Awaken Chapter 168

Kyoto, Great Wei.

In the courtroom.

The civil and military officials are standing to the left and right.

They all look a little preoccupied with each other.

As the court meeting begins.

The crowd, as usual, discussed the affairs of state.

The military officials were unusually quiet throughout, they did not say a word, as if they were brewing something.

They waited until the end of the court meeting.

Finally, the lineage of martial officials spoke out, and the first person to come out was none other than the Duke of An Guo.

“Your Majesty!”

“I have something to present.”

When Duke An Guoguo appeared, the civil officials’ lineage could not help but frown.

They knew that the lineage of martial officials would inevitably speak out today, but what they didn’t expect was that the first person to speak out would be Duke An Guoguo.

Normally, it would have been a Marquis who spoke up, and the fact that Duke An was the first to speak up meant that the Martial Officials’ lineage was going to make a real move this time.


The empress did not hesitate and spoke directly.

“Your Majesty, half a month ago, the twelve foreign nations jointly impeached Xu Shouren, and the people have been abuzz with rumours.”

An Guo openly spoke up and asked so.


The empress replied as if the words were golden.

In turn, Duke An continued to speak and looked at the Empress and said.

“If that is the case, why does Your Majesty not give a response?”

“Now that the people of Great Wei have learned of this matter, the people’s grievances are deep, and the twelve foreign nations have joined together to impeach our officials in Great Wei.

Duke An was not angry in any way, he was only elaborating on the matter, after all, what he knew, the empress knew, and what he did not know, the empress also knew.

Now he opened his mouth to ask for an answer, an affirmative answer.

“Lord An, I have been pondering this matter these days.”

“Not to declare, not to fear, this should be clear to you.”

“The Great Wei Dynasty, now gradually stabilising, the twelve foreign nations are so and so, obviously they have other purposes, I do not want to pay attention to them.”

“Nor do I wish to pay attention to it, can the Duke understand?”

The Empress gave her answer, since the State Duke had taken the initiative to enlighten her, it was impossible for her to evade the issue.

“I understand, but there are still some things I would like to say.”

“National prestige is the soul of the army and the bones of the people. The twelve foreign nations, which are subordinate to our Great Wei, have interfered in the internal affairs of Great Wei and have already violated the bottom line of Great Wei, and have even asked for Xu Shouren’s dismissal.”

“If we don’t respond, I am afraid we will be ridiculed by the people of the world, and then the army will be scattered, and I am worried that this will affect the fortunes of Great Wei, so I hope Your Majesty will give a clear answer today.”

“It would be better to invigorate the might of Great Wei, to shape the soul of our three armies, and to strengthen the hearts of the people of Great Wei.”

“I implore Your Majesty, give a response.”

At this point, Duke An knelt on the ground and bowed a great salute towards the empress.

The voice rang out, and for a moment, all the military officials and courtiers also spoke up, bowing towards the Empress and speaking in unison.

“I implore Your Majesty, give a response.”

The lineage of martial officials spoke out collectively at this moment, requesting the Empress to give a response.

Just as soon as this was said, Chen Zhengru also immediately stepped forward.

“Your Majesty, what Lord An has said is extremely true, but a mere twelve foreign nations is nothing.”

“In my opinion, if we respond, it will only fuel their anger, and Great Wei does not need to explain anything, nor does it need to explain anything.”

“There is no need to respond to this matter at all, and if we do, it will only add to the chaos, so it would be better to remain cold.”

Chen Zhengru spoke up, knowing that the military officials had already made up their minds, but he still had to say something.

To the current Wei, it was better to delay than not to delay at all.

But when he said this, the military officials were furious.

“Minister Chen, I dare say you are not the ones being scolded, right?”

“Do you know how many people outside are now calling us cowards?”

“As a military official, I would rather die on the battlefield than be abused by the people. The twelve foreign nations jointly impeached Xu Shouren, but you and the others didn’t dare to say a word, which also caused us to be spat upon by the people.”

“When has Great Wei ever been such a coward? Even after the Northern Expedition, Wei has never been afraid of anyone. Chen Zhengru, you are trying to undermine the fate of our country.

A marquis pointed angrily at Chen Zhengru and roared loudly and angrily, accusing the other party.

“If we fear death and let the people revile us, we will never complain.”

“But to suffer injustice here like this, we are not convinced, Your Majesty, if we don’t respond, then the whole world will come to laugh at my Great Wei.”

“We have lost the Northern Expedition, but we have not broken our backs, the spirit of the Great Wei soldiers is still here.”

Another marquis stood out and shouted loudly, his voice resounding and exploding in the great hall.

“Minister Chen, if you do not respond today, tomorrow will be the impeachment of a hundred nations. If you do not respond again, it will be the loss of Great Wei’s face.”

“Furthermore, you claim that you don’t need to pay attention to it, but in the end, isn’t it because you civil servants are afraid? You are a group of people who are afraid of life and death.”

“Is it just that you don’t want to add to the war because you see that Great Wei is starting to settle down? But let me tell you, the stability of Great Wei does not depend on silver, it does not depend on schemes, it depends on swords, it depends on fists.”

“If we do not deter foreigners, there will never be peace in Great Wei.”

Another Marquis spoke up, and there was nothing wrong with his view.

No country’s development was built on foreign turmoil.

If it could not deter foreigners, how could the country develop?

And all of this, Chen Zhengru understood, he knew, but what he knew even more was that this was a conspiracy, the whole thing was all a conspiracy.

Great Wei could only delay, it could never respond, if it did it would be a war, a war that no one wanted to see.

So even in the face of the military officials’ angry rebuke, Chen Zhengru continued to speak.

“At the moment, one must not fight, nor can one return.”

“Your Majesty, now that the situation in Great Wei is unstable, we should continue to move forward around the people, around the livelihood of the people, around the development of the country, and we must not change our national policy because of this matter.”

Chen Zhengru spoke, knowing that his words would inevitably be resisted en ma*se by the military officials.

But he said it anyway, because it was the best option, at least for now, for Great Wei.


“Then does Minister Chen mean that Great Wei, nowadays, can be ridiculed by the whole world? It can be accused at will by these foreign nations?”

“Lord Chen, you are a civil servant, you simply do not understand the implications of this matter.”

“Great Wei does need to develop, but Great Wei needs its national luck even more, and the battle of the Northern Expedition has cost Great Wei its national luck.”

“And today, the foreign kingdoms impeach Great Wei courtiers, if no response is given, the national luck will pa*s, but the hearts of the people will not be gathered.”

“The shame of Jingcheng has not yet been wiped out, we cannot sleep at night, we cannot eat on a daily basis, and now these foreign nations are provoking us like this, if we retreat and do not return, the people of this world will be fed, but Great Wei will be lost.”

The Duke of An spoke out, and he impeached back without ceremony.

Chen Zhengru’s mind was full of the development of Great Wei and the livelihood of the people, there was nothing wrong with that, and as the Duke of State he understood what Great Wei needed.

But he could not lose his backbone because of food.

Yes, the people of Great Wei were well-fed, but the backbone of the people of Great Wei was gone, and so was the mountain of Great Wei.

“How dare you!”

“Duke An, you are reckless.”


The next moment, the line of civil officials could not help but stand up, they accused Duke An of speaking out of turn.

It was true that such words had gone too far.

But it was also clear that Duke An was truly annoyed this time.


At this moment, the empress spoke.

As her voice rang out, the crowd quieted down.

After a long time.

The empress slowly spoke.

“Since the Northern Expedition, the people of Great Wei have not been able to survive, and there is an urgent need for stability and development, not only for the imperial court, but also for the people of Great Wei.”

“But Marquis Xinwu is right, if we don’t shake the outside world, how can we have stability, and how can we have development.”

“Pa*s on my decree to respond to the foreign nations, Xu Qingnian’s position will never be removed, this joint impeachment by the foreign nations and the attack on Great Wei has exceeded the national prestige, make all twelve foreign nations issue edicts of guilt and send them to the palace of Great Wei.”

The Empress spoke out, and this time she was overbearing, not only giving a strong response, but also demanding that the twelve foreign nations issue edicts of guilt and send them to the palace of Great Wei.

Clearly, the Empress was angry too.

And as the Empress’ voice rang out, each of the civil servants’ lineage looked ugly, while the military officials’ lineage was in high spirits.

“Long live my emperor, long live my emperor!”

The military officials worshipped the Empress in unison, while also looking incomparably excited.

“Retire from the court.”

The Empress spoke, and since she had already given her response, let’s retire from the court.

With the sound of the retreating court, the military officials were as elated as if they had won a great victory, except for the princes and some lords who were silent.

There was no sign of victory at all, but rather silence, just like Chen Zhengru and the others.

But no matter what, the empress’ decree was announced half an hour later.

With the announcement of the Empress’ decree.

At this moment, the whole of Wei was abuzz with excitement.

The people were so excited that they all shouted long live.

The fact that a foreign country had overstepped the rules and impeached a Wei official, and that it was Xu Qingnian, had already aroused public discontent and anger.

But fifteen days had pa*sed since then, and for fifteen days, Wei had not taken a position, so that many rumours had spread among the people, and even rumours that Wei was afraid were circulating in all the foreign countries around Wei.

The general idea was that the Northern Expedition had broken the backbone of Great Wei, that the upper kingdom was now a joke, and that Great Wei had long since ceased to be the same.

When such gossip reached the ears of the general public and the most powerful people in Wei, which one of them was not in a state of anger?

But today, the empress has issued a decree announcing this to the world, and it has indeed lifted everyone’s spirits.

At least the prestige of Wei is still there.

At least Wei is still the same Wei.

This day, all the dynasties of Great Wei were discussing the matter.

In the Shouren Academy.

Xu Qingnian was also the first to learn of this.

He was slightly stunned, not expecting the empress to be so overbearing. He had thought that a rejection would be sufficient, but he had not expected to be ordered to issue an edict of guilt.

It was true that those who could become emperor were extraordinary.

But Xu Qingnian also had his own plans.

He had laid a big game and was compiling a huge net.

He did not want to make a mistake at any point, otherwise there would be a fish in the net that would have escaped.

The Prince of Huining or not.

Pengru, too.

The foreign kingdoms, the Sudden Evil Dynasty, the First Yuan Dynasty, the barbarians in the north.

All of them will be wiped out.

Win an era of true peace for Great Wei and allow it to truly develop.

Otherwise, if we don’t have anything to do, how can Wei develop? It is undoubtedly a fool’s dream.


Xu Qingnian spoke.

At that moment, Li Shouming came quickly.

“Use all the students and have them contact their close friends, I want to get hold of everything the Great Wei Fey have to say about this, but remember, only pick the bad ones, not the good ones.”

“After picking them, publish them in the Great Wei literary newspaper, it doesn’t matter if the words are hard to hear or not, the most important thing is that they are true, do you understand?”

Xu Qingnian spoke up and gave the order.

“Don’t worry, sir, I will go immediately.”

Although Li Shouming did not know why Xu Qingnian was acting like this, he still followed the orders honestly.

And at the same time.

Chen Zhengru came again.



Chen Zhengru ran all the way inside, and when he saw Xu Qingnian, he opened the door directly and said.

“Something big is going to happen.”

Chen Zhengru looked a little flustered as he grabbed Xu Qingnian’s hand and said this.

“Chen Ru, what’s wrong?”

Xu Qingnian frowned and asked.

“In the courtroom today, I can feel that His Majesty intends to fight.”

“But Great Wei cannot fight. The decree has been announced, and I am afraid that the foreign nations will respond at the first opportunity.”

“I am certain that they will not dare to fall out with Great Wei directly for the time being, but will continue to join forces and impeach you, Xu Shouren.”

“Once that happens, Great Wei will face an unavoidable war, and now the situation in Great Wei is so tense that one hair will move the whole body.”

“Shouren, if the Twelve Foreign Nations give a response, you must persuade His Majesty not to pay attention, and you must also persuade these military officials that they must not fall for it.”

Chen Zhengru spoke extremely fast, and it was clear that he was really in a hurry.

But when confronted with what Chen Zhengru said, Xu Qingnian was slightly relieved, he had thought that something else had appeared, and it seemed to be this same matter.

“Chen Ru, it is not that Shouren is unwilling to persuade, but sometimes, this kind of big event is not something that one can stop.”

“Before the public opinion of the world, no one can stop it, not even His Majesty.”

Xu Qingnian gave his reply, in fact he understood Chen Zhengru’s plight, but he also knew what the military officials were thinking, and even more so what the people of the world were thinking.

Xu Qingnian knew all these things.

Everyone has their own views, everyone has their own interests, everyone has their own perspective.

Chen Zhengru and other civil servants wanted Great Wei to avoid war, to develop peacefully, to endure humiliation, to bide their time, and then to kill everyone when the time came to strike the sword.

This was not a problem at all.

On the other hand, the military generals, such as the Duke of An, did not want to see the country’s fortunes pa*s away, nor did they want to sow the seeds of military incompetence among the people of Wei.

For both reason and sense, they would have to fight, and by the strongest means possible.

As for the empress, she needs to balance the dynasty, not to be completely biased towards either side, and not to let either side get too intense, and, more to the point, she needs to face the people of the world.

It was even more difficult for her, every step was like walking on thin ice, every step she had to be cautious and careful again.

No one who has reached this level can stand alone, because everyone is carrying different ideas and beliefs.

Therefore, when something big comes, it is difficult for one person alone to turn the situation around, nor can he or she make a single statement.

Chen Zhengru couldn’t do it, nor could Lord An.

The Empress cannot do it, and he, Xu Qingnian, can do even less.

The public opinion in the world decides everything.

Hearing Xu Qingnian’s reply, Chen Zhengru slowly let go of his hand, and he let out a long sigh.

There was something inexplicably tired in his eyes.

“If there is a real war, Great Wei will be plunged into the abyss of doom.”

“Clan kings everywhere are waiting for Great Wei to fight.”

“The Sudden Evil Dynasty, the First Yuan Dynasty, are also waiting for Great Wei to fight.”

“Many others are waiting for the Great Wei War.”

“Although the people of the world cry out for war, when it really comes, the people are the ones who rise and fall.”

“They have only just built their homes, they have only just had a full meal, and it is even easier to see a little hope.”


“I beg you, for the sake of the prosperity of the people of Wei, to intervene, even if it means delaying the war for a while longer, it is better than fighting now.”


“Please accept my obeisance.”

Chen Zhengru took a step backwards, he really did not want to see another war in Great Wei, nor did he want to see the war spreading to Great Wei, nor did he want to see the homeless people and the battlefield full of corpses.

Therefore, he bowed towards Xu Qingnian and begged him to come forward and persuade His Majesty and the military officials to persuade the generals.


This kneeling of Chen Zhengru caused Xu Qingnian to literally freeze.

He had never thought that Chen Zhengru would kneel towards him, nor had he ever thought that Chen Zhengru would act in such a manner.

For a moment, Xu Qingnian froze in place.

But the next moment, Xu Qingnian directly helped Chen Zhengru up.

“Chen Ru!”

“What is the need for you to do this.”

“This matter, has not yet reached this level, you are too pessimistic.”

Xu Qingnian a*sisted Chen Zhengru, this kneeling, he could not afford it.

He was the Prime Minister of the Great Wei.

He was a great scholar of the Palace of Literature.

He dared not accept this obeisance, nor could he afford it.

However, Chen Zhengru did not rise, he just looked at Xu Qingnian and said with old tears in his eyes.


“If you do not grant my request, I will die here today.”

Chen Zhengru said so.

Because he knew that the only person who could change the empress’s mind was Xu Qingnian.

And the only person who could change the mind of a military official was also Xu Qingnian.

He could not change this matter, but Xu Qingnian could.

So he knelt and worshipped Xu Qingnian, for the sake of the people of Great Wei.

“Chen Ru, this matter may not be as serious as you think, perhaps you are too pessimistic.”

Xu Qingnian was really a bit at a loss for what to say.

But Chen Zhengru, after hearing this from Xu Qingnian again, could not help but shake his head, his eyes were red and he looked at Xu Qingnian and said.

“Shouren, you are still young and have not yet known many things.”

“The shame of Jingcheng at the beginning was also caused by a small matter.”

“Even the previous emperors had never thought that a small matter could lead to such a great calamity.”

“Nor have you ever known how humiliating the shame of Jingcheng was.”

“The people of Great Wei, like pigs and dogs, were slaughtered by the barbarians of the north, and there are only a few strokes in the history books.”

“The pregnant were cut open, their children were taken and cooked, the men were slaves, the women were fed, the boys were sheep, the girls were ravaged, do you know, Princess Di Ji?”

“The history books record that Princess Di, the most beautiful of our Great Wei, was captured by the barbarians and ravaged for seven days and seven nights before she died.”

“Is this a shame that the imperial family of Great Wei will never forget, and a shame and pain for the subjects of Great Wei.”

“The emperor is not an emperor, the king is not a king, and the Great Wei mountain was so close to collapse and destruction, the seven hundred years of the dynasty, so close to complete extinction.”

“The people of Great Wei were killed by 400,000 people, the barbarians from the north came all the way, the seven ma*sacres in Ningzhou, the three days in Yangcheng, in the history books, it is only a thousand words, but for us, it is a lifetime of pain.”

“As Chancellor of the Great Wei, how could I dare to forget this revenge?”

“The late emperor fought seven times in his northern expedition, and tens of thousands of people died in the battle to bring stability and peace to the border.”

“Nowadays, the wound of Wei is not the shame of Jingcheng, but the emptiness of the treasury, the food and clothing of the people, the stability of the kingdom and the peace of the country.”

“If we fight again, if we lose our footing, Great Wei will face the shame of Jingcheng again, and by then, Great Wei will be powerless.”

“I don’t know how many thousands of people will die, and I don’t know how many women in Wei will be ravaged by animals, and then the people will be displaced and fleeing, and I am afraid that it will be another scene of people eating each other, and a thousand miles of bare land.”

“Shouren! This is war without war.”

“Old man, I beg you.”

Chen Zhengru spoke up, voicing his worries and his thoughts.

No war is war.

After a few words, Xu Qingnian fell silent.

He closed his eyes.

He had indeed read about what Chen Ru had said in the history books.

The emperor’s princesses, the pregnant ones were cut open, the boys were turned into sheep, the girls were ravaged, the young men were slaves and the women were prostitutes.

It is true that in the history books, there are only a thousand words.

But every single word is forged in blood.

Chen Zhengru was afraid of war.

Yes, he was.

He was afraid of war.

But he was not afraid of life and death, he was afraid of another such calamity to befall the people of Wei.

The foreigners deserve to die.

The barbarians deserve to die.

Xu Qingnian knew this, and he knew it well.

However, Xu Qingnian also understood Chen Zhengru’s painstaking intention not to fight but to fight.

After a long time, Xu Qingnian looked at Chen Zhengru and could not help but speak.

“Chen Ru, the student is willing to persuade for the Great Wei Cangzhi.”

“The student will also do his best, but if even the student is unable to stop it, I hope Chen Ru will not be blamed.”

Xu Qingnian agreed to do so.

He had originally wanted to resolve this matter in another way.

But with what Chen Zhengru had said, Xu Qingnian had changed his mind.

It didn’t affect his plan, it just affected the order of the plan.

He knew that if he did not agree to Chen Zhengru today, then Chen Zhengru would definitely not leave.

After Xu Qingnian agreed, Chen Zhengru wiped away his eyes.

Chen Zhengru immediately wiped away his tears and bowed once again towards Xu Qingnian.

And Xu Qingnian also bowed towards Chen Zhengru.

“Student Xu Qingnian, pay my respects to Chen Ru.”

Xu Qingnian paid a deep obeisance.


He had seen the true style of a great Confucian.

He had also seen what a great Confucian was.

This kneeling of Chen Ru made Xu Qingnian understand a lot of things; all along he had acted around his own interests.

He had stepped into the Confucian Way because he wanted to suppress the devil seed.

The reason for his clear intention was to bash the great Confucian, thus targeting the other side.

I set up a book because I wanted to kill the Fan merchants and to define my own goals.

Writing a book was also for the sake of public opinion in the world.

But now, Xu Qingnian gradually understood something.

He felt that a light had appeared on his path of Confucianism, the light of Chen Ru.

A true Confucian.

Cultivating one’s body, ruling one’s family, and pacifying the world.

“I pay my respects to Xu Ru on behalf of all the people of the world.”

So said Chen Zhengru.

It was at that moment that a voice rang out from outside the room.

Outside the room, a voice rang out.

“Lord Chen, His Majesty has decreed that you are invited to the palace.”

As the voice rang out, Xu Qingnian could not help but look at Chen Zhengru.

Chen Zhengru was somewhat curious, but did not hesitate and directly got up to leave.

Before leaving, however, Chen Zhengru looked to Xu Qingnian and said.

“Shouren, if you have any news, come and find me at the Ministry of Officials.”

Xu Qingnian nodded, and then watched Chen Zhengru leave.

And at that moment.

The foreign tribe.

Si Long Kingdom.

Si Long King’s Palace.

The King of Si Long was sitting on top of the dragon chair, with envoys from the eleven tribes sitting on either side.

And in front of all of them was the holy decree of the Great Wei Empress.


When the holy decree was read, King Si Long’s cold snort rang out.

“The Empress of Great Wei, how confident she is, how dare she ask us to issue an edict of guilt!”

“She doesn’t still think that the Great Wei of today is the Great Wei of then, does she?”

The king of the Si Long clan spoke up, his words full of disdain and disrespect for the Great Wei empress.

“Ridiculous, Great Wei has long since ceased to be the same Great Wei, since the Northern Expedition, Great Wei’s national fortune is less than 20%, although we are affiliated with Great Wei, it is the Great Wei Emperor who is affiliated with us.”

“Not this girl doll.”

A foreign emissary spoke up, this was the Tudeng clan, and his words were cold.

“That’s right, a woman as emperor, what a joke, in our country women are only worthy of having babies, this Great Wei is really a big joke, there is no longer the prestige of the upper kingdom.”

“En, from the beginning of our joint impeachment of Xu Qingnian, the fact that the Great Wei Dynasty has delayed for fifteen days before daring to give an answer is proof enough that the Great Wei Dynasty is no longer working.”

“If they didn’t still have first-grade martial artists, we would have left the country long ago.”

“Yes, if they didn’t still have First Grade martial artists, would we still need to wait until now?”

A voice rang out, and it was clear that they simply did not serve the Great Wei Dynasty.

They also despised the Great Wei Dynasty.


“Gentlemen, let’s not talk about this matter for now, let’s talk about how to respond to this girl doll’s holy decree.”

Someone spoke up and told the crowd not to continue discussing such topics, let’s get back to business.

Once this was said, the king of the Si Long clan spoke up.

“Great Wei’s response was expected, and since they responded so strongly, then we can also do the next thing.”

“Unite the strength of the hundred kingdoms and impeach Xu Qingnian again, if this girl doll does not remove Xu Qingnian from office, we will blackmail her with secession and see if she dares to call her bluff.”

The king of the Si Long Clan said so, his thoughts and plans were guessed by Chen Zhengru in no uncertain terms.


“All right.”

“King Si Lung, I will contact the king of my clan immediately.”

The crowd nodded in unison, Great Wei’s response was expected, and they had made their plans.

Only an emissary of the foreign clan spoke up, somewhat curiously saying.

“But what if, when the girl doll really removed Xu Qingnian from her official position?”

He opened his mouth to ask, his words full of curiosity.

“It will not be removed, An You emissary.”

“There is no way that Wei would remove Xu Qingnian from office, he is the Wen Qu Xing of Wei and is the reason for Wei’s prosperity.”

“If Xu Qingnian is deposed, there will be little left of the Great Wei’s fortunes, and the people of Great Wei will be disappointed with the empress.”

“Therefore, Wei will not remove Xu Qingnian.”

“If they do, it will be a good thing for us. We can give Wei another three months to impeach him, and we can find a reason to do so.”

“If Wei does not agree, we can still blackmail them. If Wei agrees, then we can directly ask for all kinds of benefits, until we have emptied Wei’s bank, then we can simply secede, what can he do to us?”

The king of the Si Long clan said with unparalleled confidence.

They had prepared all their plans.

Indeed, as soon as this was said, the eleven envoys from the foreign clan smiled, as if they had already seen Great Wei’s dilemma.

But some voices still rang out, inevitably a little sceptical and doubtful.

“But what if, in case, Great Wei does send troops?”

“With our strength, even if we unite, we can’t stop the Great Wei iron hors*men.”

This is the Tashan tribe, also a foreign tribe, although it is a small country, the country is not weak, all the people are soldiers, just facing the Great Wei iron hors*men, it is definitely not enough.

“There is no need to worry.”

“If Great Wei really dares to kill us, the barbarian king will come to our aid.”

King Si Long said confidently.

When this was said, the crowd was shocked.

“The Barbarian King?”

“The Barbarian King will come to our aid?”

“How is that possible?”

The crowd was all shocked, the reason they were willing to join forces with the Si Dragon King to impeach Xu Qingnian was because the Si Dragon King had granted them many benefits.

It was just an impeachment, although it was indeed a bit too much, but they were not afraid of anything, after all, Great Wei was indeed in a state of decline now, and they knew this.

It was impossible to send troops to war because of a mere impeachment, but at most they would just give a verbal education.

Therefore, they were more worried. They thought that the army was just a way to disgust Wei, to get back at Xu Qingnian, and to unite everyone to ask for favours from Wei.

But they didn’t expect that there would really be a war?

And with the Barbarian King behind it?

“How is that impossible?”

“You guys didn’t think that impeaching Xu Qingnian was just to ask for some favours, did you?”

“I didn’t tell you guys before because I wanted to block out the news, but now I can tell you directly.”

“The impeachment of Xu Qingnian is just a pretext, we are forcing Great Wei to send out an army.”

“Once the army is sent out, the barbarian king will send 100,000 barbarian troops to support us, and not only that, all our war resources will also be given by the barbarians.”

“And once the war starts, it will most likely be a full-scale war, and then the va*sal kings of Great Wei will also rebel at the first opportunity to overthrow this girl doll’s empire.”

“Great Wei will have to change its dynasty.”

“And we can also take this opportunity to completely and utterly break away from Great Wei and get all sorts of benefits, not just resources, but also Great Wei’s land, Great Wei’s women, Great Wei’s gold, silver and jewels, Great Wei’s everything and anything.”

“The only sacrifice is just human lives.”

King Si Long said in a cold tone.

He had big plans.

To be more precise, it was this matter that was big, involving a new round of the war between the North and the South.

At this moment, all the messengers were stunned, they really did not expect that a mere matter like this would involve so much.

Their faces were inexplicably a little ugly, and some did not want to get involved in such matters.

They despised Great Wei, that was the truth.

But they still understood that Wei was not as weak as they thought.

If they were to fight, they would be cannon fodder, and even if they sent money and food, what would they do? In the end, their country would be lost, so what would they need this for?

Looking at the amba*sador’s gaze, King Si Long did not care, but spoke directly.

“It is normal that you do not know about this matter, but your king knows all about it.”

“Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sent you all here.”

“Pa*s my king’s words back.”

“The barbarian king has prepared everything, the only thing he needs to do now is to force Great Wei to make a move, even if the means are a little fierce, to get Great Wei to send troops.”

“Within six months, Great Wei must send out an army, for whatever reason, so mobilise the whole country, incite the anger of the people and start training warriors, it must be done, all the people must be soldiers.”

“And do your best to draw in all the other foreign nations, those who are willing to join, to share the lands of Great Wei together, those who are not willing to join, when Great Wei is overthrown, their lands will be swallowed up together.”

“Got it?”

Si Long Wang’s voice was cold, but it gave an irresistible majesty.

“We understand.”

“As ordered.”

“King Si Long, can this matter be accomplished? Let alone the fact that there are still two First Grade martial artists in Great Wei, even if the First Grade is not conquerable, it is impossible for the clan kings of Great Wei to allow us to break away, as well as for us to occupy Great Wei lands.”

“Yes, even if these va*sal kings would rebel, I am afraid they would not allow us to secede, let alone occupy the land of Great Wei.”

“The va*sal kings revolt I believe, to Great Wei it is just a matter of changing someone to be the emperor, but they are not so costly, are they?”

The amba*sadors were curious, they were emissaries, sent here by the foreign kings, all of them were intelligent, good negotiators and knew the world situation, so naturally they looked for loopholes in an instant.

It is not uncommon for va*sal kings to rebel; it has happened quite a lot since ancient times.

To put it bluntly, isn’t it just imperial infighting?

But what is the fundamental interest of infighting? Isn’t it the family pawn?

It would be unreasonable to give the family fortune to an outsider in order to gain support, for each of these kings was smarter than the others, and those who were not would have been killed long ago.

How could they have made such a choice?

They were somewhat puzzled and curious.

Faced with the amba*sador’s question, King Si Long could not help but reveal a cold smile and said.

“It was all thanks to this Xu Qingnian.”

“He built the Waterwheel Project, suppressed the merchants of all races, and defected to the Empress, the future new saint of Great Wei, plus brought the merchants of the world together to cut off the royal family’s financial path.”

“This has made these va*sal kings more and more nervous, they are not willing to wait and do not want to wait any longer, so they negotiate with their foreign enemies and are willing to cede the lands that once belonged to us.”

“Of course, it is highly likely that this is a delaying tactic, wanting to use the power of the two great dynasties, as well as the barbarians, including us, to overthrow the female emperor’s rule.”

“But we are also clear about their ploy, but they think too highly of themselves, the two great dynasties are eyeing Great Wei, and the barbarians in the north are even more unlikely to let Great Wei go, so we can only say that the clan king of Great Wei is in a hurry.”

“Making this foolish decision.”

“But no matter what, for us, this is a good thing, a great good thing in the sky.”

“As long as it works out.”

“Not only will we be free from the control of the Great Wei Dynasty, but we will also be able to expand our lands and form a three-legged triumvirate.”

“Great Wei, our clan and the barbarians, three divisions of the Central Plains, what’s not to like?”

King Si Long explained briefly.

The reason why the clan kings had agreed was obviously a delaying tactic, first uniting with foreign enemies and overthrowing the rule of the empress, then they would ascend to the throne as kings, thinking to settle them slowly.

And their intentions were simple, but by breaking away from Great Wei, expanding their map and eating all the benefits, the Sudden Evil Dynasty and the First Yuan Dynasty would certainly not aid the barbarians, but would definitely aid them.

A three-legged situation would be formed.

In that case, the Sudden Evil Dynasty and the Primordial Yuan Dynasty could compete in peace.

Everyone had their own aims and interests.

After the eleven emissaries heard these words, their eyes lit up.

They understood completely what King Si Long wanted to do.

To expand the territory, to use the power of the Sudden Evil Dynasty and the Primordial Yuan Dynasty to develop vigorously, to annex part of Great Wei’s territory, to let Great Wei linger on, and for the barbarians to get their own benefits.

Although one is still restricted by the Sudden Evil Dynasty and the First Yuan Dynasty, it is in any case a great blessing for the contemporary rulers and nobles.

It was at least ten times better than now, a hundred times better.

Thinking of this, the crowd could not help but be overjoyed.

And at that moment, the voice of King Si Lung rang out once again.

“Alright, tell your king the matter and respond to the Great Wei Dynasty in three days.”

Without further ado, King Si Long directly rose and left.

The remaining eleven messengers also made the foreign salute, and then hurriedly left to inform their king of this great event.

Soon time pa*sed little by little.

In the blink of an eye.

Three days had pa*sed.

Finally, the response that the people of Great Wei had been waiting for appeared.

The twelve foreigners gave their response.

Only this time the response.

It made the whole of Great Wei angry.

This time, the Great Wei court did not choose to hide.

For it knew that with the Great Wei Palace of Literature in place, such news could not be hidden.

And this time it was not the twelve foreign tribes that responded.

If was a joint response from one hundred and twenty-one foreign tribes, of which the ten nations were involved in five.

The content of the joint name was simple.

The first was that the twelve foreign tribes, willing to give an edict of sin to show their respect for the Great Wei Dynasty, also deeply understood that they had overstepped.

However, they still disobeyed Xu Qingnian and believed that Xu Qingnian had influenced the relations between the kingdoms.

So one hundred and twenty-one countries joined together to impeach Xu Qingnian.

They demanded that the Empress must severely punish Xu Qingnian and remove him from office, hoping that the Empress would understand them.

And if the Empress of Wei was unwilling to remove Xu Qingnian from office.

They then regard Great Wei as unjust and biased towards traitorous officials, and want to secede from ……. Great Wei.

The news reached the capital of Great Wei.

The news reached the capital of Great Wei.

In the meantime, the dynasty and the public were in turmoil and the people were outraged.

The residences of the major military officials were filled with invective.

A few hot-tempered military generals even arrested the merchants and beat them up.

Among the six ministries.

There were also sighs of relief.

Especially Chen Zhengru, who had fully expected this.

But he never thought that these foreigners would dare to threaten Wei.

This is really …… The world’s most important thing is that they are not just a group of people.

At this moment, all of Chen Zhengru’s hopes were pinned on Xu Qingnian.

He hoped that Xu Qingnian could avoid this war.

It was also just an hour after the countries responded.

An imperial decree came from the court of Great Wei.

“Declare, Xu Qingnian, Servant of the Ministry of the Household, to enter the palace to face the Holy Sage.”

When the decree rang out.

All at once, countless pairs of eyes fell on Xu Qingnian.

The source of all the countries’ troubles.

It was Xu Qingnian.

This time, whether Xu Qingnian would be able to turn good fortune into good fortune, it was really uncertain.