Hot Meets Cold Chapter 240

After finishing her breakfast and preparing all the supplies, Ye ÒàÅ纺º was ready to go out.

When she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something and stopped in her tracks, “Wait! I suddenly remembered that there is something very important that I haven’t done yet!”

After saying that, she slipped into the courtyard and moved lightly towards a white ma*s in the shade of a tree.

Although Dabai was often in the garden these days, Si Yanghan had forbidden her to play with him all the time, on the grounds that it would affect her studies.

Fortunately, she will soon be able to play with Da Bai when the summer break comes.

The big white seems to have sensed someone approaching and twitched his ears, not bothering to pay attention, still lazily lying there with his tail lazily waving.

Three steps, two steps ……

“Dabai Dabai, give me a little bit of your domineering arrogance, so that I can kill all directions in the examination room…”

Ye Wanwan took a deep breath and took advantage of the big white tiger’s inattentiveness. It touched it, then turned and ran away.

Not far away, Si Yanghan: “……”

Her so-called very important matter was to sneakily pet Sluiter?

 Xu Yi looked at Ye Wanwan, who was acting obscenely, like wiping oil, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He found that Ye ÒÒ really seems to like Sluiter quite a bit.

The name Sluat meant killing, and this white tiger, like its name, was already a murderous and aggressive breed, plus it had undergone a lot of bloody training since childhood, so it was even more vicious in nature.

He was not at all surprised that Ye Nail would be afraid of him, but now, Ye Nail could actually say something like he wanted to dip into its domineering spirit so that he could kill in a big way.

If he didn’t really like it, he would never be able to say something like that.


Si Yanghan personally sent her to the examination hall.

When they arrived, they only saw the parents of the students who had come to see them off outside the school in a dark crowd.

The parents were all concerned, exhorting and encouraging their children, watching them enter.

“I’m going in!” Ye ÒÒ unbuckle your seat belt and get ready to get out of the car.

“Wait.” At this moment, Si Yanghan beside her suddenly called out to her.

Ye ÒÒ stops moving and looks towards Si Ye Han, well, is it to give her encouragement and cheer her up?

“Turn in your papers early, don’t waste time.” Si Yanghan spoke.

Ye ÒÒÒ choked at once: “……”

The parents of other families were always telling her not to turn in her paper early and to check it a few more times, but he actually told her to turn in her paper early ……

There’s no comparison, no harm!

Luckily, she already had the big white touch.

“Ahem, got it ……,” Ye ÒÒ coughs lightly and pushes open the car door.

Today’s exam was for an Arts subject, so it shouldn’t take much time.

The car door was pushed halfway open when Si Yehan’s voice suddenly came again from behind him, “Wait.”

“Well …… is there anything else?” Ye ÒÒÒ back again in confusion.

What is it again?

Si Yanghan glanced at her, that gaze stared at Ye ÒÒÒ, what had she done wrong to provoke him again?

The man suddenly leaned down and planted a cool kiss on her forehead.

Feeling the slightly cool warmth on her forehead, Ye ÒÒfroze and subconsciously touched her forehead.

Could this be an encouragement of love?

When did Si Yanghan’s emotional intelligence come online?

Si Yanghan sat up straight again after dropping a kiss, and gave her a nonchalant look, “Didn’t you want to kill big?”

Ye ÒÒÒ: “……”

So …… Si Yanhan meant that …… rubbing against him was better than rubbing against Sl*t …… for a big kill was it?

In a sense, it’s really impossible to refute it ……

“Thanks ……”