Breakthrough Chapter 304

The following day.

A great earthquake hit the Shu Yu region.

The news of the defeat of the Liu family in Nan Yu and the strong rise of Pang Laosan spread unnoticed and quickly spread throughout the Shu Yu region.

And this explosive news continued to spread.

It soon spread across the country!

“The Liu family in South Yu is considered a famous family in the Dragon Kingdom, how come it said it had fallen?”

“I haven’t heard of any enemies of the Liu family before either.”

“Could it be that there were hidden financial problems before that broke out yesterday?”

“Someone has checked, the capital chain of the Liu family in Nan Yu has been stable, there are no hidden economic problems.”

“How on earth could this be? And who is that Pang Laosan who suddenly replaced the Liu family?”

Bigwigs from every region within the Dragon Kingdom exploded. Remember the website http://m. kanshu8. net

As the saying goes, one hair moves the whole body, and although the Liu family’s business focus was only in Southern Yu, it also had businesses operating in other regions of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is possible to say that the Liu family’s business network involves dozens and hundreds of famous town forces.

Therefore, these forces had to find out why the Liu family had fallen.

As for the other forces that have no business with the Liu family, they are also on tenterhooks at the moment. They cannot rest until they understand why the Liu family has suddenly fallen – what if the cause of the Liu family’s demise falls on them one day?

Only by understanding the cause could they prevent it in advance and make themselves prosperous.

“Pang Laosan, who replaced the Liu family, was originally a big brother in Southern Yu as well.”

“Before yesterday, Pang Laosan was still the only force capable of having a battle with the Liu family head-on.”

“Pang Laosan used to be one of Shen Qingniu’s men.”

“Shen Qingniu’s men? Could it be that Pang Laosan’s sudden rise to power is related to Shen Qingniu, who was once famous throughout the country?”

“That can’t be right, Shen Qingniu has been dead for twenty years.”

“Shen Qingniu used to be a legend, suddenly rising overnight and then sweeping across the country as quickly as a starburst. Apart from a few major metropolises like Kyoto and Magic City, almost the entire Dragon Kingdom has left behind Shen Qingniu’s roots.”

“Although Shen Qingniu died twenty years ago, these roots that he left behind throughout the country might still exist today.”

“Could it be that it was really the secret pawn left behind by Shen Qingniu twenty years ago that helped Pang Laosan settle the South Yu Liu family and become the new South Yu hegemon?”

“If that’s the case, we should be extra careful with Pang Laosan in the future.”

“Although Pang Laosan is not as talented as Shen Qingniu, but since he can mobilise Shen Qingniu’s many secret moves, he should also be an extremely powerful figure.”

“Anyone with ties to Shen Qingniu needs to be treated with care!”

The bigwigs from all over the country were exchanging the information they had received, as well as their thoughts, in the bigwigs chat group they were in.

Soon, almost all the bigwigs came to a unanimous conclusion – in the future, they must befriend Pang Laosan.

Although Pang Laosan had only just finished off the Liu family in South Yu and should still be in a state of internal and external trouble, because of his relationship with Shen Qingniu, every bigwig believed that Pang Laosan would not only be able to stabilise the situation quickly, but also have the spare capacity to deal with all kinds of surprises.

This, is the residual power of Shen Qingniu!

Nan Yu.

Pang Laosan’s villa.

“Third Brother, someone has sent a gift.”

Yuan Laoshi ran to Pang Laosan’s heels with gusto.

“Who’s sending a gift?”

Pang Laosan was very calm, this was something he had expected.

“Boss Huang from Magic City.”

Yuan Laoshi said.


Pang Lao San suddenly sat up straight:”

Boss Huang from Magic City?”

“Yes.” Yuan Lao Si said truthfully.

“I’ve become the new overlord of Southern Yu, there will definitely be forces from all sides offering favours, but it’s only right that the Shu Yu region, or forces belonging to the surrounding areas, should come and offer gifts.”

Pang Laosan frowned in confusion, “Boss Huang is a famous big shot in Magic City, and he and I haven’t crossed paths before, so there’s no need for him to come and give me gifts.”

Pang Laosan rubbed his chin and thought for half a day, then suddenly his eyes widened, “Old Death, did Boss Huang say anything else when he sent the gift here?”


Old Fourth Yuan scratched his head: “Third Brother, if you didn’t ask, I almost forgot about it. After the person Boss Huang sent to deliver the gift handed it to me, he also said that he wanted to pay respects to Big Brother Shen sometime.”

“Big Brother Shen?”

Pang Laosan immediately came back to his senses.

“Boss Huang is thinking that I can rise to power because of Brother Shen Qingniu’s connections.”

Said Pang Laosan, shaking his head with a bitter smile, “Big Brother Qingniu left secret chess pieces all over the country twenty years ago, these secret chess pieces are strong and powerful, but even Sun Hongxia, the widow of Big Brother Qingniu, couldn’t drive them after Big Brother Qingniu’s death, so how could I possibly make them move?”

“Then what should I do?”

Yuan Lao Si inquired.

“You tell the man whom Boss Huang sent to deliver the gift that it is fine for him to go to pay respect to Big Brother Qingniu if he wants to, and that I will personally accompany him if he wants to go. However, I hope that when he goes, he will not talk too much about mundane matters so as not to disturb Big Brother Qingniu.”

Pang Lao San said after thinking about it.




“What does Old Third Pang mean by this?”

Magic City, Huang Qianjian frowned in confusion.

“Boss Huang, is Old Master Pang indicating that his rise has nothing to do with Shen Qingniu?”

Many bigwigs in Magic City had gathered at Huang Qianjue’s house, and at this moment, someone asked.

“How is that possible?”

Immediately, someone denied, “We’ve all seen Pang Laosan’s profile, although he is powerful, he previously didn’t even have the capital to shake the Liu family’s position, let alone fully replace the Liu family overnight.”

“Then what do you say, what does Pang Laosan mean by that?”

The man was clearly unconvinced: “Besides, I heard that there seems to be a giant brother behind the dramatic change in Southern Yu, apart from Pang Laosan and the Liu family.”

“Giant brother?”

Huang Qianjian hurriedly asked, “What giant brother?”

“I’m not sure.”

The man said, “I have only heard some rumours. In fact, we don’t even know the details of the day of the Southern Yu drama. From the information we have, the information that has leaked to the outside world is not complete at all, someone has blocked the details of that day!”

“That’s true.”

Huang Qianjian nodded: “If you hadn’t mentioned it before, I almost forgot about it. What exactly happened on that day of the Southern Yu drama, why was the information blocked and so tightly so that we couldn’t even get hold of the real information, behind all this, there must be a giant brother stirring up the storm.”

“But who could it be?”

A big brother frowned: “To be able to support Pang Laosan, to be able to send the South Yu Liu family into hell, and to be able to keep the news so tightly sealed in front of us, this legendary big brother should be a very famous big shot.”

“But I haven’t heard of that big shot, who is interested in that mu of South Yu.”

Huang Qianjian and the others were confused.

At this time.

A phone call came through.

“Pang Laosan’s call!”

Huang Qianjue raised his eyebrows!