Fate of the Stupid Son Chapter 39

“Owed to ……”

Song Shen subconsciously wanted to answer, words out, only to notice what Song Si had asked, panic a hand to cover his mouth, “Da, big brother.”

Song Si did not answer, still moving gently to help him wring out his hair.

If he had told big brother, his parents would not have spared him if they had known; if he had not, big brother would not have spared him now.

“Big, big brother ……”

Song Si’s voice was gentle, “How much is owed?”

The more he looked like this, the more scared Song Shen was, because whenever Big Brother looked like this whenever he made a mistake in the past, he would make him write all night long, and God knows, making him write was better than letting him die.

Nervously swallowing several times, the words came out in a stutter, “Da, da, big brother, I, I, I ……”


Song Si gave him a faint look and Song Shen immediately stopped stammering, “One hundred and thirty taels.”

Song Si paused in his movements.

Song Shen knew he was finished and was going to be killed by his parents, so he begged pitifully, “Big brother, can you just pretend you don’t know? I didn’t say anything just now, I didn’t tell you anything.”

“Who did you borrow it from?”

Song Shen covered his mouth with both hands and shook his head desperately, this time he said nothing, big brother would not tell him even if he was beaten to death.

“I borrowed a book from a fellow student, it’s about this thick ……”

Song Si gestured, “Right, it is the one you just saw, tomorrow back to the college will be returned to others, you also do not go down today, help big brother to finish copying that book.”

Copy the book?

Song Shen even shivered several times, the words suddenly came out, “Not borrowed, it was Yue’er who pawned the bracelet given by the Gu family.”

After finishing his words, he leaned back and lay down on the ground.

This was the end, this was really the end for him, he could already see himself being beaten half to death by his parents.

“What’s going on?”

Song Si’s voice took on some urgency.

Song Shen had gone out of his way to say a little bit, or all of it, so he might as well say it all.

When dad and mom beat maybe big brother could even help to intercede.

The first thing you need to do is sit up and tell the whole story of what happened.

After saying that, “The family did not let tell you because they were afraid you would be anxious, in fact, the family can now earn more than one tael of silver a day, more than one hundred taels in three months will certainly be able to earn out, grandparents also said, when almost less, they will first go to the aunt’s house to borrow, to redeem the bracelet.”

Song Si also paid attention today and knew that what he said was not a lie, selling cold skin could indeed earn a lot of silver.

But there are accidents in everything, in case ……

Get up, “Go, go home.”

“Big brother ……”

Song Shen followed and stood up, catching up with him, “Don’t you ever go and talk about this in front of grandparents, if dad and mom find out, they’ll kill me.”

“Don’t worry.”

Since the family didn’t want him to know, he would pretend not to know, the big deal was that when he returned to the academy, he would help others copy a few more books and help the family earn some silver.

Song Shen was half-hearted, “Really, really?”

Song Si patted him on the shoulder, “Put your heart back into your stomach, big brother will not say anything, but remember, when you go to the county in the future, watch your little sister carefully, don’t let her get left behind.”

Song Shen thought he was worried about Song Wan Yue, and nodded his head busily, “Don’t worry big brother, I will definitely take care of Yue’er.”

There were already villagers on the road who were going down to the fields, and when they saw Song Si they all gave him a greeting.

Song Si was the only Xiu Cai in the village for so many years, and I heard that he had studied very well at the academy and was expected to be admitted to the imperial examinations.

Song Si responded politely one by one.

“You say the same Song family, how can there be so much difference, look over here, and you look over there.”

“Yes, otherwise it would be said that evil people have evil rewards. Yesterday, that Song Gua’s falsely said that she was beaten and broke her leg, and then she really broke her leg when she went to the latrine at night, so now she’s getting her revenge.”

The villagers who were talking walked away, but when Song Si heard her ears, her mind moved slightly.

Song Shen’s hair had dried and Song Si had tied it up for him, so the family didn’t see anything different.

Grandma and Master Song and Mr. and Mrs. Song Shu took Song Shen down to the ground, while Song Si stayed home to wash the clothes she had brought back.

He had washed one set of clothes when he had just changed out of them, and this one he had changed out of early this morning. Every time he brings them home, he washes them himself, and the Song family has long been accustomed to this.

With Song Si around, Song Wan Yue did not dare to make pills, so she simply moved a small stool and went to the shade to read the medical book that Gu Yi had stolen.

“What are you reading?”

Song Si asked as she rubbed her clothes.

Song Wangyue flipped over the book cover for him to see.

Seeing that it was a medical book, Song Si frowned slightly when he thought of the method Song Wangyue used to save Gu Yi, “The methods stated in the medical book may not all work, in the future, don’t save people easily until it’s absolutely necessary, especially with that method.”

A girl’s reputation was important, if saving someone ruined Yue’s reputation, Song Si would rather she didn’t save anyone.

“I know.”

Song Wangyue had wanted to show him that she had “really” learned how to save people from a medical book, so that he wouldn’t come back and ask where she had read the medical book.

He was not as easily fooled as the rest of the family, and now that he had achieved his goal, he naturally stopped reading and closed the medical book, “Don’t worry, I won’t be so stupid again.”

“And ah, from now on when you go to the county, don’t wander around by yourself.”

Song Wangyue obediently responded, “Mm.”

Her hands rested on her chin, “Big brother, how sure are you about this year?”

August was the date for the examinations, and there were still less than two months left.

“Ten percent.”

He had been the top student in the school since he joined, no matter if it was a big exam, a small exam, a tenth exam or a monthly exam, he was always the top student.

Song Wan Yue smiled and narrowed her eyes, “After winning the examination, will big brother be able to become an official?”

“There’s still the temple exam, if you can get into the third grade, you’ll be nine out of ten.”

Fearing that she didn’t know what the three A’s were, she deliberately explained, “The three A’s are the top three in the temple exams, the top student, the top student and the scout.”

“Big brother will definitely be the first prize winner.”

Song Si was amused and lifted her soap-foam covered hand to scrape the tip of her nose, Song Wan Yue screamed and went to wipe it, Song Si laughed even louder.

Song Lin and Xu heard this and looked at each other in relief.

When the clothes were finished, Song Si took them to the clothesline to dry, and was just about to turn around and return when a small stone was thrown in from outside the courtyard and landed with a thud at his feet.

Song Si’s feet turned and he walked towards the door, and before he could reach it, a small head poked in.

“What do you want to do?”

Song Si asked drily.