Campus Master Chapter 807-808

Chapter 807

“Dad, it’s me ……”

Because Xu Yuan was still more or less emotional, Ji Feng didn’t know what to say for a while, so taking advantage of this, he went to the courtyard and called his father.

“Little Feng?” Ji Zhenhua’s voice was a little low, followed by the sound of rustling clothes, followed by the sound of a door closing, after a few moments, his voice returned to normal, “Little Feng, calling me at this late hour, is there something going on?”

“Well, it’s something that I can’t decide.” Ji Feng nodded and said, “By the way, Mom is not with you, right?”

“No, I’ve come out of the room and come to the study, just tell me what’s going on!” Ji Zhenhua smiled, knowing his son was like a father, although father and son had been separated for more than ten years, but, Ji Feng was really too much like himself in many aspects, and the interaction between men, sometimes only needed a simple look or a little special tone of voice, they could understand each other.

This was the case with Ji Zhenhua. It was the first time that his son had called him so late at night, and it was not the home phone that he called, but his own mobile phone, so he immediately realized that something must be wrong with his son, and it was not good for his wife to know about this matter.

“Dad, it’s like this, I came to Hangzhou today with the general manager of our company to talk business with a vice president of the Treasure Island Pioneer Pharmaceutical Group, which was introduced by Zhou Fei Fei, the eldest lady of the Zhou family in Hangzhou ……” Ji Feng briefly told the purpose of his visit to Hangzhou, and then said, “We were talking very well, but we suddenly encountered an attack ……”

“An attack!?”

Ji Zhenhua immediately asked in a deep voice, “You weren’t hurt, were you? Is it safe now?”

In his voice, there was a hint of urgency, and despite the subdued tone, Ji Feng could still hear the concern that was embedded in the words.

“I’m fine, and those people who attacked us have all been caught by me!” Ji Feng said.


Ji Zhenhua couldn’t help but be a little surprised, and then he scolded, “Brat, did you show off again?”

Ji Feng then couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, how could this be bravado?

“Dad, what I want to tell you is that the identity of these people who attacked us is very unusual.” Ji Feng said in a low voice, “Among them, the vast majority of them are from the Boundary Tent.”

“What?!” Ji Zhenhua couldn’t help but be stunned as well, “Boundary tent people attacking you? …… What an A**hole! These Boundary Cave people are too bold, do they want to start a war?!”

Listening to his father’s anger on the other end of the phone, Ji Feng couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart, he said in a low voice: “Dad, you should take it easy first, those boundary tent people don’t know my identity, I just asked them, their purpose, is to a*sa*sinate that vice president of Pioneer Pharmaceutical Group, this vice president is the eldest lady of the Lianzhu Gang of Treasure Island ……”

The first thing I did was to tell my father in detail what I had learned before I said, “Dad, the situation is now clear, but I don’t know what to do with these tent people, they came to China from the regular channels after all!”

Ji Zhenhua immediately understood what Ji Feng meant, he nodded slightly and said, “Well! You did a good job, after all, such matters are always sensitive, you didn’t make a decision easily and knew to think about the bigger picture, that’s good.”

“It’s all because you taught me well!” Ji Feng laughed heatedly.

Ji Zhenhua, however, simply ignored Ji Feng’s horse’s a*s, and only pondered for a moment before saying, “Little Feng, since you were involved in the whole matter and are more familiar with the matter than anyone else, then you will handle the matter of the boundary tent people at your discretion. If you really find it tricky and don’t know what to do, you should bring all the people to Jiangzhou and let your second uncle handle the matter.”

“…… I understand!” Ji Feng scratched his head helplessly.

Father’s meaning was clear enough, let himself see what he could do and see if he could find an opportunity to gain some advantage from this. If one really didn’t have that ability, then one would hand the person over to Second Uncle.

“Well then, let’s do this first, contact me in time if there is anything, besides, the Spring Festival is coming up, come back if you can get away, your mother has been nagging you at home many times!” Ji Zhenhua said.

“Okay, I’ll go home after I’m done here!” Ji Feng said.

After closing the line, Ji Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly, his father was forcing himself to deal with this matter.

The meaning of the words “let yourself handle the matter of the boundary tent people at your own discretion” could not be clearer. Father knew that this matter involved several parties, not only the Zhou family of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but also the Lianzhu gang of Bao Island, and even the local gangs of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Under such circumstances, with his status, it was naturally not good for his father to intervene personally, and if he wanted to do so, he would have to operate directly from a higher level.

However, there are many things that can have an equally unexpected effect as long as they are operated well at the bottom level.

This is what my father meant when he made the arrangements for himself.

And what made Ji Feng couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh bitterly was that his father ended up saying that if he found it tricky, he would leave it to second uncle …… This is clearly provoking himself ah!

If you think about it from your father’s point of view, then you are a child, usually children are not able to bear the excitement, originally could not complete the matter, once being provoked by someone, will grit their teeth to complete.

The same is true for this matter, if I can’t handle this matter in Jiangzhe, how can I be willing to ask Uncle Er to clean up this mess again? You have to grit your teeth and get it done!

Father was hoping that he could try to deal with this kind of difficult problem while he was the gatekeeper from behind!

After all, in the phone call, it was said that at the end he had said to contact him in time with any problems, so I guess even if he didn’t, father would keep an eye on him.

However, Ji Feng also understands very well that his father is provoking himself like this, in fact, he hopes that he can learn to deal with these things and can grow up as soon as possible …… In this way of teasing a child, Ji Feng felt his father’s concern, as well as the kind of expectation of being a father, hoping that his child would grow up quickly.

“Father will not be disappointed, the most crucial thing, is to see how one handles this matter!” Ji Feng put the phone back into his pocket, couldn’t help but wave his fist a few times and secretly said, “I must handle it well, I can’t let my father down!”

Lighting up a cigarette and slowly taking two puffs, Ji Feng secretly deliberated ……

The first time I saw a woman, I had a good idea of what she was going to do, and then I got up and returned to the villa living room.

At this time, Xu Yuan had completely calmed down, sitting on the sofa with a cold face and a strong hatred in her eyes, obviously still thinking about what just happened.

Zhou Fei Fei was sitting next to Xu Yuan, comforting her in a low voice, while Ji YuYi was sitting on the sofa not far away, talking on the phone.

Seeing Ji Feng enter, Zhou Fei Fei could not help but give him a wink, which meant that he should also persuade Xu Yuan.

Ji Feng nodded knowingly, smiled and sat down on the other side of Xu Yuan, smiling, “Xu Yuan, how was it, that was a good fight just now, wasn’t it?”

“It was very cool!”

Xu Yuan couldn’t help but say in a hateful voice, “For a full ten years, I wanted to do this all the time, but I just hated myself for not having the ability, boss, thank you, for giving me the chance to break their limbs with my own hands!”

“Oh, there is no need to say the word thank you, since I am your boss, then naturally I have to solve your worries as much as possible, so that you can concentrate on making money for me!” Ji Feng laughed.

Xu Yuan also couldn’t help but smile and said gratefully, “Boss, don’t worry, as long as you don’t kick me out, I’ll stay at Xiao’s Pharmaceutical Factory for the rest of my life.”

“Don’t ever!”

Ji Feng hurriedly waved his hand and said with a tone of great loss, “And stay in the pharmaceutical factory for the rest of your life? You’re thinking big! When you’re seventy or eighty years old and can’t even take care of yourself, what’s the point of staying in a pharmaceutical factory? I’ll still have to find someone to serve you, so I’ll be at a disadvantage as a boss! You’d better earn enough money for yourself and do what you like.”


Xu Yuan couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and with this laugh, the atmosphere in the living room was instantly much better.

“Ji Feng, thank you!” Xu Yuan whispered, but this time, she did not call Ji Feng her boss, instead she called him by his first name.

“I’ve already kicked you out, and you’re still thanking me?” Ji Feng looked at her in surprise, “I mean, you’re not really going crazy, are you? No, I have to take you for a check-up, I can’t have a psychopath as the general manager, that wouldn’t take my pharmaceutical factory to Java?!”

“You’re the one who’s crazy!” Xu Yuan pouted, but in her heart she was extremely grateful to Ji Feng, she knew very well that Ji Feng was only poking fun at herself to lighten her mood.

To be able to make Ji Feng, who had always been stable, do something so quirky and joking, it was evident that he was attentive to himself.

For a moment, Xu Yuan’s beautiful eyes, stunned, looked at Ji Feng, the hatred in her eyes receded and a hint of affection flashed through.

“Do I have flowers on my face?” Ji Feng touched his face.

Xu Yuan immediately smiled sweetly, Zhou Fei Fei also pursed her lips and smiled lightly next to her, looking at Ji Feng comforting Xu Yuan, somehow, she had an inexplicable envy in her heart, and a little jealousy ……

“Xu Yuan, I have a question I want to ask you, but, I don’t know if it’s appropriate ……” Ji Feng said with a smile, “However, I still need to ask it clearly because it involves how I should handle this matter in the future.”

“You want to ask me why I hate Marshal Xu so much, and that old dog Wu Youde, right?” Xu Yuan smiled faintly, “Boss, you don’t have to worry, I’m already much better …… Technically speaking, Xu Shuai and I, in fact, are half-brother and sister!”

“Sh, what?!” Ji Feng was so shocked that he almost didn’t bite off his own tongue, he bared his teeth in pain for a while, but his expression was one of disbelief, “So what, my ears might be a bit faulty, Xu Yuan, what did you just say?”

“Brother and sister?!” Zhou Fei Fei’s pretty face also had a stunned look written all over it.

Chapter 808

Ji Feng and Zhou Fei Fei’s eyes were filled with a stunned look as they looked at Xu Yuan, and they almost couldn’t believe their ears.

Xu Yuan and Xu Shuai were actually …… Brother and sister?!

The corners of Ji Feng’s eyes couldn’t help but jump wildly a few times, secretly staggered, this brother and sister did, really on point, being the younger sister, actually could frantically carry a chair and smash the elder brother’s limbs off, and without the slightest bit of mercy!

…… If he didn’t know Xu Yuan’s character and persona, Ji Feng would have simply thought that Xu Yuan was really suffering from mental illness, or was suffering from a loss of heart.

Otherwise, who would carry a chair and smash their brother so ferociously?

Moreover, when talking about her elder brother, she would still carry such a strong hatred? This is obviously a bit unreasonable.

However, Ji Feng knew that there must be something else in between.

Therefore, neither Ji Feng nor Zhou Fei Fei said anything, they were waiting for Xu Yuan to say.

“Isn’t it surprising?” Xu Yuan smiled bitterly, “If it’s possible, I really hope that he and I are not brother and sister, but unrelated strangers!”

Ji Feng and Zhou Fei Fei both couldn’t help but nod slightly, they understood Xu Yuan’s feelings very well.

Just by the kind of crazy actions Xu Yuan had taken towards Xu Shuai just now, one could tell how much Xu Yuan really hated this gangster!

Then, anyone who was not a fool could think that it must be because Xu Shuai had done something so outrageously bad that it had caused Xu Yuan such deep damage that it had caused her to possess such hatred!

However, Xu Shuai was Xu Yuan’s older brother, her older brother, so when she was hurt by her older brother, what Xu Yuan’s heart felt was not only hatred, but also the pain of heartbreak, which was far more painful than the hatred between strangers!

“In fact, for this brother of mine, if it were possible, I would really like to cut him alive with a single knife!” Xu Yuan said calmly.

However, both Ji Feng and Zhou Fei Fei could clearly feel the hatred in her heart, which was indeed engraved in her bones.

One must know that just talking about one’s loved ones like this was in fact tantamount to a kind of bone scraping torture!

Ji Feng knew very well that if it were himself, even if he were to die, he would definitely not curse his loved ones half a word, it was not a matter of fearing or not fearing death, but a kind of kinship between loved ones, it was human nature!

“Actually know that I have such a brother, or ten years ago ……”

“Wait a minute!”

Ji Feng suddenly reacted, he rubbed his temples hard and asked with some hesitation, “Just now you said that you and Xu Shuai are brother and sister, that means that Xu Long, the leader of the Dragon Tiger Gang, is …… your father?”

As soon as Xu Long was mentioned, a pained look flashed across Xu Yuan’s face, but she nodded unapologetically and said, “That’s right, that old beast, Xu Long, is my father!”

Ji Feng’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump wildly a few more times, saying this about his own father …… That Xu Long, what heinous things did he do to make Xu Yuan, who had a strong and hardworking character, feel such bitterness?

“Perhaps if I say this, you guys will think I’m cruel and inhumane, right?” Xu Yuan asked.

“Where, there must be a reason for you to say that!” Zhou Fei Fei hurriedly said.

Ji Feng, however, was silent and did not say a word.

In his opinion, parental grace was greater than heaven, and for parents, one should never be like this!

“It seems that the boss has some opinion of me.” Xu Yuan smiled slightly and let out a long sigh, “However, if I put it differently, I wonder if you guys would still think the same way!”


Ji Feng knew that Xu Yuan was probably going to say the reason why she hated her father and elder brother so much.

“Mr. Zhou, you are in Hangzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so I guess you must have heard about the conflict between the Dragon Tiger Gang and the East Sea Gang?” Xu Yuan suddenly turned her head and asked.

“Yes, I have heard of some!” Zhou Fei Fei nodded slightly, and just as she said this, she seemed to suddenly remember something and looked at Xu Yuan in surprise, asking hesitantly, “You …… you are?”

Ji Feng’s brow also furrowed as he asked in a deep voice, “You mentioned the East China Sea Gang …… If I’m not wrong, you should be that Miss Su of the East China Sea Gang, the daughter born with Xu Long, and Xu Shuai may have done something bad to you …… And that’s the only reason that could make you hate Xu Long and Xu Shuai so much, am I right?”

“What you said, is half right!”

Xu Yuan shook her head slightly and let out a long sigh, her tears couldn’t help but flow down again, “It’s true that my mother was the first lady of the East Sea Gang back then, that’s true, but it wasn’t because Xu Long betrayed the East Sea Gang and killed my grandfather that I hated him, it wasn’t like that.”

“Then it’s because of what Shuai Xu did to you?” Ji Feng asked with a frown, if that was the case, it would be even more unwarranted for Xu Yuan to take out her anger on her father Xu Long.

“Not really!” Xu Yuan wiped a handful of tears from her eyes and said with intense hatred, “I hate Xu Long and Xu Shuai, a pair of beastly father and son, not just because they killed my grandfather, these two beasts, they also killed my mother! …… It’s not just that, what they did to me and my mother, heaven forbid!”

“What?!” Ji Feng’s brows furrowed.

Zhou Fei Fei also couldn’t help but change her face, as if she thought of something.

“Back then, Xu Long treated me well in front of people, but in reality, when no one was around, he used to beat me, and my mother …… As far as I can remember, whenever he was drunk, my mother and I would definitely get beaten …… Later on, after he had feathered his nest, he revealed his true nature, killed my grandfather and took over the East Ocean Gang!”

Xu Yuan’s chest rose and fell violently, obviously holding back her anger: “It was then that I realized that, as it turned out, my mother and I were just tools, mere tools, in Xu Long’s eyes! In fact, Xu Long had a family outside long ago, and two sons!”

Ji Feng listened quietly, and could imagine an ambitious man who had cheated his way into the heart of the Missy of the East China Sea Gang, then secretly built up his strength and operated his power in the gang, and when his wings were full, he would simply move to usurp power.

This is full of bloodshed and betrayal!

“Xu Long, this old dog, this beast!”

Xu Yuan spoke with her teeth clacking, her eyes also filled with hatred, “My mother was furious and wanted to fight Xu Long, of course, she didn’t succeed, Xu Long is still very powerful, my mother is just a woman, she usually doesn’t even ask about the affairs of the East Sea Gang, she has never even quarreled with others, how could she kill Xu Long? Oh ……”

Ji Feng rubbed the corners of his eyes and didn’t know what to say, Xu Yuan’s childhood experience was even more bitter than his, even though he hadn’t experienced it, Ji Feng could understand what it was like, how painful it was.

“My mother was caught by Xu Long!” Xu Yuan snapped and sat up straight, her voice suddenly becoming unusually calm: “Guess what that brute Xu Long did to my mother?”

Ji Feng sighed lightly, “Xu Yuan, don’t say anything, we all understand ……”


Xu Yuan interrupted, “I must say, I’m not trying to make you all suffer along with me, I just want you to know that Xu Yuan is not a heartless, heartless person!”

“I know, you’re not that kind of person, don’t say it!” Ji Feng’s tone was very firm, “Repeating the pain of that year again, it’s a kind of torture for you, and for your mother, it’s also a kind of harm!”

“My mother died ten years ago! She’s dead!” Xu Yuan said loudly, “Killed by that beastly father and son Xu Long and Xu Shuai! At that time, Xu Shuai was only sixteen or seventeen years old, he was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he actually treated my mother ……”

Xu Yuan had already burst into tears and choked up as she couldn’t say anymore.

Ji Feng patted her shoulder and said in a deep voice: “Xu Yuan, what you said, I understand, no need to say anymore, really! Let your mother rest in peace.”

“My mother won’t rest in peace until those two brutes are dead!” Xu Yuan shouted shrilly.

“They will die!”

Ji Feng sat up straight, a cold light flickering in his eyes, and said firmly, “I promise you, whether it’s Xu Long or Xu Shuai, sooner or later they will all kneel before you and be at your disposal!”


Xu Yuan’s eyes held a glimmer of hope.

“Really!” Ji Feng immediately nodded his head, “This day, it won’t be long now!”

In Xu Yuan’s beautiful eyes, tears immediately welled up, “Ji Feng, do you know? In these ten years, I don’t know how many times I thought of a way to deal with Xu Long, but I didn’t have that power …… I was getting desperate, but today, you have given me hope, at least, Xu Shuai is like a dead dog today, at my disposal!”

“Sooner or later, Xu Long will also be like Xu Shuai!” Ji Feng said firmly.

“Ji Feng, thank you, really thank you!” Xu Yuan looked at Ji Feng and said and murmured over and over again.

Seeing that kind of look in her eyes, as if she had survived a desperate and somewhat hollow situation, Ji Feng’s heart felt as if it had been viciously torn, how much had this woman, who still had a trace of dust in her body, suffered? How many unimaginable humiliations and hardships had she encountered?

How bitter must she have been in her heart?

In this instant, the softest part of his heart was touched.

From the time he met Xu Yuan, a scene from the past was like a movie that kept flashing in Ji Feng’s mind.

The first time I met Xu Yuan, the spirited Xu Yuan.

The shrewd and capable Xu Yuan after she was transferred to the Xiao Pharmaceutical Factory.

Taking control of the pharmaceutical factory, that strong Xu Yuan.

After meeting Xu Shuai, the crazy Xu Yuan ……

And now, this bewildered and helpless Xu Yuan with a heartbreakingly empty look in her eyes ……

Ji Feng stretched out his hand and embraced Xu Yuan into his arms, patting her pink back with his big hand and saying softly, “Okay Xu Yuan, don’t be afraid, I’m here for everything, no one will hurt you again, and those who have hurt you before will all be punished, I promise you!”

He hugged Xu Yuan, the action was so natural, it was as if he had rehearsed it a thousand times before, without a hitch!

“I believe you, I believe …… Oooh ……” Leaning into Ji Feng’s arms, Xu Yuan let out a painful cry, crying heartbreakingly, making people’s hearts break, “In this world, I can only trust you alone, don’t abandon me, don’t leave me alone, I’m scared ……”


Ji Feng exhaled a long breath, trying to get his already wet eyes back to normal as he said softly, “No way! How could I possibly abandon you, I definitely won’t!”