At The Bottom Chapter 412

Hey, little girl, watch your mouth!”

Although Lu Yuan did not say anything, but the young master was humiliated, how could Zhang Jiu sit idly by and do nothing? He looked back at Zheng Jie, “Seeing that your seal is grey and black and your dragon’s mouth is blue and white, your luck has not been good for the last three months, even if the lion jumps on you, your luck will not change, so I think you should not waste money to come to this kind of place to get together, find a quiet place and take good of refuge is all.”


Zheng Jie was furious, but when she saw Zhang Jiu’s appearance clearly, she was even more furious, “Old liar, it’s you!”

For Zheng Jie, she would recognize this old liar Zhang Jiu even if he turned into dust!

He had taken hundreds of benefits from himself, and had agreed to humiliate and shame Lu Yuan for himself at that cla*s party.

As a result, this old man, not only did he not do anything after taking the money, but also praised Lu Yuan at the party, which really made Zheng Jie almost die of anger at that time.

“Good, Lu Yuan, so you’ve got mixed up with this old crook! No wonder this old guy said nice things to you that day, huh, it’s okay for you to be a bit hangry and poor, but now instead of learning the good, you’re learning to cheat with this this old guy, old guy, you cheated me and still dare to show up, today I ran into you, I will never spare you!” Zheng Jie was about to have a fit.

The man with a big belly next to her, however, pulled her back.

“What we need now is good luck. Since we are here to seek good fortune, we should not be tainted with negative energy by these rubbish, so as not to ruin our sincere intention to seek good fortune. Today they are lucky, so let’s not bother with them! Now we have to wait wholeheartedly for the white lion to appear and pray to God to let us be tainted with the white lion’s blessings!”

The man next to him reminded Zheng Jie at once with a single word.

Zheng Jie snapped her head and hurriedly put her hands together, chanting, “Lord White Lion forgive me, Lord White Lion forgive me.”

After saying that, she glared at Lu Yuan Zhang Jiu, “Today, Lord White Lion is here, I won’t bother with you guys! For the time being, I will bypa*s you all once!”

After that, Zheng Jie really ignored Lu Yuan, his mouth was still chanting some words of forgiveness, and he took out a jade statue of a white lion and hung it on his chest, in the posture of a devout believer whose heart is sincere.

When he saw the jade statue of a white lion, Zhang Jiu immediately laughed in his heart.

The jade statue was sold by some old men and women at the entrance of the zoo for 888 yuan a piece, said to be made of pure jade, but in fact it was made of ordinary jadeite stone, this kind of stone, if bought in the wholesale market, ten yuan a catty!

But there are people who buy them, even if they know they are not real jade!

For no other reason than the hope that the white lion will bring good luck and blessing to their hearts!

By now, the arena had become more and more crowded, and almost 80% of the people were wearing the jade pendant of the white mythical creature on their chests, all of them excited and devout.

At that moment, finally, a staff member came into the centre of the arena.

As soon as they saw the staff member come out, the crowd looked even more excited.

“Simba, Simba!”

“Quickly let Simba come out!”

“Please ask Lord White Lion to show himself, can’t wait!”

The crowd shouted.

Lu Yuan was stunned, er, that’s right, after all, these people didn’t know Lyon’s real name either, so they gave the name Simba.

Behind him, Zheng Jie also shouted excitedly.

To be honest, Lu Yuan was also a bit excited at this point.

He would soon be able to see Lyon.

I wonder what the real Lyon is like.

How to say, it was also his former mount, an old friend from his previous life, could it, recognize him?

“Quiet, everyone, please.”

The staff pressed a hand gesture and the sound in the arena diminished a little.

“That, I’m really sorry everyone, Simba can’t be on today.”

It didn’t matter what the staff member said, the arena almost exploded, and in an instant, the arena was noisy.

“Sh*t, what’s going on!”

“Let Simba out! We’ve come all this way!”

“We can’t play today, what about tomorrow! Give us the word, don’t make us come all the way out here again for nothing!”

“Tomorrow, we can’t be on tomorrow either.” The staff member said again.

Obviously, he also knew that he was doing a thankless job, so his face didn’t look too natural even after he finished.

Sure enough, the crowd’s emotions exploded even more.

All at once, the arena was abuzz with curses in various local dialects.

“D*mn it, what the hell is going on, give me the right answer!”

“That ……” the staff member stammered, “the truth is that no Simba will be on the field from now on, Simba, Simba is dead!”


At this, the roof of the arena was going to be lifted.

Everyone exploded with foul language, even the most ladylike of softies couldn’t help but gra*s up whoever’s horse.

But, no matter what, no one was more shocked and had more mixed feelings than Lu Yuan.

Lyon was dead?

This, how could this happen?

Lyon was the only clue, the only way to find Caiwei was to find Lyon, and to find Caiwei was to find himself, and to find himself was to find Zhou Yun!

Yet, Lyon was dead?

Lu Yuan’s heart suddenly had an abnormal feeling of agitation, a feeling that he couldn’t breathe, as if one was standing inside glue, with something constantly pressing against him.

A kind of trick of fate.

It was as if one was just a puppet being manipulated on a stage, and a lot of things were, well, aimed at one!

“D*mn, how could Simba have died?! A month ago, I saw it majestically, everyone is dead, and Simba won’t die!” Someone shouted.

“I’m sorry, everyone, it’s true, you are right, Simba has always been healthy, but a month ago, Simba suddenly became ill, he didn’t eat or drink, he was lying still all the time, we did check him out, but we couldn’t find anything wrong, he just wasted away more and more, even though Simba didn’t eat or drink, his previously strong body made him last We have cremated him and buried him in Jincheng City Forest Park, where he will hopefully return to nature and where he wants to be. Sorry guys, the news was so sudden that the zoo ticket office was not informed and still gave you tickets, later you can go and get a refund, we will make sure ……”

“F**k you!”

The angry roar of the crowd interrupted the staff member’s words.

Despite the anger, everyone knew that this, all true, could not be changed.

The crowd cursed and left the stage one by one.

“Lu Yuan, it’s all your fault, you hanger-on, I knew it would never be good to meet a hanger-on like you! If I hadn’t run into you, Simba would have come out for sure!” Zheng Jie, at this moment, was also furious and took it all out, on Lu Yuan’s head.

But looking at Lu Yuan’s disoriented and indifferent appearance, Zheng Jie felt that it was no longer interesting, grunted, and left with the man.

Yes, Lu Yuan, at this moment, had no desire to care about her.

With Leon dead, it wasn’t just that the next clue was gone.

A feeling of sadness also came over him.

A month ago, Leon had died without food or drink, after 29 days of hunger strike!

No one knew why, but Lu Yuan knew that it was because of, what, the death of the red-haired Tenguen?

It must have been.

Such a spiritual mount, yet it died so tragically and sadly.

Lu Yuan left the zoo woodenly and stood at the entrance of the zoo, surprisingly not knowing, for a moment, where to go.

Just at that moment, an Audi A8, stopped by Lu Yuan’s side.

“Shu Shan Institute Li Wuxin, meet Third Young Master!” In the car, a young man respectfully got down and after paying his respects to Lu Yuan in a dignified manner.

With both hands, he took out an invitation letter and handed it up, “Third Young Master, Hu Tie Fu, a big family in Jincheng City, heard that Third Young Master was coming to Jincheng and wanted to host a banquet to receive Third Young Master and get to know you, Third Young Master.”

The invitation was exquisite, with a solid gold cover.

“You’ve worked hard.” Lu Yuan took the invitation and shook his head, “But you can pa*s it on, I won’t be there if I have something to do.”


Li Wuxin immediately replied.