Wealthy Chapter 242

“Damn you.”

Even though Yue Man Gong was such a proud man with such a good connotation, he couldn’t help himself at this time, he had a depression in his heart that he couldn’t vent, and could only vent his anger by getting Jiang Ming killed.

But I knew very well that Jiang Ming would not be able to die today anyway because his transcendent second uncle was overseeing the battle beside him.

Probably Yue Man Gong also knew how powerful Jiang Yun Qing was and was aware of his existence, and after a short while, he let go of Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming straightened his suit in the darkness, completely ignoring Yue Man Gong.

I could very well understand Moon Man Bow’s pain at this time, anyone who fought Jiang Ming for the first time would have been shocked by his perversion.

This guy completely doesn’t care about anyone’s life, anyone else’s or his own, and I profoundly doubt that Jiang Ming would be a complete sociopath.

Slowly and deliberately, Jiang Ming said to the moon filled bow in the darkness, “I told you a long time ago, there is no harm in trading with me, don’t you grab it from me, I want this painting for sure.”

Moon Man Bow said, “What time is it now, you are still thinking about the Thoughtless Mountain. Someone is trying to kill us, we are in the Pacific, if something happens to us, the whole ship will not escape. Let’s team up first and find the man named He and ask him about the bomb first.”

Not only did Jiang Ming not take Yue Man Gong’s words, but he laughed loudly, “What’s there to ask? He didn’t succeed in killing us, but I will definitely take revenge later. If the King of Gamblers competition doesn’t turn out to be a success, the ownership of the Thoughtless Mountain will be up to you.”

The cabin was dark, the cruise ship was bumpy, no one dared to make a move, they could only wait for the emergency lights to come on

After waiting for a while, someone found the emergency light source and the halls on the third and fourth floors were lit up with a ghostly green light.

“Look, you guys! The thoughtless mountain is gone!”

Someone exclaimed first, Jiang Ming and Yue Man Gong looked up towards the fifth floor in shock, the huge picture frame, which was almost two metres long and wide, was blank in the middle, the Thoughtless Mountain had actually been cut out of its human picture frame, leaving only a huge picture frame!

“Who did this!”

Jiang Ming’s eyes were wide open and hissed as the sound echoed through the lobby of the cruise ship.

“Quick, the man must still be on the ship, find it!”

I stood on the fifth floor looking down, watching the group of Jianghu giants in chaos like a pot of porridge, hooked up a smile: “What’s mine, I’ll take it first, bye bye all of you.”

This kind of oil painting has can’t be folded, even if I can, I also have some reluctance, after all, this is my mother’s posthumous work, I can only roll up.

“Got it, retreat.”

In the pitch blackness, Old Mo moved so fast that I could barely keep up.

I had already familiarised myself with the hull when I fished Lin Kang up earlier. The safest place now was the engine room below, a place where almost no one went, only a few boatmen were underneath, and there was nothing to steal there, not even security.

We had just rushed on deck when Old Mo suddenly rolled over and pounced on me, pinning me to the ground.

We were both slapped against the wall by the waves that had been stirred up, and all the bones in our bodies felt like they had been broken.

I was choking on tears and snot, and the boat fell to the left, as if it was being crushed by the waves, and it took a dozen seconds to right itself.

“Old Mo are you all right!” If it wasn’t for him, I would definitely have been swept overboard just now.

It took a second or two before Old Mo stirred and wiped a handful of seawater from his face.

“It’s okay, small wind and waves, let’s go.”

I helped Old Mo, rushed downstairs and got into the cabin.

The inside of the hull was also bumpy, but as long as the ship didn’t sink, it was much safer here than outside the deck.

The further down I went the more I felt something was wrong, the whole ship was pitch black.

Everywhere I could hear people calling for help and women screaming, but I couldn’t hear any machinery working, the boilers weren’t firing.

“What’s going on? Hurry up and find a place to hide something, Jiang Ming and Moon Man Bow are as smart as ghosts, they’ll be looking for them soon.”

The more I looked inside the engine room the more panicked I became, the darkened hull was like a huge magic cave, the appalling waves lapping at the hull outside and not a sound inside.

“How can this be.”

Old Mo asked, “What the hell is going on? You’re in a real hurry.”

My cold sweat dripped uncontrollably, “Where are all the boatmen? Why is the ship without power?”

The boat was completely out of power, the turbines had stopped and the workers were nowhere to be found, so it was no wonder the boat was lurching so much.

“Damn it, what the hell is He doing?! He’s trying to get us all killed in the Pacific!”

I felt something was wrong just now, how much profit could he pull in from this King of Gamblers tournament, what was the net profit of this boat in a year, how could the He surname be willing to give away the thoughtless mountain that Jiang Ming was willing to get at any cost? Because this was a conspiracy from start to finish.

Old Mo still couldn’t believe it: “What does He Zhitian have to gain by doing this? He doesn’t have to drag a boatload of innocents along if he wants to provoke infighting among the eight sects!”

I didn’t know what He Zhitian was up to, but this was a genuine Hongmen Banquet.

“I’m not sure what he’s thinking, but the boat is in great danger. Don’t look at the boat, it’s all steel, but it’s no different from a wooden boat in huge waves. Quickly, let’s go to the main control room, something has to be done, and at the same time inform all the men to come up on deck, ready for the boat to break or capsize, and for everyone to get into the lifeboats and abandon the boat at any moment!”

I turned to run and Old Mo asked me what to do about the thoughtless mountain.

It was definitely not safe for me to walk with it on me, and as soon as they saw me, they would definitely suspect me.

“Old Uncle Mo, you keep it for me for now.”

I pulled off a piece of linoleum felt from the covered goods and wrapped the painting.

“You’re an old man and you can’t see, so if you hide it well, they won’t suspect you.”

Old Mo held the painting for a long time before saying, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll roll it up and run away when I get off the boat?”

How could I not be afraid? Even though I didn’t know what was so special about the painting, I couldn’t possibly not be worried just because of the way the gang of jianghu people were so crazy about it.

But what could I do? I couldn’t beat any of the kung-fu masters, for F*ck’s sake!

If only I could get in touch with Baldy, but it would be too late. As soon as I left the cabin, I would run into Jiang Ming and Yue Man Gong, and the only person I could rally around was Mo.

“I trust you, Uncle Mo, you saved my life just now on the fifth floor, if you hadn’t saved me, the painting would already be yours, I trust you would never be that kind of villain.”

Old Mo nodded in silence and solemnly took the painting, then teased, “Don’t think you’ll make me happy with two or three kind words, you soldiers are so good at this psychological warfare, I was almost coaxed into thinking I was a good person. If you die, I’ll still have the painting all to myself.”