Hot Meets Cold Chapter 62

All in one.

Ye ÒÒ took a set of cute pink nightgown from the wardrobe, then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Girls are inherently slow to wash up, anYe Wanwan secretly glanced at the man from the mirror, looking rather helpless.froze for a moment, then hurriedly said, “I will blow dry my hair and condition my skin, it will be ready soon ……”

Seeing that Si Yeh Han didn’t say anything, Ye ÒÒàÅ纺 sat down in front of the dressing table and started blowing out her hair.

During this time, Si Yanghan sat quietly on the edge of the bed waiting for her, watching her take the hair dryer to blow her hair, watching her pat water on her face, watching her apply essence and eye cream and face cream …… without taking her eyes off her for a moment.

Ye ÒÒ secretly glanced at the man from the mirror, looking rather helpless.

I don’t know why I don’t feel that there are a few big words written on Si Yanghan’s face at this moment: Why don’t you come over and keep me company ……