Hot Meets Cold Chapter 18

Clear Harvest High School.

A private aristocratic school with the best teaching quality and the highest rate of advancement in Imperial City.

Students who can enter this school are either from wealthy families with backgrounds or have excellent grades and are admitted on full scholarship.

The reason why she got into this school was because her father was the president of the Ye Group at the time.

She had a teenage heart for her tall, handsome fiancé, Gu Yueze, and spent all day trying to please him, writing hundreds of love letters and folding thousands of paper cranes.

After she was taken in by Si Yanhan, she was busy working against him all day, so she had no time to study.

The morning sun shone on her dazzling green hair as she stood in front of the gates of Qinghe High School, looking at the four big words “Qinghe High School” shining above her head.

This time, no one will stop me from studying hard!

Walking in the familiar and unfamiliar campus, the road is lined with old trees, the air is full of the fragrance of gra*s and trees, in the distance is a row of retro red tiled teaching buildings, the radio is playing melodious music, groups of students are carrying hanging school bags and chattering to their cla*srooms ……

For the first time since she had been reborn, Ye ÒàÅçººÒ had the feeling that she was alive again.

Looking at the azure sky overhead, she almost felt the urge to shed tears.

The strange gazes and whispers around her did not bother her at all.

Compared to what she had suffered in her previous life, the gossip at school was no more painful to her than it was to her.

“Crikey! Who the hell is that! That scared me so much I almost ran into a tree!” A boy narrowly avoided a large tree, his face full of horror at seeing a ghost.

The girl next to him said in a shrill voice, “You don’t even know her?

“Sh*t! She’s Ye ÒÒ? It’s really better to hear a hundred things than to see one!” The boys had a sigh of amazement on their faces.

Another girl said with a disgusted look on her face, “It’s okay that she wears heavy make-up and strange clothes all the time, but her grades are so bad that she hasn’t even graduated after four years, and I heard that she has a bad personal life, she misses cla*ses all the time and doesn’t know what she’s doing. How come this kind of person hasn’t been expelled yet? What a disgrace to Qinghe!”

One of the students interjected, “I guess there’s no way to expel her! It’s said that her family is very powerful, isn’t it?”

The girl instantly looked mocking, “Don’t be! I heard from Shen Mengqi that Ye’s father used his power for personal gain, embezzled public money, and was thrown out of the company a long time ago, and owes a lot of money to loan sharks! I don’t know what else she has to pull, ignoring school rules and acting recklessly every day!

However, her good days are numbered. I heard that the school is ready to expel her. After all, the leaders from above will be coming to inspect our school in a while, and if they find out that there is such a student in our school, then Qinghe’s reputation will be ruined for a hundred years!”

The few people gathered around all looked thankful, “At last, we don’t have to continue to be in the same school with such a person!”