Martial Boss Chapter 148

Seeing that the chase was hopeless, Qing Yu checked the scene for any traces.

“A shooting star dart?” Qing Yu picked up the concealed weapon used by the men in black earlier and sniffed it, “A very strong numbing agent that can still penetrate by contact with the skin.”

This line of black-clothed men had quite a few tricks up their sleeves, even the concealed weapons had an infiltrating numbing agent on them. If Qing Yu hadn’t been wrapping his fingers with “innate astral energy”, he might have been caught by them.

It was not as if Qing Yu had never thought of such tactics.

So when he caught the flying dart, he wrapped his finger with “innate astral energy” to save himself from being poisoned, and he did the same now.

“My lord, these people all have poisoned teeth in their mouths, they are all dead soldiers.”

“Oh?” Qing Yu was deep in thought when he suddenly heard the yell of the medicine man and looked at him with a slight surprise.

It wasn’t that he was surprised by the fact that the group were dead soldiers. After seeing Qing Yu take the rain of concealed weapons without any damage, these six people still managed to rush towards Qing Yu without fear of death, at that time, Qing Yu guessed that these six people were dead soldiers in all probability.

What surprised Qing Yu was that the Medicine Master now had the guts to go through the corpses. He had to know that just now, this former fop was scared out of his mind and froze still like a telephone pole. Now he had recovered and had the guts to go through the corpse.

However, his appearance was not in vain as Qing Yu had just saved him. Originally, he had to save him because he was the most important pawn that An had inserted into the Sixth Prince’s men, but now Qing Yu had recognized that he had some value that was worth saving.

It was the first time that he had faced life and death, so it was normal for him to panic. It was a rare thing that the pharmacist could quickly regain his composure.

The medicine man examined the mouths of the six corpses, and each of them had a highly poisoned back teeth in their mouths, all of them were undoubtedly dead soldiers.

“My lord, these people should be sent by Feng Yixian ——” said the medicine man.

“In all probability, they are not related to Feng Yixian, but they should not be Feng Yixian’s men.” Qing Yu shook his head and said.

In this Lin Chuan House, Qing Yu and the Medicine Master had only come into contact with Feng Yixian, Tian Pingji and Zheng Tu so far, and it also coincidentally happened after leaving Feng Yixian’s banquet, so Qing Yu could not help but be suspicious.

But to say that these six dead soldiers were Feng Yixian’s men would be a bit too much for Feng Yixian.

It is easy to say that raising dead soldiers is a matter that actually requires a lot of manpower and material resources. The two most important things about a dead soldier are his unquestionable loyalty and his willingness to die, both of which take a lot of time to cultivate.

And at such a high cost, a dead soldier is essentially an expensive disposable item. Often times, dead soldiers were used on missions where death was a certainty.

As the head of the Cao gang, it was not surprising that Feng Yixian had loyal men who were not afraid of life and death, but deadly soldiers who were willing to die were not. Especially when these six soldiers were still at the Xiantian realm, Feng Yixian could not afford to keep them.

“Then who do you think it is, my lord?”

“The East Sea Chamber of Commerce or the Zheng family, I think. The Zheng family has been rooted in Linchuan Prefecture for many years, it is not surprising that they raise a few dead soldiers, but they should not have the luxury to test the waters with dead soldiers. Tian Pingji of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce is weird as hell, I have a feeling it was him ——” Qing Yu thought of the young master of the Chamber who was so subtly out of place with the people of the Central Plains, there must be something wrong with his identity.

If it really was Tian Pingji who sent the dead soldiers, then the only reason would be that he had tested him today as a sideline. If he could send a dead soldier for such a little test, there must be something wrong with his identity.

The actual fact is that you are able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and most popular people.

Also —— Qing Yu looked at the medicine man who was still examining the corpse. The strength of the medicine master is too poor, the Houtian realm is completely incapable of defending itself. But it was already too late for him to practice martial arts, and Qing Yu did not have a martial art that could improve his roots and bones similar to the “Nine Yin Yi Jing Bone Forging Chapter”.

There is a martial art that does not rely on the root bone, the “Sunflower Canon”, provided that the medicine master is willing to break the roots of the Zhang family. Alas, trouble, the importance of the Pill Master and his ability to defend himself were completely in inverse proportion.

“Pill Master, call for someone to carry the bodies of the dead soldiers back.”

“Yes, my lord.”


When Qing Yu and the medicine man returned to the mansion with the men they had called to carry the bodies, it was already nightfall and the moonlight was shining all over the fields and illuminating the road back.

At the end of the road, there was a man waiting early.

“Han Wenxin, what brings you here?” The medicine man said, pointing to Han Wenxin, who was standing with a smile before the mansion.

“Zhong Biao was killed and His Highness, the Sixth Prince, was worried about Brother Medicine’s safety, so I volunteered to come and help Brother Medicine.” Han Wenxin smiled lightly and said.

“By the way, this is ——”

Qing Yu stepped forward and cupped his fist, “My humble self is Master Medicine’s newly hired bodyguard, Liu Xuan De. This gentleman is courteous.”

“Is that so ——” Han Wenxin’s smile eluded him as he pointed to the six corpses carried by his subordinates at the back, “To be able to kill six people without being harmed yourself, such a bodyguard, I wonder where he hired him from. Please let me know so that I can hire one too.”

“Heh,” Master Pill’s face showed a sneer, “an early graduate of the Mountain River Academy that has never been seen before has appeared, is it unusual for me to hire a bodyguard of high strength?”

The words that poked a sore spot immediately caused the person who gave the poke to have a gloomy look on his face.

After finishing his sentence, the medicine man greeted, “Brother Xuan De, let’s go.” Ignoring the stern-faced Han Wenxin, he and Qing Yu set off.

The two of them walked straight to the secret room of the study.

The Pill Master said with chagrin, “Before there was Feng Yixian and the others with unknown intentions, and now there is Han Wenxin with ill intentions, the difficulties are getting worse and worse.”

Unlike the Pill Master, Qing Yu sat down on a chair with a clear mind, “No, Han Wenxin’s arrival now is a timely rain. Feng Yixian is difficult and so is Han Wenxin, but these two are destined to rival each other due to their respective aims and interests.

Since Han Wenxin wants to come to help, let him. The encounter with Feng Yixian will be left to him. It is just as well to identify how many of Han Wenxin’s men you have under you and cleanse them.”

“Tian Pingji is unpredictable, so let Han Wenxin help us trip the mine ——”


At the same time, a wet black figure climbed up woefully from the Listening to the Rain water pavilion on the shores of Luo Shui. He took off his hood and mask and collapsed to the ground panting heavily.

The bright moonlight shone on the fear-filled face, and he was, quite literally, Tian Pingji.