Skillful Guard Chapter 1646

As the saying goes, a meat bag is a dog that never comes back.

Today, the bigwigs of the Pirates’ Alliance sort of understand.

In the eyes of Dongsheng, a wild dog with an incredible appetite, they are f*cking meat bags.

The western front was destroyed in a mess, the southern front has not been heard from for a long time now, I’m afraid it’s also in a bad way, which undoubtedly covers the pirate alliance a layer of gloom.

The weather is dreary.

A thunderstorm is brewing.

Inside the Allied Island Round Table, the twelve pirate captains were surprisingly quiet, except that each captain’s face was a batch of the same as the weather outside.

The silence was a little eerie.

The sound of a cigar burning was extremely clear.

Each captain had a look of remembrance and anger on his face.

How long had it been since they had endured the humiliation of such a great defeat?

It seemed like the last time was when Qin Huayang had come out of nowhere, right?

It has also been about forty years since then.

Now, a Dongsheng who appeared from nowhere has ruffled the tiger’s feathers several times, which is simply hateful!


Zhao Balzi slapped his hand on the table, and the wine cup on the side shook three times, spilling the wine.


A pirate captain said, “If we go on like this, we’ll lose all our f*cking face, so why don’t I sit on the island and we’ll all lead our own teams to destroy the 2b’s of Dongsheng.”

As soon as he finished speaking.

The others were all red in the face at once.

The scar on Zuo Fei’s face squirmed for a while before he said, “Old Manchu, you are experienced and old-fashioned, I think you should go, when you come back, then you will be the new alliance leader, and I think everyone will support it, right?”


Guan Yang narrowed his eyes and returned in an old-fashioned manner.

Baldy Zhao gave a heated smile, “I agree.”

“I agree too.”

“Manchu Lao-san has always been reassuring.”

“Yes, Third Brother is generous, and we are relieved that you are the alliance leader.”

Within a short while, a burst of horsesh*t rushed towards Old Third Man, while the corners of Old Third Man’s mouth twitched, looking at this group of b*****ds who hated to offer themselves as the boss, and gritting his teeth in anger.

Now, according to the intelligence analysis of all parties, Dongsheng must have swallowed at least six or seven hundred mouths and more than twenty ships during the recent period, and if he really had to go there, it would not be enough for them, unless he took out his cards, but he believed that the b*****ds in front of him would take the opportunity to divide himself up.

He saw that Old Man didn’t say a word.

White Sky Bone said, “Old Man San, say something? Are you going or not? If you do, the brothers will definitely support you.”

“Yes, you’re the future alliance leader, so be open, okay?”

There was a lot of chatter.

Old Man San was so angry that he almost flipped out on the spot, but he soon gave a cold laugh and said, “Don’t try to make me be the bird in the head, and don’t think I don’t know what you are doing now that you are relying on Alliance Island, I am not a fool either, hey, I’ll see who sulks first!”

Manchu Lao San’s words made everyone go cold.

A rumbling sound of thunder rang out outside.

The wind was howling.

The whistling wind sounded like a ghostly cry.

The light inside the ship dimmed and everyone’s faces were sombre.

No one was speaking.

Something seemed to be on their minds.

And that’s when.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and the gust of wind poured in at once, and only then did the twelve pirate captains collect the gloom on their faces and look at the door, and that Old Man got up at once and said, “Shanjun?”

The one who pushed the door in was none other than Shanjun and First Officer Zhao.

Shanjun’s face was thick with anger and stifled frustration.

First Officer Zhao was no better, even with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

“First Mate!”

Baldy Zhao narrowed his eyes and said, “I thought you were dead!”

“I was lucky.” First Mate Zhao walked behind Baldy Zhao and said, “It was a fluke to escape back.”

“What happened on the southern front!” Zuo Fei didn’t find any sign of Zuo Wangba and felt a little uneasy.


Shanjun laughed coldly at that moment, and again gritted his teeth, “Chief Zuo Fei, are you talking blindly with your eyes open? What is happening on the southern front that you don’t know about?”

“What do you mean?” Zuo Fei asked with a cold face.

And Baldy Zhao also looked at First Officer Zhao.

The latter coughed, spat out a mouthful of bloodied spit and said, “I managed to escape from the Western Front and was saved by my brothers on the Southern Front, I was going to come back to report to you captains about the Western Front, but Zuo Wangba stopped me and forbade me to leave the Southern Front’s main force, while he himself disappeared with a group of men, and when he left, we were attacked by Dong Sheng’s men, and only Shan Jun and I survived to came back.”


Zhao Balzi and Man Lao San’s faces immediately pulled down.

Grimly, they looked at Zuo Fei.

The other pirate captains were also looking at each other in a bad light.

Only Guan Yang narrowed his eyes and did not make a statement.

“Zuo Fei!” Zhao Baldy kicked the chair down and said angrily, “You give me a f*cking explanation!”

Manchu also bared his eyes, “Zuo Fei, I can’t believe you’re the First Road Pirate King, but you’re also playing this f*cking game, right?”

Zuo Fei’s face was ugly.

If he couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation anytime soon, he would be in big trouble.

He looked at Shanjun and First Officer Zhao with a gloomy gaze and said, “You two should weigh your words and don’t talk nonsense, otherwise.”

With that, he got up with his hands pressed against the conference table, and when he removed his hands, there were two more clear palm prints on that tabletop.

Several other way captains looked at each other while Zhao Balzi said in a cold voice, “What? Trying to threaten my men? Zuo Fei, do you believe that I’ll kill you with a fish in a net! No one will get their way when the time comes!”

“Zhao Baldy, don’t be in a hurry either.”

Guan Yang was calm and collected and said, “Brother Zuo Fei may not be clear about what happened on the ground either, for now, if we want to figure out the situation, we should find Zuo Wangba first.”

“There’s been no word from Zuo Wangba.” Another pirate captain said, “Most likely he doesn’t dare, right? How about you bring him back yourself and we can all interrogate him?”

Zuo Fei’s face was expressionless.

Let Zuo Wangba come back? To be interrogated?

He dismissed it in his mind the first time.

After all, Zuo Wangba knew too many secrets, especially since there were many of his spies under the hands of the various captains, and once he was forced to ask them, it would be even more troublesome.


Zuo Fei’s eyes narrowed as he said.

“Of course, we all have to send someone along.” Another captain sneered, “So that in case something unexpected happens, otherwise, your boss Zuo will not be able to wash his hands after jumping into the Yellow River.”

Zuo Fei glanced at this captain who spoke, and then said coldly, “No problem.”