Skillful Guard Chapter 1725

Like a double star impact.

Cologne exploded with the last of her strength.

He met the immensely powerful hand with reckless abandon.

There was no hesitation in his eyes.

With determination.

And conviction!


A violent impact, like a comet hitting the earth, the momentum of the giant hand’s descent came to an abrupt halt, Cologne roared again, the power within his body began to pour into the Titan Trident in an endless stream, a little fire light ignited on the trident, then like a starburst, it burned the entire giant hand, his body began to fade away, and the giant hand, in the flames, began to turn into will.

And when the last of the power in his body had been exhausted, everything returned to nothingness.

The clouds came up once more.

Cologne and the huge hand had disappeared.

The space was calm again, as it had been when we first entered.

The only difference was.

Only Qin Hai was left alone.

His face was blank as he looked around, the sea reflecting his body beneath his feet in such a comical and ridiculous way.

“Are they all gone?”

He murmured.

Grip tightened on the scimitar in his hand.

In this bizarre space, only the scimitar could give him a final sense of security.

Looking around.

His eyes changed.

Changed to something fierce.

He roared, and the endless grievance Qi in his body rose up like a blazing fire, and that scimitar even buzzed. He roared and slashed forward, and a harsh blade Qi came out smoothly, and this blade Qi, with a very strong aura of destruction, however, rushed into that cloud and roared, and soon there was no trace of it, and even the cloud did not show the slightest fluctuation.

Qin Hai gritted his teeth.

He must not be not give up so easily.

Another forty-nine slashes went in quick succession.

The forty-nine slashes kept overlapping in front of him, and their power grew geometrically.

But as this slash went.

It was still as calm as the sea beneath his feet.

“What the hell is this place!”

Qin Hai’s eyes were livid.

He looked at the sea beneath his feet and then plunged in, the sea water was cold and he kept sinking, but the sea water was as deep as if it was never-ending, and it was not known how long, perhaps a day, or perhaps ten days, when Qin Hai finally managed to stop this move which had no effect.

He lifted his head.

The next second.

His eyes changed.

For he realised that the sea was just a metre away from him!

He rushed out to sea.

It was still the endless clouds, the seven-coloured light reflecting faintly, showing magnificence and silence.

He sat on the surface of the sea.

With his eyes closed, he ran the true qi in his body.

Just the next moment.

He immediately sank into the nightmare that he had experienced for days before entering this place!

The tsunami that destroyed the sky and the earth, the countless human beings who died in helplessness.

His eyes snapped open.

There was still an endless sea of clouds.

“What the hell is this place!” He clenched his fists.

But there was nowhere to vent it.

This was definitely the most desperate he had faced since his debut!

Not one of them!



It is a situation that is terrifying to the extreme.

He stood up.

Turning around, he headed in the direction where the Dragon King was parked, trying to get back to the ship first, but he was left to walk on for who knows how long, but he was sure he had definitely exceeded the distance he had come, but had not found the Dragon King.

Nor did he know how many days he had been walking.

He felt perhaps a month or more.

For he felt a severe hunger.

Was there a rumbling sound coming from his abdomen that constantly reminded him that he was a living man and not yet able to die.

The Dragon King was gone.

It meant that he would not have any food to replenish.

When another long period of time had passed.

He lay on the surface of the sea.

There was not much strength left.

He wanted to sleep, but within a few moments of closing his eyes he would be in that nightmare, and he could only keep his eyes open and suffer the fatigue and bitterness of his body and spirit.

The true qi in his body was disappearing little by little.

He could not stop it.

He could only watch.

When a large part of the True Qi in his body disappeared and that Dantian Golden Pill slowly began to become transparent, he licked his dry lips, “Why am I not dead yet?”

Although there was no telling how much time.

But he felt that it had definitely been a month since he had lain down!

With severe hunger, a month of not eating or drinking, and with the true qi in his body unable to support his body’s needs, even if he had an undefeatable flesh body, it should be the end of him.

He coughed dryly.

Took a deep breath.

Moved his limbs with great effort, then slowly climbed to his feet and stumbled away from the place one step at a time.

Of course.

Maybe it would always be here!

Because no matter how far he went, nothing around him would ever change.

Once he’s gone.

Yet it was not known how long he had been walking.

Perhaps a year, or perhaps ten years.

He could no longer count the time, he just kept walking mechanically, like a machine, and his body was extremely thin, muscle and fat had all but disappeared, like a skeleton, with the difference that he was still clothed in a layer of skin.

His eyes were completely sunken, and he could no longer see his eyes, which were empty, like black holes.

And I don’t know when it started.

His body finally began to appear transparent.

It was just that Qin Hai Hai no longer had the heart to be counting.

The skin gradually became transparent, then the bones, then the blood, and next the organs.

Perhaps another few decades.

His body has faded to become like a two-dimensional line.

And that is when.

He stopped.

For he felt that he was about to be completely assimilated, and his brain’s spiritual will was about to be completely assimilated out of this space at this point, and he looked at his ridiculous body and murmured, “Has it finally come?”

“It’s just so ungrateful.”

He uttered again.

The tone was indistinct, but it retained a touch of resignation.


He roared.

But the next second.

He disappeared completely, including that roar.

The bizarre space was still so calm, so calm as to be terrifying.

And yet.

Not a moment later.

An eerie fluctuation suddenly appeared in this space, adding a colour to a space so calm that time was silent.

It was as if a rule had been added to this void-like space.

But this colour, or rule, although it had life, made people feel a terrible palpitation.

A shaking of the clouds began to appear.

The seven-coloured light began to turn brilliant.

The sea was also rippling, seemingly obstructing the sudden appearance of this rule seal in this space.

And it was not clear when.

Suddenly in one part of space.

A strange hole appeared out of nowhere, and immediately afterwards, a blue-haired, blue-eyed god stepped out from inside the hole, and the moment he stepped out, the rule that was to be imprinted in this space suddenly fell silent and disappeared without a trace.