Through Time Chapter 291

Technical Institute.

The Lord of Yin and Yang was in his room, speaking to a servant of

“Keep an eye not only on Zhao Lang’s side, but also on the Goguryeo embassy, so that nothing goes wrong.”

For him, Zhao Lang was the prey and Su Ying was the bait, and nothing could go wrong with either.

The servant nodded his head repeatedly and said

“Yes, master!”

Then he hurriedly left, when another servant ran in.

“Master, Zhao Lang has come to the door with many people!”

The Lord of Yin and Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said, in great alarm


He was just asking someone to keep an eye on the other side, and in the blink of an eye, the other side was at his doorstep with his people!

So hastily he asked to

“How many men has he brought with him!”

The servant returned that

“He brought a lot of people and said he had the whole yard wrapped up.”

“Wrap it up?”

The Lord of Yin and Yang froze for a moment.

“Yes, master, should we send Miss Mei over there? He was the one who saw Miss Mei before he was satisfied last time.”

The servant suggested at this point.

“Last time? Mei?”

The Lord of Yin and Yang asked, with a slight shiver running through his body, as he thought of something

“That young man from last time was Zhao Lang?”

“Why didn’t anyone tell me!”

The Lord of Yin and Yang just felt like he was going to explode with anger, the head of the medical family, having appeared under his nose!

And he didn’t know.

The servant said in a dumbfounded manner that

“You didn’t ask either, master.”

“… Stupid!”

The Lord of Yin and Yang slapped him straight across the face and roared to

“Close the door and let everyone else go.”

“Tell Mei that we must keep the other side today!”

“Yes, Master!”

The servant hurriedly walked out, but there was a sound of another

“Why are you still sweeping the floor here, you fool, hurry to the side.”

The Lord of Yin and Yang probed and looked, and found the dull teenager from before, sweeping the already dust-free floor outside.

“Bunch of losers!”

The Lord of Yin and Yang said in a somewhat vocal manner.

The Yin Yang family’s plan in Xianyang was considered a complete failure, and when he got the Immortal Pill, he would leave the place.

If the other side could stay overnight today, it was the opportunity to feel out the other side’s reality.

Soon, the technical courtyard was cleared.

Only Zhao Lang and the others were left.

With Meng Yi present, those present naturally didn’t dare to ask for some exciting shows; everyone’s feelings were not yet that far gone.

Of course, singing, dancing and listening to music was a good choice.

The officials were all scholars and had some sense of elegance.

Many of them could also write poetry and fiction.

“Gongzi Lang, you too should have a song.”

An official said with a few curt words after composing a poem.

It was not good to call an official a prostitute when you were out.

Although Zhao Lang still had a lot of poems and songs in his heart to pretend to be bleeped.

But there was no need to.

He didn’t need too much fame right now, and it would only be the end of him if he really had a reputation for being both literary and martial and attracted the attention of the First Emperor.

Keeping a low profile was the way to go, so he replied back that

“I thank you for your kindness, but I am really not good at this.”

“Just have a good time, gentlemen.”

Seeing the sincerity of Zhao Lang’s words, everyone didn’t force the issue, it wasn’t a shame that a martial general didn’t know how to do this.

Drinking and chatting and watching songs and dances, the officials’ side was interested in pleasing, and Zhao Long’s side wanted to have some of their own people as soon as possible.

The time passed quickly as they got on extremely well.

Soon it was getting dark and everyone looked a bit different.

In a few moments, the streets of Xianyang would be deserted, and if they didn’t leave now, they would have to stay overnight.

As if on cue, Meng Yi stood up and said indifferently.

“It’s getting late, let’s go ahead.”

After saying this, he got up and left.

The others hurried to see him off.

It was naturally a rare opportunity to stroll around the technical courtyard with a superior minister, but it was also extremely uncomfortable.

Once Meng Yi left, everyone looked at Zhao Lang one by one, as if he was the chief officer of these people here.

Zhao Lang said with a smile.

“What are you all still doing? Let’s have fun and not delay the dawn tomorrow.”

Hearing these words, everyone laughed out loud and said.

“Thank you, Duke Long!”

And the atmosphere among the crowd gradually let go of the

“Gongzi Lang, I have heard that there is a great beauty here called Mei, but unfortunately she never sees people easily.”

“Hmph, wait a moment, I’ll go and ask for someone for Gongzi Long! I don’t believe it, a small technical institute, still dares to take a stand.”

Even though the crowd was trying to please Zhao Lang, it was because Zhao Lang didn’t choose good people and it was not good for them to do so.

Just then, a servant came over and said that

“This gentleman, Miss Mei has an invitation.”

The crowd was slightly stunned, and then they all laughed to

“The people here are quite sensible.”

Zhao Lang didn’t push too hard either.

The reason why he chose to bring people to the Technical Institute.

One was because there were not many forms of entertainment in Da Qin, and the Technical Institute was extremely easy to bring each other closer.

Secondly, it was a chance to see Mei in passing and get details of the Goguryeo mission.

The servant led Zhao Lang all the way to the door of Mei’s room.

“My lord, Miss Mei is waiting for you in her room.”

After saying that, he left.

As soon as Zhao Lang entered, he saw Mei, who was wearing a figure-revealing dress, with her delicate figure in full view.

Combined with Mei’s natural flirtatiousness, no matter who it was, the blood would rise to the surface, and Zhao Lang was no exception.

By this time, Mei had already smiled and leaned up, and with a puff of ethereal fragrance, Mei curtsied and said

“Greetings, Duke Long.”

Zhao Lang returned to his senses and was about to ask what this was all about.

Just then he heard Mei whispering that

“Today, the Lord of Yin and Yang suddenly ordered that you must be kept for the night tonight.”

“And, if necessary, for me to drug you.”

Zhao Lang was instantly alerted, Mei and he had said that the owner of this technical institute was the Lord of Yin and Yang.

However, he didn’t care too much about it, as he didn’t want to cause trouble right now, so he just asked the spider web’s scouts, to secretly gather information.

Zhao Lang couldn’t figure out why the other party would suddenly target him.


Zhao Lang asked in a low voice.

Mei shook her head, when suddenly there was a slight rattling outside the door.

At once Mei said in a delicate voice that

“Aiya, Gongzi Lang, don’t be in such a hurry, there’s still a long time to go.”

That pouting voice made even Zhao Lang a bit topsy-turvy.

Mei shouted to the outside at this time that

“Anyone? Someone! Bring me some hot water!”

Soon there was a low voice at the door and

“Yes, Miss Mei.”

There was a moment’s wait before Mei returned, frowning

“I don’t know.”

Zhao Lang thought about it for a while, but couldn’t find a clue.

Soon, however, Mei blushed slightly and said

“Then, Gongzi Long today…”

Looking at Mei who was blushing slightly, Zhao Lang frowned and said

“I want to see what he wants to do, it’ll have to be an act.”

Mei, whose face was getting redder and redder by this time, said that

“Duke Long, Mei is still a virgin, trying to hide it from the Lord of Yin and Yang with a fake play is not an option.”

Zhao Lang was slightly stunned, what did this mean?

If you don’t need to use fake scenes, could you really do it?

He wasn’t that kind of person!!!

Just then, there was a knock at the door and

“Miss Mei, hot water is being delivered.”

Soon, a teenage servant walked in.

Zhao Lang recognised the other party as a spy from the Spider Web.

The teenager also recognised Zhao Lang, but the rules that should be followed could not be compromised and said that

“The Heavenly King covers the Earthly Tiger.”

Zhao Lang took a slight breath, his voice low in front and high in the back, and returned to

“The pagoda suppresses the great eagle!”

When Mei, who was on the side, heard these words, her eyes lit up violently.

When Zhao Lang looked back, Mei said, with a few hints of inviting credit

“Gongzi Long, Mei’s medicine really works, doesn’t it?”

Zhao Lang’s face stiffened momentarily, then said indifferently that

“You close your eyes for a moment.”


The next second, Mei collapsed limply to the floor.