pier was pitch black and the lights had been blown out, so we didn’t dare make a sound and could only advance in the darkness.

Suddenly, as I rounded a corner, a figure in front of me met me just in time, and I raised my gun, “Stop!”

Zhao Zichen said, “It’s me!”

His face was covered in mud, he was in a mess, and he was breathing heavily.

“Damn it, why does the other side feel wrong?” Zhao Zichen asked.

“I’m not sure now, it’s very dangerous here, come on, you’re coming out with me.”

Zhao Zichen refused to go and said, “All those two people are here to pick up the goods.”

“How do you know?” I was surprised.

Zhao Zichen said, “Those two kept looking at their phones non-stop, but my phone was confiscated before we left.”

I immediately got on the channel and said, “The other guy ran away, and he was also the middleman.”

I had just said this and looked at Zhao Zichen’s head and my eyes widened.

“What’s wrong?”

“Take it easy, you’ve been locked on by a sniper.” I gulped, there was actually a third sniper in the building.

What the hell was the other guy’s origin?! We had seriously underestimated the strength of the other side.

Zhao Zichen’s face froze for a moment, he could have stood by and watched clearly when the bearded man was shot in the head just now, and now it was about to be his turn!

I took a deep breath and violently pushed Zhao Zichen away, the red dot instantly landed on my chest, I raised my Light 50 in the direction of getting the dot ready to shoot.

At the same time, a gunshot echoed through the old pier, it wasn’t me who fired the shot.

“Zhang Chao ……” Zhao Zichen looked at me with a pale, staggering face.

I hurriedly lunged at him and rolled behind cover.

The red dot pointing at me just now disappeared, and Fox’s voice came over the radio channel, “Captain, you’re welcome.”

I gasped to, “Good thing you kid, or I would have been through the roof and my heart would have flown tonight.”

Soon word came from Monk that the fishermen had been caught and soon we found three sniper bodies in the building.

“There’s still a middle man missing, he must be found. Dot has somehow woken up and we’ve been laying out like idiots for so long. Now that he’s awake, there’s no way to keep this under wraps, we have to catch everyone we can.” I yelled over the radio.