Awaken Chapter 48

South Yu Gong Yuan.

When Xu Qingnian put pen to paper.

A sudden change occurred.

It was the wind.

A strong wind swept in and blew away the few white clouds in the sky.

A sheet of white paper was blown and rustled.

Soon, a number of people’s white papers were blown apart, and these readers immediately got up to pick them up, somewhat afraid.

It would only be trouble if their hard-written essays were damaged.

“What’s going on?”

Zhao Yuan stood up, he looked to the sky dome, there were no evil spirits, but how could a gale suddenly roll up?

The next moment.

A cry of alarm rang out.

“My lord, look, Xu Qingnian is on the table.”

Someone was surprised and pointed in the direction where Xu Qingnian was and shouted.

In an instant, not only these three invigilators, but even the candidates sitting across from each other, could not help but look towards Xu Qingnian here.

All they could see was that on top of the desk.

The white paper on which the An Guo policy was written blossomed with an extremely bright light.

A blazing white light that rose into the sky and into the clouds.

Everyone froze.

The examiners gasped in shock, thinking it was an immortal spell, not knowing what had happened.

The three examiners were also stunned, gazing at the scene with a look of incredulity in their eyes.

Not only them, but everyone in the entire examination hall saw the beam of light that plunged straight into the clouds.

Except for one person.

Chen Xinghe.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was in a state of oblivion, writing his essay and not listening to anything outside the window.

“What is this?”

“Why is there a rainbow light?”

“What’s happening?”

“This location is the Grade A examination room.”

“Grade A examination hall? Xu Qingnian, Xu Wangu seems to be in the Grade A examination hall, so could this not be a vision that Xu Wangu has induced?”

“It’s possible, it’s really possible.”

“Hiss, I’ve heard that Xu Qingnian wrote a book on top of the banquet, filled the river with red and drew talent into his body, promoting him to the ninth rank, and today on top of the government exams, has Xu Qingnian written another superb essay?”

“It must be Brother Xu, Xu Wangu has induced the vision, it must be, it must be.”

All the candidates were abuzz, some speculated, not knowing what was happening, others knew what was happening and were dumbfounded.

The most excited was Li Xin, who clenched his fists and said with unbridled excitement.


“Those who make a ruckus will be disqualified from the House Examination.”

The examiners spoke up, they were also excited inside, but they still maintained order in the examination hall, and once the crowd had quietened down, they wanted to rush to the Grade A examination hall to see for themselves what was happening.

But they were not allowed to leave the examination hall without permission, including them, so they could only clench their fists and look anxious.

And with the startling rainbow rushing through the sky.

Inside the government ruler’s residence.

Li Guangxin, who was grading the governmental affairs of the House, suddenly felt an inexplicable power.

He got up and walked out of the main hall, and with a glance, he saw the startling rainbow in the southeast.

Almost instantly, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

“White rainbow through the sun.”

“This is the white rainbow crossing the sun.”

“A vision of heaven and earth.”

Li Guangxin froze, as the ruler of the Southern Yu Province of the Great Wei, he was in a high and powerful position, in charge of the livelihood of a province, and had seen a lot of things, what kind of storms had he not seen before?

But today’s sight had left him in shock.

“It’s the Tribute Court! The Tribute Court!”

Li Guangxin moved almost instantly, he turned into a streak of shadow, extremely fast, like the wind, and ran towards the Tribute Court.

If such a thing were to happen in his territory, it would be a great feat for him.

It was not just in the House of the Prefect.

Millions of people from all over the South Henan province also witnessed this miracle.

Some of the people even knelt on the ground and shouted that the gods had revealed their spirits, while some of the old men even exclaimed in amazement and then proclaimed with great joy that the heavens had sent good fortune and that the South Yufu would have good weather in the future.

Outside South Yufu.

On the official road.

Three carriages were slowly moving, among them sat three husbandmen, who had returned from their demon subjugation and were now resting inside the carriage, as they were a little tired after several days of subjugating demons.

However, at this moment, with the appearance of the rainbow, the three masters woke up instantly as if they had sensed something.

They lifted the curtain of the carriage, and without waiting for the servant to say anything, they saw the frightening rainbow that went straight up into the clouds.

“The white rainbow is going through the sun, it’s such a vision. Why is there such an auspicious event? Quickly, quickly, quickly, go to the residence.”

Liu Fu Zi was stunned, and when he recovered, he immediately told the coachman to drive the carriage quickly.

“The white rainbow is crossing the sun, and its direction is …… Government House, Fuzi Liu, Fuzi Chen, it is the direction of the Government House, can’t it be that someone has written a superb article that has attracted a vision of heaven and earth?”

Fu Zi Qi’s eyes widened as he keenly noticed that the place where the white rainbow was located seemed to be in the direction of the House Courtyard.

“It is in the direction of the House Courtyard, but not necessarily within the Tribute Courtyard, so we should hurry over and wait until we get there to find out.”

Fu Zi Chen spoke.

The three husbandmen could still be considered calm, if they could control the sound of their breathing a little, it would be even more perfect.

Inside the Southern Yufu Tribute Courtyard.

The sky-rushing shocking rainbow went straight up into the clouds.

The vision that evolved left everyone dumbfounded, including Xu Qingnian.

He thought he had written a very good essay, at least he had said what he wanted to say in his heart.

But what he didn’t expect was that this article would lead to such a vision.

Should it be so exaggerated?

The halo was a bit big, right?

But soon, Xu Qingnian came back to his senses.

The so-called essay curation is to first set up an idea, telling people what I am going to say, and then how serious the problem is, followed by the solution.

There are only two things that make an essay good or bad: whether the idea is good or not, and whether the solution is good or not.

From an objective point of view, Xu Qingnian believes that his intention is very good, because it pointedly points out the current problem of Great Wei.

The problem is not just the emperor, but the country and the people of the world, from the royal family to the people, so the idea is very good.

And is the solution good?

The solution is definitely good.

The idea of the Great Wei Money Bank is an epoch-making thing, and if it can be regulated under Confucianism, it is a powerful tool for the country.

Are there any drawbacks?

There are definitely disadvantages, but they have nothing to do with the money changers, it’s up to the emperor to use them.

If it is used well, it will benefit the country and the people.

If not, it will harm the country and the people.

But this does not affect the influence of the Great Wei Money Bank.

This money bank, which can be said to be a divine tool for the state, is better than a thousand armies and horses.

Put it all together.

Is it a good article?


And so good that it is impeccable.

Generally this kind is called a superb article, or it can be called a thousand ancient cursives.

However, it was at this time.

In the capital of Wei.






In the magnificent Palace of Literature in the eastern domain of the Imperial Capital, five crisp and ear-splitting bells rang out.

It startled the entire capital of Great Wei.

“It’s the Holy Bell, the Holy Bell rang five times since, it’s a supreme article, someone has written a supreme article.”

The voice of a great Confucian rang out, appearing extremely excited.

“The Holy Bell rings five times, when it is a supreme article, it benefits the country and the people, who is the one who wrote the supreme article?”

Another great Confucian’s voice rang out, full of shock.

“Well, well, well, after five years, Great Wei has actually revealed another supreme article, well, well, well, Heaven has blessed Great Wei, Heaven has blessed Great Wei.”

A voice resounded throughout the imperial capital.

The article was a good thing for Great Wei, whether it was an article on the intention to suppress evil, or a theory of strategy for the country and the people.

Inside the imperial capital of Great Wei.

A voice also rang out.

“Returning to Your Majesty, news has come from the Starry Sky Courts that the Southern Yu Province has revealed a vision of heaven and earth, a white rainbow crossing the sun.”

“Within the capital, in the Great Wei Palace of Literature, the sacred bell rang five times, a sign of a supreme article coming forth.”

A pleasant voice rang out, and soon a calm voice fell.

“Check, who is it.”

“Have the Starry Sky Courtyard check again, the person who has these visions is either a Wen or a Wu.”

The voice fell.

A stunningly beautiful figure, left the palace.

And in the Great Wei’s Palace of Literature, the rushing Haozheng Qi disappeared into the sky above, so fast that it was imperceptible to the naked eye.

Ten thousand miles away.

The capital of South Yu.

Just as the crowd was in shock.

A scene that left the crowd even more stunned appeared.

A terrifying amount of Hao Rang Qi, like a great river, poured down on Xu Qingnian.

Such a thick amount of Hao Rang Qi all surged into his body and was injected into the Wen Pond.

As the thick Hao Rang Qi entered his body, it turned into a purple Qi.

An incense stick of time pa*sed.

The governor, the three masters and many Confucian students were all gathered outside the courtyard.

They were not allowed to enter the courtyard as there was an examination going on inside. This was a law of the Great Wei, and even the greatest of things could never be broken, otherwise it would be a great crime.

“This is the Qi of the saints.”

Fu Zi Liu couldn’t help but tremble as he pointed at these Hao Rang Qi.

“Coming from the west, it is the capital of the Great Wei State.”

“The capital of the country? Then it is the Palace of Literature, the white rainbow runs through the sun, only a supreme article can attract such a vision, and furthermore such a terrifying aura of Hao Rang is added, if nothing else, only Xu Qingnian, Xu Da can do it, right?”

Qi Fu Zi and Chen Fu Zi spoke up separately, their speculations were precise, only seemingly speaking calmly, but inwardly they had already set off a thousand layers of waves.

“The former has a thousand ancient words, and the latter has a great essay, Xu Qingnian, Xu Wangu, really is not wrong nickname, ah, this person, I must cultivate well, so that I can add another saint in Great Wei.”

Of course, the saint he was talking about was only a metaphor, a sub-saint was also a saint, a half-saint was also a saint, and of course a saint was also a saint.

Just as soon as Fu Zi Liu finished speaking, Fu Zi Qi and Fu Zi Chen were not convinced.

“Fu Zi Liu, didn’t you say you wouldn’t argue?”

“Yes, Master Liu, didn’t you say you would not argue? How can you be a gentleman if you go back on your words?”

The two men were a little upset, they had said they would not compete, but now they saw that Xu Qingnian had such great talent, and now they were backtracking? Are you still a gentleman?

However, Liu Fu Zi swept a glance at the two of them, followed by slowly saying.

“Such great talent, even if I take the blame, I still have to cultivate it carefully, I am now writing a letter to inform my teacher, since you two think I am not a gentleman, then I will be a villain for a while.”

Fu Zi Liu did not bother to pay attention to them.

If you are not a gentleman, you are not a gentleman.

This kind of great talent is in front of me, and I don’t want to let it go? I am not a fool.

“Good, since Fu Zi Liu is so shameless, then I don’t want it either, Brother Qi join me, press this piker and don’t let him write letters.”

Fu Zi Chen roared in anger and called on Fu Zi Qi to make a direct move so that Fu Zi Liu could not write a letter.

“Three husbandmen, there are still people around, don’t do this and lose your identity.”

Li Guangxin on the side saw this situation, can’t help but immediately speak up, good words of advice, after all, there are people around watching, not afraid to make a joke?

“You are just a martial artist, what qualifications do you have to get involved in the affairs of us scholars, this is none of your business, go and look aside yourself.”

“That’s right, a martial artist is also worthy of talking about Taoism?”

The two of them were really angry, and they directly took action, regardless of whether there was anyone, anyway, they absolutely could not let Liu Fu Zi write a letter, if they did, Xu Qingnian would have absolutely nothing to do with them.

As for Li Guangxin, his good words were exchanged for a scolding, so he took a few steps to the side, smiling on the surface but gritting his teeth inside.

“Xin’er, give father a good examination, later become a great Confucian, give me to rectify these three old things to death!”

Li Guangxin was calm and collected, there is a saying that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

And in the courtyard.

As the pool of literature filled up.

Xu Qingnian had also officially entered the eighth rank.

The eighth grade of Confucianism.

[Body Cultivation Realm

Grade A examination hall.

There was a terrible silence.

The three examiners, too, were completely speechless.

An eighth-ranked Confucian student at the age of twenty.

Rarely seen in the past and present.

And Xu Qingnian had only been enrolled in school for a whole month.

Oh, no, it was twenty-nine days.

Twenty-nine days to the eighth rank.

If he had been given a few more years, he would have taken off!




Deadly silence.

Looking at the quiet crowd.

Xu Qingnian, after the Jinpin, once again remained silent.

Lest the scene become even more awkward.