Skillful Guard Chapter 426

“This is pushing people to the brink of extinction.”

Looking at the ruins of the villa, Dad and Mum’s faces were filled with worry.

“If it burns, it burns, aren’t people fine?” Qin Dahai said sullenly as he sat on a chair to the side, smoking a cigarette.

Su Hanxia also said, “The house can be built when it’s gone.”

“It’s just that ……” Song Ling looked at her son as if he didn’t care at all, sighed helplessly and added, “You look so pale, do you want to go to the hospital? I know you’re holding a fire, but you can’t be angry about this.”

Su Hanxia was also busy nodding her head.

She had said this a few times, but Qin Hai did not take it seriously. To her, Qin Hai was her only pillar, and she never wanted to see anything happen to him.

“It’s fine, I’m just not in the best of spirits lately.” The pro-a*sembly waved his hand and after exhaling a smoke ring, he said, “Just rest for two days, eh, two days.”

Hearing him say that.

Song Ling also knew that she couldn’t persuade him, but it was Qin Datang who pondered for a while, glanced at Su Hanxia and said, “Are you really sure?”


Qin DaTang put out his cigarette and said with conviction.

Qin Datang knew his son’s temper and after nodding, he said, “Then why don’t you and Hanxia move back home first during this period of time.”

“It’s alright.”

Su Hanxia was busy shaking her head and said, “It’s fine to stay at the hotel first, and Xiao Ya will be taking the college entrance exam next year, so don’t disturb her studies.”

Qin Datang looked at her and suddenly laughed.

The laugh was quite meaningful and made Su Hanxia’s heart pound.

“Fine, just make up your own minds.” Qin Datang said with a smile.

He could naturally see that his son and Su Hanxia were very close to each other, and if he really went home, he was afraid that he would disturb the two of them, so Qin Datang would not insist much.

But Song Ling’s sorrowful face was not dispersed, thinking of the recent encounters, and looking at the burnt ruins, she sighed and said bitterly, “Haihai, why don’t you two move out, find a place where no one knows, and be happy?”

Su Hanxia was a bit moved, after all, she wanted to get away from all this and live in peace with Qin Dahai, but soon she shook her head again.


If she left, she would be admitting that she had lost.

How could Qin Haihai admit defeat to those people?

Seeing Qin Hai’s silence, Su Hanxia gave a smile, a firm gleam in her eyes, and said, “Auntie, if you leave, you won’t have peace of mind, so why not stay and face it openly.”

“Not bad.”

Qin Datang also disapproved of Song Ling’s proposal, he said in a deep voice, “Hai Hai is not a child anymore, I believe he can handle this matter.”

The sadness on Song Ling’s face deepened as she heard the two say this, “But ……”


Qin Dahai interrupted Song Ling, he shook his neck a little and said, “Where can we go? We’re not going anywhere, after so many years in Penghai, I really can’t do it when I’m forced to leave my hometown, you tell me about thirty years ago, when you and dad chose to leave Yanjing, I’m afraid you had to suffer a lot, right?”

Qin Datang and Song Ling’s faces instantly changed.

When their son mentioned this, they both seemed to recall that memory, and their faces showed a painful expression, which finally turned into a long sigh.

Qin DaTang was just about to say something.

Suddenly several cars stopped in front of the ruins, and soon several people got down in the cars, led by a man with a few smiles on his face, he came up alone, changed his stock and took a glance around, and finally after a playful glance at the ruins, he said, “Miss Song, it’s been a long time.”

“It’s you?”

Song Ling’s face instantly changed.

And Qin Datang was also frowning tightly, his face not looking very good.

“Who is it?” Qin DaTang frowned and asked.

Instead, the man smiled at Qin Dahai and said, “My name is Song Kun.”

“Another member of the Song family.” Qin Dahai’s face pulled down.

Song Kun obviously understood Qin Hai’s arrogance, but he wasn’t too worried, instead he turned towards Song Ling and said, “Eldest Miss, this time Song Kun has come to give Eldest Miss a piece of good news.”

“There’s no need to call me Eldest Miss.” After Song Ling gave him a look, there were a few more moments of mockery and self-deprecation in her expression as she said, “I’m just an ordinary woman.”

“Why do you have to be presumptuous, Eldest Miss?” Song Kun smilingly took out a large red invitation, and with a shining light in his eyes, he said, “The master has ordered that in a while it will be the master’s 70th birthday, I hope that Eldest Miss can show up then.”

“Take it back, we don’t need it.” Qin Datang said coldly.

Song Kun shook his head and laughed, “It seems that you are not a member of our Song family, Mr. Qin.”

“I wasn’t in the first place!” Qin Datang said through clenched teeth.

“Then don’t disturb the Song family’s family affairs.” Song Kun said fervently, “Master must have thought deeply of Missy this time when he invited her to his birthday, and now that thirty years have pa*sed, is Missy still holding on?”

Song Ling was silent.

On the other hand, Qin Datang’s eyes were like spitting fire.

“Cough cough.” Qin DaTang suddenly coughed.

Song Kun turned his head unhurriedly and smiled, “I wonder what Young Master Qin has to order?”

“There is.” Qin Da Hai laughed, smiled at Su Hanxia who was nervously pulling herself aside, and said, “There is no need to keep the invitation, now go back to wherever you came from, that old man’s birthday, if we are in a good mood we will naturally go, if we are in a bad mood, we will try to walk up.”

“So the pro young master is saying that, is he rejecting me?” Song Kun asked with a smile.

“So what if I am?” Qin Hai said dryly.

Song Kun shrugged indifferently and said, “I’m not merely pa*sing on a message, Mr. Qin doesn’t like me leaving is all, but this invitation.” As he said that, he threw the invitation forward, landing squarely on Qin Dahai, and smiled, “You really must take it, after all, I have orders.”

“Take it away!”

Song Ling frowned and said, “I won’t go.”

“Why do you need to make things difficult for me, Eldest Miss?” Song Kun laughed, “It’s just an invitation, Eldest Miss wouldn’t want to annoy His Lordship again, would she?”

Qin Dahai looked at this Song Kun, his eyes were merciless, with only a few flashes of light.

Song Kun was not afraid, but when he met Qin Dahai’s gaze, his heart trembled, and he heard Qin Dahai say, “Song Qiyang sent you here, didn’t he?”

The corners of Song Kun’s mouth twitched slightly, but he quickly smiled again, “I am merely conveying the orders of the master.”

Qin Dahai ignored what he said and instead continued, “Song Qiyang ordered you to take this attitude, so I suppose you want to anger me and then let everyone know that I, Qin Dahai, don’t know any better and am completely at odds with the Song family, right?”