Wealthy Chapter 13

Lin Fang also didn’t expect me to suddenly touch him, Chen Yu Zhou’s face turned blue and he pointed at my hand, “Let go of me!”

I didn’t mind him, but asked Chen Mengyun, “Director Chen, this hospital is a public hospital, it’s not owned by your family, you can’t just say one thing. You don’t have to be so vicious, even if you are ugly. Is there no other leader in this hospital who can control you, I want to talk to your leader.”

“What are you talking about?!” Chen Mengyun almost rushed up to fight with me, but after calming down a bit, she said, “Leader? I’m the leader of the inpatient cardiology department, I’m in charge of the hospitalization, you have to leave when I tell you to.”

I laughed, “Oh, that’s a relief to me.”

“What do you mean? Don’t play the fool here!”

I said, “I’m relieved to know that you’re the mastermind of the whole thing.”

They both wondered what I meant, and I smiled without saying anything. Since Han Kun had known about it from the moment we entered the hospital, he must have been able to know about our current situation at any time as well.

Sure enough, I saw a group of people in white coats rushing over from afar.

Chen Mengyun hadn’t seen it clearly, and when she did, she blushed like death and muttered in a low voice, “Why is the dean here? For this kid, it can’t be.”

Chen Yu Zhou was a fool, at this time he was still in a dream like, and said with a vow, “The dean will not care about such things, besides, with your status, the dean will not meddle in the inpatient department even if you say one thing or another.”

Chen Mengyun nodded first, thought about it uneasily and said, “You have investigated, right, this kid has no background, right? ”

Their voices were actually very low, but I was specially trained in the army reconnaissance company, and I could hear the conversations that others could not hear clearly.

Chen Yu Zhou said: “Do not worry, a fool, poor and stupid, just a bladder of strength. ”

Chen Mengyun was relieved, straightened her clothes, turned around and walked towards the dean with a smile, but the smile didn’t hang on her face for ten seconds before it froze.

The dean walked up to her with a black face: “Director Chen Mengyun, Dr Zhu Wang Shen, you are fired! ”

Honestly, I froze for a moment.

When Han Kun rea*sured me, I thought he had just helped me find the chief doctor and could net me a bed in the hospital.

It turned out that to my surprise, it was the director he found.

Of course, this was normal, it was not surprising that Han Kun, with such a big face, knew the dean.

But when the dean appeared, I thought he would at most chide us or say a few kind words and then help us arrange a new bed.

Never in a million years did I expect that the dean would simply fire the two doctors!

Chen Mengyun and Zhu Wang Shen’s faces were worse than pig’s liver, and both of them were so dumbfounded that they couldn’t even react, that’s how people are when they suffer a huge blow, they simply can’t believe the reality.

The crowd of onlookers also froze, and the scene was quiet, not to mention Chen Yuzhou.

Of course, Chen Yu Zhou absolutely could not imagine that the dean was here for us, in his mind, I was just a stupid poor loser, how could I have such great resources?

I was so vain that I hurriedly explained, “Maybe I heard someone else’s reaction to the situation. ”

Lin Fang didn’t believe all of it, but after thinking for a moment, she nodded a little. She surely couldn’t believe that this dean came up for my sake either, after all, I was so poor in high school, even if I turned over and got rich, there was no way I would know someone like the dean.

Chen Mengyun, who has seen the world after all, asked rhetorically, “Dean, we are also official employees of the hospital, you have to be justified in firing us, right? I know, you want your son to be the head of the cardiology department, but Xiao Zhao’s level is really not good, I don’t agree, and you can’t take personal revenge! ”

Chen Mengyun was really quite level-headed, with a twinkle in her eye, she steered the conversation to something else, making everyone think that Dean Zhao was holding a personal grudge.

Dean Zhao was quite calm and didn’t get angry, instead he even smiled, with a face that said: I’ll just quietly watch you play hard to get.

Zhu Wang Shen seized the opportunity and hurriedly said, “Yes, yes! Dean Zhao, we are all doing official business, you can’t treat us like this. ”

“Doing official business? Is taking a patient’s red envelope for personal use also official? Dr. Zhu, a week ago, you received three thousand dollars in red envelopes from the family of Ge Tiankai’s patient, is that official? ”

Zhu Wang Shen’s legs went weak and he almost slid down as he held onto the wall.

Chen Mengyun turned his head and cursed: “Stupid! ”

Before she could finish, President Zhao continued, “Chen Mengyun, you have been secretly dealing with the heart stent supplier, taking kickbacks and raising prices, is this also a matter of public affairs? ”

“You’re talking nonsense! ” Chen Mengyun denied it.

Hell, is it really not about me? I couldn’t figure it out in my mind, it looked like these two people were so bad that Director Zhao had caught them in the act and today was just a coincidence.

Chen Mengyun and I think similarly, eyes twinkling, suddenly pointed at me and said: “I know, what take red packets, what kickbacks, you blood spouting, you and this family know each other, you want to help them out, right? I said that this kid just that look like a ready to go ah, so there is you behind this big god ah. ”

“Director Chen, you’re the one spouting blood, it’s come to this and you’re still denying it. “Director Zhao was completely unmoved by her slander, as if he wouldn’t get angry no matter what Chen Mengyun said, I mentally admired this person’s connotation a bit, if it were me, I would have scolded him back even if I didn’t do anything.

The fact that Chen Mengyun probably ate the fact that there was no evidence in President Zhao’s hand, she thought that there would not be such a coincidence, just when she and Zhu Wang Shen were in cahoots to expel Lin’s father from the hospital, the president came over and fired them both by name, this was too much of a coincidence, it must be a trap, it was blowing them up.

“If you have proof, show it! Zhao Gongluan, don’t you bully people too much! So many people are watching! You’re spilling blood like that, I… I won’t live! ”

After saying that, Chen Mengyun actually sat down on her buttocks, beating her chest and crying.

After she had cried for a while, she pointed to her left and right and said, “Look at who these two people are. ”

The two people standing behind Dean Zhao never said a word, their hands were placed in front of them, their expressions were similar to Chen Mengyun’s, which was the same: I’ll just quietly watch you act like a P***y.

“You found two random people and you want to be a witness?! No way! God, I won’t live! ”

One of those two men took out a small book from his pocket and handed it to Chen Mengyun, asking her to open it and read it herself.

Without opening it, Chen Mengyun’s face turned deadly pale when she saw the cover of the little book.

Zhu Wang Shen urged urgently, “Director Chen, who the hell are they, tell me! “