Skillful Guard Chapter 1590


As the number two city in Ghanin, it has not yet been occupied by the rebels, but small groups of rebels have already come and the battle rages on daily. Although the government troops can resist for a while, with many mercenaries arriving one after another, the situation immediately becomes quite serious, and with the army of the rebel butcher Sasso coming soon, the whole city of Silou could be overthrown at any time, so those who are in a position to do so have already started to leave, while those who are not, can only pray to God and wait for death.

A Chinese-owned factory in Silu City.

Inside the office.

Old man Ye sat with a stony face, his face a little pale, his forehead dripping with sweat, his eyes staring intently at a pair of maps, his eyes full of gloom.

And at one side.

A beautiful African woman was holding a strange stone, with more than a little confusion in her eyes.

There are several other people in the room, the owner of the factory and also the employees of the factory, all Chinese.

They were a little anxious, looking at old man Ye sitting there motionlessly, opening their mouths but unable to speak, and could only pace back and forth in the office anxiously.

Not long afterwards.

A sturdy man hurriedly ran in.

“Ghost Wolf, how’s it going?”

Old Man Ye asked in a deep voice.

Ghost Wolf, a retired soldier of Wind Wolf Squad, was also a former ace member of Wind Wolf Squad, but this ace had more than a little anxiety on his face, “A large number of mercenaries have arrived, their firepower is fierce, the Ghanin government troops probably won’t last a day.”


At this moment, the owner of the factory stepped forward and said, “Mr Ye Lao, you can’t stay here! I will immediately ask Ghost Wolf and Lin Hai to protect you and leave!”

Lin Hai, the security captain of this factory and a retired soldier, was also looking at Old Man Ye anxiously at this moment.

Old Man Ye put down the map in his hand and said in a deep voice, “No, if we want to leave, let’s leave together!”

“Old Mr. Ye, this is not the time to be capricious!” Zhu Yanhu, the owner of the factory, stomped his foot and said, “This is a Chinese-funded factory, the rebels cannot fight their way in, but you are in a special position, in case something happens to you, how do you want me to explain to the country?”

Ghost Wolf did not say a word.

But his gaze was also clear enough.

Retreat immediately!

Old Man Ye frowned and said, “Ghost Wolf, has Qin Hai arrived yet?”

“I got in touch with Sky Wolf just now, he left Beidu last night.” Ghost Wolf said, “But whether or not he came cannot be confirmed, Qian He has lost contact, if nothing unexpected should.”

He didn’t say anything further.

Old Man Ye said, “I believe that boy should have found it.”

But Lin Hai of the Security Section, on the other hand, said, “He’s alone after all, even if he knows we’re here, but to get from Beidu to this side, he has to cross three lines of station fire, the situation is now a crisis on ten sides, we can’t put our hopes on him alone, I still ask for a retreat!”


Zhu Yanhu said, “Retreat! We have contacted the embassy side and the planes are coming soon, your old man can’t take any chances here.”

Old man Ye said, “No, if Qian He really met with poison, it means that the group has found our total, once I leave, your situation will be very dangerous!”

Zhu Yanhu opened his mouth, then his gaze was placed on the African woman.

Only that woman was still looking at the odd stone in her hand, not saying a word.

He then sighed and said, “This is a Chinese factory after all, that gang wouldn’t dare to do anything to us in plain sight, old man, you must go.”


Old Man Ye glared at Zhu Yanhu, scaring the latter into shrinking his neck, only to hear Old Man Ye say, “I can’t get you all killed, if you want to go, it’s you who have to go.”

“You don’t care about that!”

Zhu Yanhu shouted helplessly.

At this time, Ghost Wolf answered a phone call, and when he hung up, he said, “The plane will arrive in an hour.”

Zhu Yanhu said, “Hurry! Make arrangements quickly.”

“Ghost Wolf! Lin Hai!” Old Man Ye then bellowed.

Ghost Wolf and Lin Hai immediately stepped forward.

“Lin Hai, you go and arrange for the factory staff to pack up immediately, and for the women and children to retreat first.” Old Man Ye said in a deep voice, “Ghost Wolf, go and scout the surrounding terrain and find a feasible retreat route as soon as possible.”

“Then you?” Zhu Yanhu asked anxiously.

“I’ll stay behind and break the back!” A flash of determination flashed across Old Man Ye’s face.


Several people categorically would not agree.

Old man Ye slapped the table and said in a cold voice, “Execute the order!”

Lin Hai and Ghost Wolf were helpless, and seeing how determined Old Man Ye was, they could only withdraw one after another to make arrangements, while Zhu Yanhu stomped his feet in anger, and then could only withdraw helplessly as well.

As soon as they had left.

Old man Ye sighed and said, “Tehis, you should also follow the plane and retreat.”

Tehis raised his head, then shook it and said, “It started because of me, and it should end because of me.”

Old man Ye said unhappily, “You are the only family member of the old devil’s head, I must answer to him!”

“But that secret is in Silu.” Tehis said, “I must find it, find that secret, and all can end.”

Old man Ye was furious, but he also had some understanding of the feelings of Zhu Yanhu and the others earlier, he said, “This matter can wait until the war is over to investigate, the mercenaries rushing here now are targeting you, once something happens to you, how can I explain to that old devil?”

Tehis did not say anything, but his face was determined.

Old man Ye frowned.

About to persuade.

At this moment, Ghost Wolf and Zhu Yanhu hurriedly ran in with a phone, “Qin Hai’s call.”

“Quick! Bring it over!” Old man Ye was overjoyed at the words and was busy saying.

After taking the phone, he directly turned on the speakerphone, soon several people heard the sound of artillery fire on the other end of the phone, without waiting to speak, they heard Qin Hai’s voice come over, “Old man, I have been contacted by the embassy side, I will be outside to hold the rebel and mercenary fire for you, the plane will descend in about forty minutes, remember, get on the plane and leave. ”

“No!” Old man Ye but said flatly, “There are too many people in the factory, I can’t leave them behind!”

Qin Hai said, “Their target is clear, it’s a woman called Teshis beside you, even this rebellion may be because of her, immediately, throw her out immediately, that group will not lay hands on the factory employees.”

Old Man Ye’s face twitched.

And Zhu Yanhu and Ghost Wolf looked at each other.

The former had had this intention for a long time, and they also sensed that Thais was what the rebels and mercenaries were after, but they couldn’t say anything with Old Man Ye around, and now that Qin Hai had said it, Zhu Yanhu was also looking hopefully at Old Man Ye.


Old Man Ye said angrily, “Brat, Thais is the only family member of the old devil head! I can’t leave her behind!”

“Then do you want to get everyone killed?” Qin Hai asked.