Doting Billionaire Chapter 382

Upon hearing this, Zhan Yin frowned and wanted to say something, before Hai Tong said, “Both Xiaojun and I will compensate Xiao Fei from other aspects, we won’t take advantage of her for nothing.”

Shang Xiaofei put the things here, she and Shen Xiaojun also had no choice but to take Shang Xiaofei, if they didn’t take it, they didn’t know how big Miss Shang’s temper would be, they could only take it first.

While sorting and packing, the two had an idea of what price the things Shang Xiaofei had sent them were.

In the future, they would have to find an opportunity to return it to Shang Xiaofei without a trace.

“It’s not a question of taking advantage or not, your shop is not big enough, you put so many bookshelves and shelves, and that Miss Shang is always stuffing things into your shop, it’s not for you to sell, isn’t it taking up space for nothing?”

In fact, War Yin was very upset.

He hadn’t even hijacked the space in his wife’s shop yet, and then he let Shang Xiaofei hijack it first.

Shang Xiaofei, a love rival who always liked to dominate his wife, was even more detestable than Zhang Niansheng.

Because, Shang Xiaofei is a woman.

He couldn’t tell Hai Tong, “Wife, I don’t like you hanging out with Shang Xiaofei because I’ll get jealous, so hurry up and cut off contact with her.” One second to remember

If he dared to say such a thing, Hai Tong would look at him like a monster and his face would be swollen.

“Our house is spacious, why don’t I move back home?”

War Yin: “……”

The things that Shang Xiaofei bought took up the empty space in her shop, if he was upset, she had to move Shang Xiaofei’s things to her home?

“Let’s go.”

War Yin bowed his head first, not wanting to get into trouble with Hai Tong over something, this girl had a big heart, and he was often the one who got pissed off the hardest if the couple was in conflict.

There was a lesson learned from the previous car.

When she was angry, apart from running out to buy things and swiping tens of thousands of dollars from him, she did what she had to do every day and remained happy, but on the contrary, he was so angry that he lived back in the villa, and if it wasn’t for his grandmother finding a step for him, he would still be hanging halfway up the stairs.


Hai Tong went along with him and stopped dwelling on the subject.

After the couple closed the shop door, they got into War Yin’s car together.

As soon as they got into the car, Hai Tong saw a child safety chair installed in the back seat.

War Yin explained, “Sometimes I drive you to work, Yang Yang is too small, let him sit by himself is not comfortable, I bought a child safety seat.”

Hai Tong listened to his explanation and looked at him quietly.

Half a long time later, she said to Zhan Yin very seriously, “Mr. Zhan, if one day I fall in love with you, what will you do?”

This man’s attentive and considerate side made her very moved ah.

He leaned over and wrapped one hand around her waist, bringing her towards him. His handsome face was close and his thin lips pressed against her red lips, kissing them for a moment before he whispered in her ear, “I don’t know what will happen because, you haven’t fallen in love with me yet.”

Hai Tong: “……”

She lifted her hand to push away his robust body and fastened her seat belt as if nothing had happened, “Where are you going to take me to de-stress? To relieve your inner worries?”

War Yin also sat upright, “Once you get into my car, just follow me.”

“How about you take me to the beach now and blow the sea breeze?”

War Yin smiled, “Okay.”

As he put the car in motion, he asked her, “Did you pay for the bed and the cabinet yourself?”

He hadn’t even heard from her about spending the money.

It must have cost her her own money.

“Well, when I went shopping, I forgot to bring the family card you gave me, so it cost me money. We’re a couple, we don’t have to count that clearly, do we?”

War Yin pursed her lips, clearly she was the one who counted clearly.