All For You Chapter 847

This scene was something Zheng Yan could never have imagined.

She had just seen Yu Yuehan being angry with Nian Xiaomu, and when he left, he looked like he had sealed his heart away from people.

Even if Nian Xiaomu went to coax him right away, she probably wouldn’t be able to coax him back.

How could it be that in the blink of an eye, he came back on his own?

Zheng Yan was completely dumbfounded.

When she came back to her senses, she immediately thought that perhaps it was because it was too surprising for Nian Xiaomu to suddenly mention the breakup, so Yu Yuehan was unwilling and wanted to come back for another look.

Once she thought of this, Zheng Yan’s eyes tightened.

Looking at Nian Xiaomu, who was still unaware that Yu Yuehan had returned and was planning to reach over to take the envelope, she suddenly withdrew her hand.

She clutched the envelope tightly and did not hand it to her immediately.

Meeting Nian Xiaomu’s dismayed gaze, Zheng Yan narrowed her eyes and spoke, “Just like that, you’re breaking up with Young Han, won’t you be sad to part with it?”


Nian Xiaomu turned her back to Yu Yuehan, unaware that he was back again, her attention was all on the envelope in Zheng Yan’s hand, and when she heard her words, she frowned unhappily.

Thinking that Zheng Yan was uneasy about their engagement, she matched her performance with great care.

“What’s there to give up, you guys just look at that face of his and think he’s good looking, so you all rush forward one by one, let me tell you, when you’re really with him, you’ll find out that he’s a person with so many problems!”

Zheng Yan was stunned: “…… What are you babbling about?”

“What nonsense, I’m serious! Other than that, just that cold and icy nature, just like an ice lump, can you stand to be with an ice lump everyday?”

Nian Xiaomu bristled and continued.

“I don’t even know how romantic it was for us to go on a date, watch a movie and press the road, but he couldn’t even buy me a single rose, so I just watched the couple next door get along, while I stood next to a numb pole. I can’t even finish the word ‘miserable’!”


Zheng Yan heard her words, and then glanced at Yu Yue Han behind her.

Well, someone’s face was darkening a little bit at a visible speed.

In less than a minute, he would probably either throw his face away or reach out and strangle Nian Xiaomu to death!

Zheng Yan’s heart was pleased as she continued to add fuel to the fire: “You mean to say that you have long been dissatisfied with Young Han and want to break up with him?”

“Sort of.” Nian Xiaomu skimmed her lips and casually responded.

Her eyes kept staring at the envelope in Zheng Yan’s arms, her tone already a little impatient.

“One last question.” Zheng Yan heard her perfunctory, and didn’t dilly-dally, throwing out the killer straight away, “What if Han Shao can’t bear to break up with you and comes back for you?”

“I hate mother-in-law men, break up then break up, what else is there to dwell on …… I said, have you asked enough or not, do you still want to give me the envelope?”

Nian Xiaomu’s eyebrows were completely tightened.

Just after yelling, while Zheng Yan was dazed, reached out and snatched the envelope over.

Just as he was about to lower his head and open the envelope, he suddenly felt a little cold on his spine.

Not a little, but very cold.

This feeling is also inexplicably a little familiar ……

Nian Xiaomu raised his head, glanced at the smug smile on Zheng Yan’s face, and followed her line of sight to look back.

Seeing Yu Yuehan standing behind her, his face so dark that ink was about to drip out of it, the hand holding the envelope tightened!