Martial Boss Chapter 96

“He bugged the Mountain River Academy ——”

Qing Yu really somewhat convinced Lu Qifeng’s fetish, the Shanhe School has Meng Shanhe sitting in the town, even the Sheriff God of Department Six does not dare to come and make trouble, Lu Qifeng even dares to touch this tiger’s butt.

“This, Lu Shenshou is really —— huh, really ——” Qing Yu could not say anything.

“It is really humiliating, isn’t it?” Luo Yan said.

“Hehe ——,” Qing Yu laughed bitterly without words. To say that Lu Qi Feng was disgraced, such words could be said by Luo Yan, a close personal disciple, but not by him, an outsider.

“My master’s original intention was to slightly probe the Shanhe Academy’s reality, and he also limited the scope very carefully to the central, the courtyard where ordinary students usually live, not daring to peek into the academy at the top of the mountain.”

“But unexpectedly, being so careful and cautious, he was still detected by Meng Shanhe.”

“If a Tong Shen realm powerhouse really wanted to let go of his divine sense, it wouldn’t be a problem to envelop the entire Datong Mountain, and it would be even easier to detect my master. Meng Shanhe usually pretends to be in seclusion, and rarely shows himself even at the Peak Academy. He could detect my master, in no way because my master was discovered by him unintentionally emitting his divine sense ——”

“Then what was the reason?” Qing Yu asked.

“Thinking about it, combined with our purpose, there is only one reason ——” A smile appeared on Luo Yan’s face.

“The Heavenly Son martial arts.” Qing Yu said.

“That’s right, the Heavenly Son Martial Arts. Do you know the origin of the Heavenly Son Martial Arts?”

Qing Yu said, “I would like to hear more about it.”

“The Heavenly Son Martial Arts was created in the ancient times, by the first human emperor of the human race. It is said that the ancient emperor was able to combine the thoughts of the people under his rule with the martial arts of the Son of Heaven, and with the vision of the people under his rule, he could look at heaven and earth and take in everything under the sky with one glance. Only when the world was in the Emperor’s mind could he truly grasp the heaven and earth and use it as an aid to grow his own cultivation endlessly.”

To look down on the heavens and the earth, to have the heavens and the earth in my heart, such a state of mind is a heavenly creation for a martial artist, and the Heavenly Son martial art is worthy of its name.

“The ancient events are so far away that they have been pa*sed down for many years and have inevitably been deified and censored,” Luo Yan continued, “but this divinity of the Martial Arts of the Son of Heaven is a real thing. It is said in the Records of the Rise and Fall of the Great Ancestor of our dynasty, ‘The Great Ancestor sat in the Purple Pole for a long time, and all matters of the Heavenly Capital were as if he were watching the patterns on his palm, all in the eyes of the Great Ancestor.'”

“So, Divine Constable Lu speculates that Meng Shanhe cultivated the Heavenly Son martial arts?” Qing Yu said.

“Not necessarily.”

Clam, not necessarily, he said it with conviction before, and now he’s telling me it’s not necessarily.

“The Heavenly Son martial arts, not as mysterious as the Jianghu warlocks say, borrowing that there is no Heavenly Son dragon qi to cultivate. When the Son of Heaven governs the world, he is cultivating, and that kind of realization of mixing one world and dominating all things can make the Son of Heaven’s mind endlessly elevated and his cultivation soar. Therefore, the so-called Dragon Qi of the Son of Heaven is not a nebulous talk of qi luck, but the true Qi of the Son of Heaven in real terms. This way is similar to the way the Confucian Ren lineage was cultivated back then, and perhaps the Tai Zu created the Heavenly Son martial arts from this.”

“Meng Shanhe didn’t necessarily know the Heavenly Son Martial Arts, but he must have had the relevant texts that recorded the comprehension of that numinous momentum. He fused his own ‘Vast Righteousness’ with the hearts of countless students in the academy to create the special environment of the Shanhe Academy today. By obtaining this unknown tome and combining it with the ‘pacification of the world’ now in the hands of the royal family, it is not difficult to recreate the majesty of the great ancestor back then.”

“So that’s how it is ——,” murmured Qing Yu in his mind.

Lu Qifeng’s words just didn’t make it clear that he would leave Northern Zhou, and I’m afraid that being discovered by Meng Shanhe was only a minor point. The real big deal was to return to the Great Qian court and report the matter to the Great Qian Emperor in person.

Before the existence of the Heavenly Son Martial Science was not confirmed, only scouts were dispatched to investigate. Now, Lu Qifeng’s unintentional act of death was a direct confirmation of the hope of recreating the Great Qian Emperor’s ‘pacification of the world’. If Qing Yu fails to find out anything in the near future, there will be more drastic actions on the part of the Great Qian than just sending a spy in secret.

If you want to be more aggressive, when Lu Qifeng returns to Daqian to report this, it’s not impossible that a Tong Shen realm powerhouse will come to your door.

Seeing Qing Yu’s face, Luo Yan knew that he should have understood the relevant junctions and said, “Master has returned to Great Qian and told us to act, this is an opportunity for you and me. If we can find further clues before the rest of the court arrives, we will have made a great achievement and will be promoted to a higher rank.”

No, to be correct, it was you who had made a great achievement, and you were the one in charge, not me.

Qing Yu was just a special scout, not essentially different from the previous scouts who had fallen into the Shanhe Academy. If you really want to take great credit, the big head will still be on Luo Yan, the one in charge.

This way, he would break his own legs and even risk his life, while Luo Yan would sit back and enjoy his success, something Qing Yu would not do. Therefore, the thoughts in Qing Yu’s mind turned rapidly, but he thought of a way to divert the trouble to the east: “Lord Luo. Although the true qi I have cultivated with the ‘Heavenly Reason Inner Sage Method’ is similar to the Confucian Sect’s true ‘Hao Ran Zheng Qi’ and can be concealed from ordinary students and lecturers, it cannot be concealed from the Dean and Meng Shan He.”

“However, there is one person who can disguise, or possibly authentically practice, the ‘Hao Ran Zheng Qi’, and if he can be used by us, we will certainly be able to find out further clues before the strongest men from the imperial court arrive.”

“Oh,” Luo Yan said curiously, “there is such a person? Who is it?”

Qing Yu smiled and said, “Han Wenxin.”

“He is a core disciple of the Shanhe Academy and has been there for three years. Within these three years, he must have met directly with Meng Shanhe, who is still a core disciple. But from my contact with him, Han Wenxin’s ‘Hao Ren Zheng Qi’ is exactly the same as that of the Ninth Prince Feng Jiu, but without the kind of mentality that people in Confucianism cultivate to ‘Hao Ren Zheng Qi’. He is now serving the sixth prince of the Northern Zhou, Feng Chaonan.”

“A Confucian disciple who is involved in the battle of the princes? Interesting, he really doesn’t have that kind of pedantic gentleman’s heart?” Luo Yan took a little interest in this Han Wenxin.

“Exactly,” Qing Yu said, “a Confucianist would not compare himself to a contemporary Marquis of Wenxin. Moreover, the sixth prince, Feng Chaonan, is high-minded, arrogant, vindictive and able to put himself down to those who are worthy and whose interests are paramount. Such a person would not be what Confucians would call a wise ruler. If Han Wenxin were precisely a decent man, he would not serve him.”

“Very well, then first send someone to find out about Han Wenxin. If there really is a method that can hide from Meng Shanhe, the special environment of the Shanhe Academy will no longer be an obstacle for us.” Luo Yan shot straight to the point.

Qing Yu smiled heartily at his words.

It was a good idea to use the power of Department Six to find out what Han Wenxin was up to, but it would also allow Luo Yan to focus on Han Wenxin so that he could feel the fish in peace, so why not kill two birds with one stone.