Martial Boss Chapter 150

Late at night, the moon is only a shallow crescent in the sky.

It was the end of the moon, and the moon was inevitably mostly obscured, so that only a faint glow spilled out into the world.

Outside one of the mansions in Lin Chuan House, a dark shadow quietly surveyed the mansion, which was still lit up even late into the night.

“Ugh, it’s the face scarf again ——” Qing Yu scratched his face helplessly through the black face scarf.

To this day, Qingyu still hasn’t gotten rid of this poorly breathable and unforgiving face scarf, which is a sad story I must say.

Ahem, back to the topic.

The mansion is heavily guarded, but that’s about it, it just looks more impressive to Seifu.

With the “Colourless Transformation”, one of the nine transformations of the “Dragon Transport”, Qing Yu was able to enter the mansion like nobody’s business. The guards, who were only at the Houtian realm, could not even touch Qing Yu’s shadow, and even when they swept past them, they could only feel a light breeze.

“What’s next, where should I go?” Qing Yu thought to himself as he ambled on one of the roofs of the mansion and looked at the various parts of the mansion.

After days of closing his hearing and increasing his eyesight, Qing Yu was able to see in the dim light with his “Tai Xu Eyes”. Therefore, despite the moonlight, Qing Yu was still able to use the faint light to see what was going on in the courtyard.

If he wanted to find Tian Pingzhi, the young master of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce, he would have gone to the largest courtyard in the centre. But Tian Pingji must be guarded by a Xiantian expert. Given the high level of security in this courtyard, it would not surprise Qing Yu if a dozen or so Innate Realm Qing Yu escaped to guard Tian Pingji’s door.

So, there was a need to find a place where the status was not low and the guards were not so tight.

There, the garden had a charming view and the people who lived near the garden were naturally not of low status and could know some information that Qing Yu wanted to know.

With this in mind, Qing Yu drifted silently past a few houses and headed for the compartment at the other end of the garden.

However, as Qing Yu pa*sed through the garden, a change occurred.

As Qing Yu leapt up from the top of the rockery in the garden, the small lake in front of the rockery exploded into a huge cloud of water. The countless splashes glowed with a dull watery glow in the moonlight, and accompanying the splashes was an equally dull short blade.


Qing Yu had an MMP that he didn’t know whether to say or not. Toxic, right, hiding in a small lake in the middle of the night, even guards don’t need to toss themselves in such a way ah.

From the short knife of the same type as the six dead soldiers that day, Qing Yu was sure that the dead soldiers that day were sent by Tian Pingji.

At that moment, Kiyoharu had just leapt up from the rockery and had no place to leverage in the air, so by definition, he could not avoid the long-awaited blade.

However, “reasonably speaking” was not yet true.

His right foot, wrapped in “innate astral energy”, kicked at the blade and used the force to drift back to the top of the pavilion by the rockery.

It was only then that Qingyu took a closer look at this dutiful guard, or dead soldier.

He was dressed in the same way as the six dead soldiers that day, wrapped in black, but his face was not covered. In his hand was a short knife of the same type as the dead soldier, and there were already six such short knives on Qing Yu’s side.

“With such a way of hiding, and concealed weapons and weapons, I seem to know what they are ——”

Qing Yu looked at the black clothes of the man in black that still had water stains, plus the short knives, and the meteor darts, and the dusty memories opened up.

It seems that, there is no need to look for others, this person should be enough ——

At this time, the commotion here also alerted the others. Qing Yu stood on top of the small pavilion and could see dozens of torches moving rapidly towards the dark garden.

It was really alert to be alerted by such a little movement. Qing Yu turned his gaze to the man in black who was staring at him closely. He was trying to stall the man and wait for the others to arrive and capture Qing Yu together.

It was a nice thought, but Qingyu, who knew exactly what he was thinking, would not give him the chance.

“Double Stream of Qi – Bright Change”.

With his true qi bursting out, Qingyu exploded to his maximum speed, and with the shadowy and dimly lit environment, he transformed into seven figures and surrounded the man in black.

Unable to identify where Qing Yu’s true form was, the man in black chose the position where he was most likely to be attacked, behind his back, and swung his short sword.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong, as this time, Qingyu did not play the back-stabbing game that he was so good at, but struck his opponent head-on.

The price for his wrong guess was that his left and right arms were sliced by Qingyu’s veins and left weak at his sides. At the same time, the Head Vitality Point at the corner of his forehead was nudged and he fell into unconsciousness.

Qing Yu carried the man in black, who was instantly turned into a dead dog, and retreated with great speed, his speed being unmatched in the Xiantian realm.

Quickly running out of the East Sea Chamber of Commerce’s mansion, Qing Yu gathered his voice and circled a few more streets before returning with his captive to the secret room of the mansion in the west of the city.

“Pharmacist, go and remove the highly poisonous teeth from his mouth.”

Back in the secret room, Qing Yu left the captive behind and would instruct the Medicine Master to do the job, so he took out the silver needle and a few medicine bottles.

The medicine man hurriedly broke open the black man’s mouth and carefully began to remove his highly poisoned teeth.

“My lord, do you wish to interrogate him? With all due respect, these dead soldiers are specially trained to endure any torture, even if they are unable to commit suicide, and will not reveal their master’s secrets.”

Qing Yu waited for the medicine man to pull out his teeth, then he stabbed the many vital points on the black clothed man’s head with silver needles, and then gave him for a few purple, suspicious looking pills.

“Pharmacist, you must know that the best way to keep secrets in this world is death, other than that, everything else is unreliable. Torture is only the lowest of interrogation measures. I don’t need to consider how strong his will can be, if it destroys even his consciousness, what is the use of will, an add-on to consciousness.”

On this magical martial arts world, there were countless ways to make people tell the truth, torture, time-consuming and inefficient.

As Qing Yu spoke, he struck the man in black’s dantian with a palm strike, nullifying his kung fu.

A scene of déjà vu, an act that had once happened to Lu Yi, a scholar of Great Qian Science, was used again by Qing Yu.

“Not only am I not disappointed that he is a dead soldier, but I look forward to it all the more because of it. As a dead soldier, he would be the most trusted weapon of his master’s house; to his master, he is not a person, just a weapon, and who would be wary of a weapon. He will know more information than even the average crony.”

Feeling almost ready, Qingyu stabbed a needle into the man in black’s Baihui point, waking him up and at the same time laying down the final hand for his mind-destroying technique.

“Now, tell me your secret ——“