Wealthy Chapter 131

“Coincidence?” I sneered, “Tell me first, how could it be such a coincidence.”

Zhao Zichen didn’t blush at all and simply said, “I asked him to follow you.”

If it weren’t for the fact that this kid was separated from the screen, I would want to choke him now and ask how he managed to be so shameless.

“Bye.” I reached for the remote to turn off the TV.

“Wait, Chao listen to me explain, you don’t have to be so desperate all the time.” He wailed, “I was wrong, why don’t you give me a chance to learn from my mistakes too.”

“You didn’t make your words clear last time at your villa? I’ve heard you say that more than once.”

This kid was like a dog’s skin, he wouldn’t let go of me. I now really regret that I should not have agreed to Zhao Gongluan that time, and now I let these two father and son completely calculate.

I’d fall into this kid’s trap if I wasn’t careful.

This is why I am not afraid of a triad hooligan who is educated, but I am afraid that he is educated and loves to stalk.

I didn’t want to follow his nonsense, I was already tired of hearing the same old words he was going to say.

Zhao Zichen did not give up and said, “Brother Chao, you are too heartless, right? I let him follow you, but that’s for your own protection. Brother Chao, you should reconsider, Chao ……”

I turned off the TV, turned off my phone, and the room went quiet for a moment.

It was a big typhoon day anyway, I didn’t believe this kid could kill me now, and no matter what I said tomorrow, at least I’d have a clean night today.

This kid Zhao Zichen is very smart and can judge the situation, he is a rare and reliable comrade. But there is no way I would ever work with the triads.

This kid has a problem: he’s too smart for his own good. He always makes it sound like he wants to be a gangster, but is that possible? How can I believe him when these words are so false?

Before I fell asleep, I looked up Chu Xiaoxiao’s phone number. Fortunately, the phone had not been damaged by the rain and I could still get through, but the signal was not good on typhoon days and I could not get through.

It was late at night now, so I guess Chu Xiaoxia was asleep too, so I would go to her early tomorrow morning and finish what I hadn’t done.

As I drifted off to sleep, there was a knock on the door of my room and I asked who it was. Old Gump’s voice rang out.

“Young master, it’s me.”

I hurriedly rolled over and got up to open the door for Lao Gan.

“What brings you here at this late hour?”

“I couldn’t sleep. After what happened today, Liu Rong has torn his face off from Han Rul. Even if it’s for self-preservation, he’ll make Junran his own before Han-ru returns. I’m not sure, so I’d better come and talk to you about what to do.”

I let Lao Gan into the house and saw that he was still shivering from the cold, probably because he had just frozen, so I turned up the air conditioning a little.

When I turned around, I saw Lao Gan sizing me up, tears glistening.

“Hey, I’m standing here looking at you like I was looking at your dad back in the day, and it’s amazing that your dad has been gone for so many years.”

The mention of my dad made me feel bad too.

“Uncle Gan, you’re also an old friend of my dad’s, and Junran has been there for so many years thanks to you.”

Probably because he had experienced life and death tonight, Old Gan looked very bad and he had become sentimental.

“I’ve only done my job, and it’s Han Kun who I really have to thank. Over the years, if it wasn’t for lawyer Han, our company would have fallen apart. You don’t know that six years ago, our company acquired a piece of land in the centre of the provincial capital where the Junran Shopping Centre is now built. At that time, Han Rui was in Denmark and could not come back for a while. This project was recommended by Liu Rong, and after the meeting, the project was approved collectively. The project was particularly capital intensive, and two-thirds of our Junran’s water flow was invested in it, but who knew that the summons from the court would come after the investment was made?”

I don’t know much about industry and commerce and legal stuff, but looking at Old Gan’s palpitating look, this matter must not be easy to handle. This Liu Rong, surprisingly, has been so sinister since that time.

The first time I saw this, I was very happy to see it. This can’t be blamed on anyone, the market is like a battlefield, this business opportunity is fleeting. Little did we know that the title to the land had been unclear and had been the subject of a lawsuit in a small local court in the next province. We had just bought the land when the notice from the court came and the plot was seized.”

I blurted out, “A lawsuit, we are paying real money for it.”

“Even if the lawsuit is internal, it will take at least five or six months to get a judgment, right? The bank will not grant a loan for a dispute over the title of the land. That’s going to drag Junran to death alive.”

I had never been involved in this area of business and had no idea that it was possible to operate so viciously.

I had thought that an aircraft carrier-cla*s group of companies like Surplus would not be affected by some minor disputes, but I never thought that even Surplus would be so vulnerable.

“This Liu Rong, D*mn it, it turns out that he has long had his eyes on Junran.”

Old Gan nodded, “At that time, the company was already planning to go bankrupt and restructure, it was really being dragged to death by this project. We couldn’t even sell the disputed land if we wanted to. When we tried to find the two people who had sold the land in the first place to get the money back, these two people just evaporated into thin air, and we couldn’t find the people involved in the dispute!”

When I did the math, six years ago, wasn’t that when I was eighteen? Han Kun only came to me to hand over his will when I was nineteen, and at that time he said that he had been delayed for a year because of something.

“So what happened after that?”

Old Gump said, “Afterwards? Han Ruo came back from Denmark early, and none of us knew he was coming back. As soon as he got off the plane, he went straight to Liu Rong’s house. The next day, the owner of the land showed up, signed the contract and the bank loan was approved the same day. We lost a lot of money, but the Junran Business Centre that was built on that land played an immeasurable role in Junran’s business development, and Liu Rong stole the chicken.”

I was surprised, “What did Uncle Han say to Liu Rong?”

“No one knows! But Liu Rong hates Han Rul because of it, he hates and fears Han’s lawyer. If Han Ruler were in the country right now, he wouldn’t dare to make a sudden move if he had a thousand guts.”