Hot Meets Cold Chapter 1565

“Making tea? Oh ……”

Ye ÒÒ turned towards the living room, and a moment later, sat at the tea bar and poured a cup of tea for Ji Xiuyan.

Shortly after, Ji Xiu Yan drank the cup of tea in one go.

“In the middle of the night… what kind of tea do you want?” Ye ÒÒ looked at Ji Xiuran, a little puzzled.

“To lower the fire.” Ji Xiuyan smiled lightly.

Ye ÒÒÒ:” …… “Can you stop laughing …… tantrums are fine, why am I so scared ……?

“Xiu Dye, listen to me explain to you, what happened today, is not what you think, Lord Xiu Luo is here …… is here …… right, is here to talk to me about cooperation!” Ye ÒÒàÅ纺 said righteously.

However, Ji Xiuyan did not even answer, and smiled lightly, “I have some kindness with an instructor of the Red Amazing Academy, with whom I have already greeted some days ago, you can go to the Red Amazing Academy.”

“Go to the Red Amazing Academy?”

Hearing Ji Xiuran’s words, Ye ÒÒ was stunned, weren’t we talking about the matter between herself and Lord Asura, how could it suddenly involve Scarlet Flames Academy…?

And, for no good reason, Ji Xiu Dye asked herself to go to the Red Amazing Academy for what, to be an instructor?

“Xiu Dye, what am I going to do at the Red Amazing Academy ……?” Ye ÒÒ did not understand.

“Just go.” Ji XiuYan smiled.

Ye ÒÒÒ: “……”

Although, she did have the intention of going to Chi Yan Academy.

That old dean, if he was willing to help herself, perhaps, she was the one who might recover her memory.

Only, after all, she was the head of the Fearless Alliance, and with the pissiness of the Red Amazing Academy, it was impossible to treat the Fearless Alliance, let alone that old dean would help out.

“This is a letter of recommendation, just take out my letter of recommendation when you go to the Red Amazing Academy.” Ji Xiu Yan said, taking out an envelope from nowhere and handing it to Ye Òài.

“Okay…” Ye ÒÒ took the envelope.

Although she didn’t know what this Ji XiuYan really meant, she could indeed go to the Red Amazing Academy …… and earlier she was worried about not being able to go! Ji Xiuyan is also too thoughtful.

“In what name do I go to Chi Yan Academy?” Ye ÒÒÒ said curiously.

“Freshman.” Ji Xiuyan replied.

Ye ÒÒÒ: “…… “To be a student again? She was already tired of the campus life, okay?! Never go to school again! Unless it’s a teacher!

“Xiuran, you let the leader of the Fearless Alliance go to Scarlet Flames Academy?” Ye ÒÒ stared at Ji Xiuran, “It doesn’t matter to me, but… the whole Fearless Alliance probably won’t accept it… How about, we say I’m going to be an instructor or something…”

Ye ÒÒ just finished speaking, but Ji Xiuran shook his head: “The instructors of Scarlet Flames Academy are all promoted from the academy, don’t say it’s you, Even me, it is very difficult to become an instructor in the three major colleges, and you don’t have to go as the leader of the Fearless Alliance, just change your identity.”

“Ye ÒÒÒÒ …… “Change your identity again ……

“Uh, I suddenly remembered that the Fearless Alliance has a lot going on these days!” Ye ÒÒÒ said hurriedly.


As soon as Ji Xiu Dye’s words fell, Ye ÒÒ was suddenly smiling, “Xiu Dye …… in fact, I’ve long wanted to go to the Red Amazing Academy to see it …… I will definitely go.”

“Hmm.” Ji Xiu Dye nodded slightly.

Ye ÒÒÒ: “……” Ji Xiu Dye, you are so cruel!

“It’s late at night, so I won’t bother you, rest early.” Ji XiuYan stood up with a slow and steady pace, and after bidding farewell to YeÒÒ, he turned to leave.