Breakthrough Chapter 206

The two commentators frowned when they saw the ng fighter heading straight for their own red buff wilderness: “Didn’t Pigmei realize that her red buff had been countered?”

“It’s over, after the emperor has countered Pigmei’s red buff and then returned to his own wilderness to brush the wilderness, Pigmei is weak at the early stage and simply does not dare to go to the emperor’s wilderness to fight for it, which leads to the emperor being able to start with three buffs while Pigmei can only start with a single buff, this gap is too big.”

Hearing the words of the two commentators, many viewers raised their heads in shock.

None of them were originally prepared to watch vtg’s match seriously, thinking that it was too boring, so they might as well listen to the commentary and play with their phones for a while.

But now, their eyes suddenly lit up with light.

ng’s top field is an ace, especially the fielding, which has the title of wilderness bandit, no matter if it takes a very aggressive meat beater or a weak early stage gra*s beater, it will never fall short in the wilderness.

I didn’t expect that today, against vtg, the ng fielder was actually suppressed in a rare instance!

“Could it be that vtg is really in play today?”

Some people finally started to get a little excited about vtg.

“What are you thinking?”

But soon, there was a cold hum of disdain: “ng is just being set up, but compared to hard strength, ng is hundreds of streets away from vtg. Watch, at most another ten minutes, ng will be able to fully crush vtg.” One second to remember to read the book bar //

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re looking for.

Meanwhile, on the stage, ng’s playing field’s face was not looking good.

He had actually fallen behind?

This was something he couldn’t accept!

“Raven, I’ll help you catch a wave of Kenji directly.”

The ng playfield glanced at the map and found that Ke Zhenyu’s Sword Girl had been pressing the lane and was now only at half blood with Raven due to her intense blood exchange with Raven.

At this moment, although his Pig Girl was only level two, if a q-flash hit Sword Girl and then connected with Raven’s control to kill Sword Girl, then his early disadvantage of being countered by the wilderness could be mostly eliminated.

“You do it, I can seduce him.”

Flando said with a calm nod.

The ng hitman approached towards the top lane step by step.

He came to the triangle gra*s to crouch and wait for his chance to move.

“ng Wild is worthy of being known as a wilderness bandit, he doesn’t want to brush the wilderness right now, but wants to brush people!”

“Yeah, the ng fielder is trying to use heads to supplement the disadvantage of the red buff being reversed.”

“Let’s see vtg’s Sword Girl, who has been playing aggressively and is still pressing under ng’s tower, once Pig Girl q-flash, then she will definitely be killed.”

“Yes, we see that Pig Girl is preparing, if he q-flash strikes, Sword Girl will definitely die because of this close range, no one can possibly react.”

As soon as the commentary was said, the ng fighter saw the moment Kenshi went up to fill the soldier, he directly q-flashed out from the shadows.

At the same time, Flando was ready to go up and take control.


Miso – a sword sound resounded through the canyon.

Ke Zhenyu’s Sword Girl, blocked ng hitman’s q-flash control with w!

ng hitman’s piggy was counter-controlled!

“This …… how is this possible?”

The commentator directly exclaimed: “Ke Zhenyu, Ke Zhenyu he actually reacted!”

“My god, what kind of reaction is this, this reaction is too exaggerated!”

“Is this still a human being, can he even react to this?”

“Not only did he react, but he also prepared to judge the direction of Piggy’s appearance and directly counter-controlled her.”

The crowd of spectators were no longer drowsy, but were instantly excited as if they were hit by chicken blood.

It was at this point.

Ke Zhenyu did not use his q skill to draw back as everyone expected.


p; Because the pig girl was only level two and only half blood herself because of the damage she carried from the wild monster.

So Ke Zhenyu directly controls Sword Girl and q up!

Buzz – a sword sound, Sword Girl hit the break, and Pig Girl was instantly left with only a quarter of blood.

Sword Girl takes another aeaa.


The beep of firstblood spread through Summoner’s Gorge!

Hearing the beep, even with his experience, Flando couldn’t help but freeze.

The vtg top laner he despised had actually killed their playmaker in front of him!

“Oh my god, what kind of guts is this, what kind of operation is this!?”

“ng’s ace top and wild teamed up and actually got counter-killed two against one!”

“I can’t believe it, how can this Kenji be so daring!”

“That was under ng’s tower, vtg’s Sword Girl didn’t scare at all, she fought back and actually killed Pigmei and took first blood!”

“This Sword Girl, it made me wet.”

At this moment, both the audience and the commentators were all abuzz with excitement!

Even if they were not vtg fans, they started to cheer for vtg at this moment.

Not for anything else, just for Ke Zhenyu’s Sword Girl!

Both Sword Girl and Raven are extremely powerful heroes that snowball, and whoever gets the advantage can be the father.

Just like the last time vtg played dgl, dgl’s Raven got the advantage and Jian Ji could only cower under the tower.

This time, after Ke Zhenyu’s Sword Girl got the advantage, she also beat Flamto’s Raven to the point where she couldn’t live with herself.

“Silly me, it’s the first time Flando has been beaten so badly, right?”

“Yeah, Flando now even has to look at Sword Girl’s face to mend her troops.”

“Flando can only mend the soldiers under the tower!”

The viewers just said, when they saw that while Flando was mending soldiers under the tower, Ke Zhenyu’s Sword Girl actually directly q-ed into the tower to hara*s Flando.

“This Sword Girl is too flirty, right?”

“Jian Ji is playing with fire!”

“That’s right, Jian Ji is giving chances.”

“Flando can completely kill Jian Ji under the tower if she seizes the opportunity.”

The audience’s words had just fallen, when Jian Ji entered the tower for the fourth time q, Flando saw that there was only one minion left in vtg’s tower, finally seized the opportunity and manipulated Raven a q up to prepare to take w to stun Jian Ji.


Kenji’s w strikes again!

Flamto Raven was committed to stun under the tower!

Immediately after that, Sword Girl aeaa struck again.

Because of the previous several times of hara*sment and consumption under the tower, Flando’s Raven’s blood was already very unhealthy, and now it could not carry this burst from Sword Ji at all, and it was directly spiked.

However, because of the tower crossing, Jian Ji’s blood level was also at its bottom.

Seeing ng’s upper lane tower, she was about to hit another attack to kill Ke Zhenyu under the tower, Ke Zhenyu directly flashed out of the tower, escaped with silk blood and then left in style.

“This is handsome bleeding!”

“That’s awesome, right?”

“Is that really the way to kill one person in ten steps and not leave a line for a thousand miles?”

The audience was dumbfounded.

Although Sword Girl’s moves were often seen in many video highlights, it was a completely different thing between normal ranking and professional matches.

Many of the moves that can be performed in ranked matches are simply not possible in professional matches.

That’s why the audience and commentators were amazed when Ke Zhen Yu played such a sharp operation in a professional match.

After a while.

“Jian Ji goes home, he teleports back to the top lane to continue suppressing Raven, no, he didn’t teleport to the top lane!?”

The two commentators exclaimed once again.