Doting Billionaire Chapter 270

Instead of being disgusted, Yejani was happy.

Zhou Honglin felt that Ye Jiani really liked him as a person and did not want his money, she also wanted to grow old with him with all her heart, not for fun, so she guarded her last line of defence and did not have sex with him, she was so serious that Zhou Honglin became more serious too.

He also promised Ye Jiani that when he saved more money, he would send her a new car.

Ye Jiani was so moved that she kissed him several times, making him so beautiful that he didn’t know where he was going.

When Hai Ling wanted to say something else, Zhou Honglin hung up the phone and immediately transferred 1,200 yuan to Hai Ling on WeChat to buy milk powder for her.

Although he did not ask for 2,400, but only gave 1,200, Hai Ling immediately accepted the 1,200 transferred by Zhou Honglin.

“What’s wrong? Is it your wife?”

While Zhou Honglin was answering the phone, Ye Jiani walked away very sensibly.

Only after seeing Zhou Honglin hang up the phone did Ye Jiani walk over with two glasses of red wine in her hand.

Tonight, Ye Jiani was dressed like a rich girl, in a designer evening gown, she was already young and pretty, but under the backdrop of the designer, she was even more beautiful, and that figure was hot, from the time she followed Zhou Honglin to the reception, she attracted the side-eye of countless men.

Ye Jiani was inwardly overjoyed.

She was very satisfied with her looks and her figure.

Zhou Honglin had spent money on her and dressed her up, not only buying her a beautiful evening dress, but also a gold necklace, a pair of dangling earrings and two gold bracelets for her to wear to tonight’s reception.

Ye Jiani felt that although she was not as good as those golden ladies, she was not bad at all.

“It’s her, asking for money, all she knows how to do is ask for money every day, as if I run a bank.”

Zhou Honglin nagged his wife after transferring 1,200 yuan, extremely dissatisfied, thinking that Hailing should not ask him for money for formula milk.

Ye Jiani handed Zhou Honglin a glass of red wine and said, “Aren’t you guys AA? Now that you’re not coming home for dinner, she still has the nerve to ask you for money? What’s the point of asking for money?”

Zhou Honglin’s money would all belong to her in the future.

Ye Jiani didn’t want Zhou Honglin’s money to be spent on Hai Ling.

“She asked me for money to buy milk powder. I don’t even know what milk powder is so expensive, it costs 2,400 for one purchase. I told her not to wean too soon, let Yang Yang eat breast milk until she goes to kindergarten and then wean, that would save more money. ”

“Two thousand four hundred, I gave her a transfer of one thousand two hundred, in line with the AA system, I will not lose out, how to say that Yang Yang is my son.”

Zhou Honglin still has feelings for his son.

He just simply doesn’t like his wife anymore.

When a man doesn’t love a woman any more, all the good in her becomes bad.

This was the case when Zhou Honglin looked at Hai Ling.

The current Hai Ling was worthless in his eyes.