Hot Meets Cold Chapter 185

Cheng Xue has already changed into her queen’s costume, seven parts makeup and three parts costume, making her face even more exquisite and delicate.

The boys who were waiting for Sischa were the ones who came for Cheng Xue, the school beauty, and they were all crowding around her, praising her and taking pictures.

Cheng Xue was not even interested in looking at those boys who came to her door, and her gaze kept falling in the direction of the entrance.

It was only when the man she had been waiting for appeared that Cheng Xue immediately greeted her with the hem of her skirt in her hands, “Si Xia! You’re here!”

She said with a bit of shyness on her face and looked at him with anticipation.

However, Si Xia didn’t even give her a glance at her outfit that had caused numerous boys to lose their eyes, his gaze went straight past everyone and landed precisely on Ye ÒàÅ约 behind the crowd.

Cheng Xue followed Si Xia’s gaze towards Ye ÒÒàÅ纺 and gritted her teeth.

What on earth was so good looking about that ugly B*****d that it deserved his special treatment once, twice and three times?

“Si Xia, do you think I look good in this outfit?” Cheng Xue took hold of Si Xia’s arm and shook it, trying to get his attention.

And yet, Si Xia did not respond.

Cheng Xue’s face stiffened, “Si Xia, what are you looking at?”

Si Xia looked a little lost in thought at the moment, seemingly completely immersed in his own world, but in Cheng Xue’s eyes it was him looking at Ye ÒàÅçº.

How could Cheng Xue put up with him looking at another woman with such eyes in front of her, she immediately raised her voice in dissatisfaction, “Si Xia …… Si Xia ……”

Si Xia’s trance-like expression almost instantly gloomy down, the bottom of his eyes leaked a cold chill, “Shut up, very noisy.”

Cheng Xue instantly widened her eyes, completely unable to believe that Si Xia would actually yell at her in public with such an attitude.

“You ……” Cheng Xue’s lips trembled, her eyes red as she pushed through the crowd and ran away.

“Xiao Xue! Xiao Xue!”

Several of Cheng Xue’s followers glanced at Si Xia, then gave Ye Wanwan a vicious look, and hurriedly chased after Cheng Xue.

For a moment, the atmosphere inside the auditorium instantly froze.

The girls, who had been as excited as a chicken’s blood at the sight of Si Xia, all retreated further away with trepidation.

Even Cheng Xue was in a bad mood today, so they should stay away from him!

It’s the first time they’ve seen Si Xia show such an expression, it’s so scary ……

The first time they saw this kind of expression on Si Xia’s face, it was so scary.

What the hell is this bear looking at, can he even see a flower?

She grinded her teeth, she simply wanted to rush over and pounce on that kid once more.

What the hell is this kid looking at? Can he still see her as a flower?

She never expected that after last night, not only did Sischa not stop, but his tricks had even been upgraded!

After a long day of awkwardness, everyone finally got Cheng Xue to start the rehearsal.

Until the rehearsal started, Si Xia’s gaze still fell on Ye ÒÒàÅçº, not even blinking an eye.

Wherever Ye Wanwan went, his eyes followed.

The other people, unless they were blind, couldn’t have noticed the obvious attention, but because of Si Xia’s terrible anger, they didn’t dare to make a sound, but only dared to secretly sigh.

What’s wrong with you, God? ÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒ!

Ye ÒÒ should not be playing Snow White, but a witch!