Skillful Guard Chapter 2326

No surprises there.

Chin Kang is gone again.

Zhang Ren unleashed all of Jiu Tian’s personnel in several nearby cities, only to find nothing.

This gave him a headache.

After all, it was a far cry from the training he had imagined.

“Who did this boy learn from! ”

Zhang Ren pinched his brow.

He really couldn’t imagine where on earth the ten-year-old Qin Kang had learned so many tricks from.

It was unlikely that Xiao Ruoyang and Li Bufan would teach it at all, and in fact they were not proficient in it either.

Lei Lao-Ba?

In front of Su Hanxia, would he dare to teach Qin Kang badly?

Obviously, he wouldn’t dare.

Could it not be Duanmu He?

This was very likely, but since the end of that war, Duanmu He had remained on the Island of Ultimate Bliss, except for the time when Qin Nian was born, when he had come out once, and had been working peacefully as a gravekeeper the rest of the time.

And the rest could be taught.

As far as Zhang Ren remembered and remembered, they were all dead, and the only one who was still possible, Ma Ke, was currently being tossed around by his son who couldn’t leave the house all day, let alone teach Qin Kang.

One night later.

Zhang Shinobu finally got word of Qin Kang.

But he was already a thousand miles away.

In the nearest city to the Martial Alliance, Zhang Shinobu, without any doubts, directly delivered the news. Of course this time it wasn’t just the first batch of chasers, there were more guys who coveted the Heirloom Jade Seal who also poured in, wanting to take it for themselves, after all, it represented heavenly benefits.

Qin Kang was certainly aware of this situation.

But he wasn’t afraid at all.

Who let there be a Qin Hai in his head?

Qin Hai doesn’t help?

That’s not possible.

Because Qin Kang had found a handle on his own old man.

He dared to inform his old man in a minute that his old man had left a spiritual consciousness in his head, but had only been sleeping for over a decade.

If this matter was known to Su Hanxia, Qin Hai could imagine what kind of treatment he would encounter after his real body returned. Of course Qin Kang’s threat only accounted for a very small part of the reason, he also wanted to teach his son personally, he did not need to interfere in the martial arts, but his own son was a little too innocent, although smart, but obviously not enough.

This opportunity offered by Zhang Ren was naturally the most suitable.

At first, Qin Hai would create a very perfect plan of action for Qin Kang, but gradually, the loopholes in his proposed plan became more and more numerous, and Qin Kang went from suffering one defeat after another at the beginning to having been able to gradually add all the loopholes, and by the time he reached the foot of the Martial Arts Alliance mountain, the extent of his progress in this area was already very pleasing.

At least he would not be suffering from boredom anymore.

Of course, Qin Kang knew what his father meant, but at first, he complained very angrily.

But a word from Qin Hai made him quiet.

“I don’t know if I am still alive, this spirit of mine stays behind to facilitate your growth, I hope that if I do die, you will be able to shoulder the responsibility of protecting your family, no one can predict the future crisis, you need to grow up as soon as possible.”

Qin Hai naturally did not want his son to bear the same burden as himself.

Although the divine race was extinguished.

But no one could guarantee whether any enemies would appear in the future.

So Qin Kang had to grow up as quickly as possible.

Qin Kang only complained about this for a few moments and then willingly accepted it.

After entering the Martial Arts Union, with hardly any hindrance, Qin Kang found Xiao Ruoyang.

Xiao Ruoyang looked at this disciple of his and said, “Zhang Ren thinks you should appear before me in a week’s time.”

“He underestimated me.” Qin Kang said matter-of-factly.

These words were not bragging.

After all, in the last two days, Qin Kang’s escape operations were all done independently by himself, and Qin Hai had barely made a move. In fact, with Qin Hai, an experienced old fox, even a fool could turn into a cunning fox.

Xiao Ruoyang sighed.

He saw the shadow of Qin Hai in Qin Kang.

Neither he nor Zhang Ren wanted Qin Kang to turn into the kind of person Qin Hai was, after all, only one Qin Hai was enough, but it happened that things always turned out unexpectedly.

This chase.

Their real aim was to enable Qin Kang to improve his martial arts training and strengthen his will in the face of adversity, so that he could inspire his natural Holy Dragon destiny and become an outstanding spiritual leader, but Qin Kang’s path had gone a bit all over the place, and when Xiao Ruoyang initially asked Qin Kang to choose a weapon, his greatest hope was that Qin Kang would pick up a sword.

This is because the sword is the ruler of a hundred weapons.

It goes well with Qin Kang’s destiny.

But Qin Kang still chose the sword.

The sword of dominance.

From that moment on, Xiao Ruoyang knew that Qin Kang’s future path was definitely not the one they had planned.

When Qin Kang blocked Huang Ying from marrying Qin Xiaoya.

What they saw was Qin Hai.

And it was because of this that the action came about.

But who knew that Qin Kang was going further and further astray.

Looking at Xiao Ruoyang there in a daze, Qin Kang said, “Master, where is the token?”

Xiao Ruoyang did not give Qin Kang a hard time, but took out a token and handed it to Qin Kang.

After receiving it, Qin Kang was overjoyed and said, “Alright, I’ll withdraw first, I’m in a hurry to go to Cloud Dream Mountain.”

This kid didn’t stay long.

He was afraid that Xiao Ruoyang and Zhang Ren had colluded and were pitting themselves.

Xiao Ruoyang, who did not know what the boy was thinking, said, “Have you thought about the next path?”

Qin Kang was stunned, then said with a smile, “Master, don’t set me up.”

“I mean, your future path.” Xiao Ruoyang asked in a deep voice.

Qin Kang was stunned, then said, “Think about it, find my father and bring him back, and if he dies, protect my family, that’s all.”

“It’s that simple.”

Xiao Ruoyang nodded his head.


Qin Dahai had thought it was just that simple at first, however, the simpler it was the more complicated it was.

“Alright, you go ahead.”

Xiao Ruoyang waved his hand, watching Qin Kang leave, Xiao Ruoyang spoke again, “Qin Kang, your future path can be even broader, I hope you can understand.”

Qin Kang was a little uncertain.

After leaving the Martial Alliance, he asked, “Old dad, what does my master mean?”

“To cultivate you into a righteous, bright and great spiritual leader.” Qin Hai’s lazy voice came out, “They’re really naive.”

Qin Kang automatically ignored the second half of his sentence and then said, “Is that so? That’s quite good.”

He was thoughtful.

Qin Hai snorted, but was silent again for a long time before saying, “Son, I won’t interfere with what kind of path you want to take, everything goes according to your heart, but promise me that you won’t let them get hurt at all.”

“Don’t worry!” Qin Kang clenched his fist and said, “I love them very, very much, I love my mother, I love my grandparents, I love my little aunt, I love all my family, no one can hurt them one bit!”