Skillful Guard Chapter 1245

The gra*s is long, the willows are green and the flowers are flourishing.

On this day of March 3, many people came to Mount Mang.

Zhao Shan Zhao Wa Zi also worked here for a while, so he was familiar with the area, but even if he was, he was not familiar with Old Paintings, so he took a group of people to Old Paintings’ home at the first opportunity.

This team was still considered a team.

An old man, past his prime, well dressed, mostly a pedant, with a slightly excited look under a pair of gla*ses.

At the old man’s side was Zhao Shan’s friend Zhu Xiaodi.

At the back is Qin Xiaoya, who is already pavilioned, perhaps because she has been studying martial arts for the past three years, and is so valiant and heroic that she is talking and laughing non-stop with Liu Ru, making Huang Ying behind her look more than just giggling.

It’s been three years.

Huang Ying has used almost all kinds of tactics.

Although they are not yet in a confirmed relationship, the relationship between the two has skyrocketed, and this guy can be happy every day lately.

And behind the two of them.

It’s a reluctant Wang Half-Man, who isn’t wearing that flashy suit either, though his mouthful of big gold teeth is still flirty.

“Master Wang.” Qin Xiaoya smiled cheekily, “We’ve all arrived at Mount Mang, why are you still so reluctant.”


Wang Half-Man smiled peevishly.

Anyone who had been pestered for three years wouldn’t be in a good mood, especially if the pester was also a few big old men.

He was really stifled.

Three years on, the old man surnamed Qian with his students in front of him was simply pestering people to the point of vomiting blood, and then surprisingly, he had talked his way through some big leaders on the grounds of Dayu’s grave, and finally more and more people were doing work on his side, and if it wasn’t for these, he really wouldn’t want to come to death.

The hinterland of Mount Mang!

The centre of Jiuzhou.

Is that a f*cking place where ordinary people can go?

“Come as you are, Old Wang, don’t pull a face either.” Huang Ying said smilingly, “What a big deal.”

“Heh.” Wang Half-Man still smiled rawly.

Several people covered their mouths and sn*ggered, and ignored the reluctant Wang Hanman, and followed Zhao Wanzi all the way to the old painter’s house, an ordinary rural courtyard where the old painter was feeding his dog, and Zhao Wanzi said with a smile as he entered the gate, “Old painting!”

“Zhao Wazi?”

Old Painting was instantly pleased.

He didn’t have many friends, and at his age he certainly wanted a young person to come and see him.

“You, my boy, you’ve grown strong after three years of absence.” Old Painting said with a smile.

Zhao wazi patted his chest proudly.

In order to prepare for this trip to the Mang Mountain hinterland, he had exercised a lot in the past three years, so he had naturally grown stronger.

The old painting was a little hesitant when he saw the group of people behind Zhao Wazi, who was busy introducing them, and when he did so, he had a bad feeling after seeing the bags these people were carrying, and said, “Zhao Wazi, what are you?”


Zhao Wazi knew that the old painting did not like to beat around the bush, so he said, “We are planning to explore the hinterland of Mount Mang.”

“You waifu!” Old Painting’s face instantly turned ugly, “Three years on and you’re still not dead? Didn’t I tell you? Those words were false, I was the one who was confused at the time.”

“No!” Zhao Wa Zi was busy explaining, “We found the best feng shui master and he has explained that the Mang Mountain hinterland really exists, there is a dragon gate there!”

At this time, that Professor Qian, who was past his prime, stepped forward and said, “Old brother, I am Zhao Shan’s teacher, to be honest, this time we have decided to enter the hinterland of Mang Mountain, you are most familiar with the place, we would like to ask you to guide the way.”

“No way! No way!” Old Painting could not forget that horrible zombie until now, so naturally he would not agree.

Professor Qian was busy saying, “Old brother, you don’t know, we have checked all the information in the past three years, and we can already conclude that Xia Yu is buried deep in the hinterland of Mang Mountain, this is a big event, a big event that can shock the world, a big event that can prove our ancient Chinese civilization.”

The old painting was stubborn and said with discontent, “No way! No matter what I say, I won’t go!”

The crowd persuaded each other.

But Old Painting was determined not to go.

Wang Hanman was happy.

“What are you laughing at.” Qin Xiaoya said discontentedly.

Wang Half-Man shut up at once.

The crowd persuaded for more than an hour, and finally Zhao Wanzi stepped forward and said, “Old painting, I know what you are afraid of, but do you really not want to know the truth of everything? Don’t you want to find out who did the palm marks on your chest? You’re too old! We youngsters aren’t afraid of death, so what are you afraid of?”

Obviously, Zhao Wazi understood the old painting better.

He went on to say a whole lot more.

It was only in the end that the old painting was persuaded to agree to come down.

The people were delighted, and then Old Painting packed up, carrying his hunting rifle and leading his hunting dog, and was ready to lead a few people off, but not long after they left the house, an armed helicopter hovered in the air for a while, and then two people landed along the ropes, and when they landed, Qin Xiaoya beckoned, smiling and shouting, “Sister Bai Ling!”

Ximen Bailing.

At this moment, she was even more mature.

Fully armed, although she was not wearing a military uniform, she could still see a valiant military temperament. She stepped forward and smiled, “Sky Wolf and I have been ordered to come and protect you into the mountains, we have scouted the nearby mountains, there is no danger, shall we leave now?”

“That’s great, the safety factor is perfect with you guys!” Qin Xiaoya said with a smile.

Huang Ying bristled and muttered, “It seems like the most capable person here is me.”

But he only muttered a word or two.

The crowd didn’t hesitate, and Old Painting led the way. After about an hour or so, they found a sheep’s intestine path in a wilderness, said to be a path, but it was already full of weeds and could not be seen without looking carefully. Old Painting took a puff of his cigarette and said, “This is where those people entered more than forty years ago, let’s go.”

With this pedestrian stepping onto this pathway about an hour or so later.

Another group of people arrived here.

These were not all Chinese, but also some foreigners, and all of them were fierce and fierce, mostly from the mercenary line.

At the head of the group was a man and a woman, the man was feminine looking, with much fury between his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes and speaking in Eastern Japanese: “Is this the place?”

A somewhat short, leering man came forward, took out a tablet and said, “Hey, this is it, those guys ahead of us entered the mountain from here.”

“Nice.” The feminine man put his arm around the woman with dyed yellow hair beside him, licked the woman’s earring and said, “Let’s go into the mountain and see what that rumoured tomb of the Great Yu is like.”

The corners of the yellow-haired woman’s mouth curled slightly, and a cruel smile surfaced on her face.

The lecherous man dared not look straight at her and said with a smile, “Young Master Takeuchi, after you.”

Said this with a wave of his hand.

The disguised mercenaries opened the way in front of them, leading the man and the woman as if they were on a picnic.