All For You Chapter 80

Seeing her well behaved, his eyes, instantly, flashed back to the contents of her diary.

There was also the fact that in her dreams, she didn’t forget to curse him for not lifting ……

If it wasn’t for the effort she put in to take care of little Liu Liu, he would have just strangled her to death!

Wouldn’t let her still dangle in front of him now, even because of her ……

Yu Yuehan thought of something and suddenly frowned.

The first thing that happened to her was that she was not able to see the other side of her face, and she did not know how she had offended him.

It was hard to believe that something else had happened last night?

Could it be that she had a little drink and didn’t hold her tongue and made a move on his blooming beauty?

“Young master, Fang Zhenyi is here and wants to see you.” The butler walked in from outside and asked respectfully.

His eyes swept over Nian Xiaomu’s body and his expression was a little off.

Nian Xiaomu touched his nose, wondering what was wrong with him again.

“Hm?” Yu Yuehan’s black eyes sank, and he opened his lips coldly.

The housekeeper immediately understood and hurriedly leaned down, “I will go and tell her that Young Master is not available, so that she can leave immediately.”

As soon as the butler’s figure disappeared, Yu Yuehan returned to his expressionless look and continued to eat his breakfast.

Nian Xiaomu came back to her senses and hurriedly pulled out her chair and sat down next to Xiao Liu Liu.

Looking down and seeing the meal in front of her, she couldn’t help but look up at his.

Sure enough, it was the same, the only difference was the ham on his plate that had been split ……

A jolt went through her body!

She dismissed the idea of continuing to communicate with him, buried her head and carefully destroyed her food.

When she finished her breakfast, Yu Yuehan had already left the restaurant first.

Nian Xiaomu exhaled lightly, hugged Little Liu Liu, and walked out slowly.

Just as she reached the door, she saw Fang Zhenyi standing at the door and was holding on to the housekeeper’s hand for dear life.

“Housekeeper, you help me once more, you let me meet Young Han, or else, you help me plead with Young Han, I really need this job, let him not fire me ……”

She paused in her steps and looked up with some surprise.

Yu Yuehan wanted to fire Fang Zenyi?

No sooner had Nian Xiaomu thought about what was going on than Fang Zenyi saw her, crossed over the housekeeper and walked towards her in an emotional state.

“Nian Xiaomu, is that you?”


“Was it something you said to Young Han that made Young Han have to fire me? You want to monopolize Han Shao all by yourself ……”

Fang Zhenyi rushed forward and was stopped by the housekeeper before she could touch Nian Xiaomu.

Sinking his face, he warned.

“No one can go against the young master’s wishes, today is your last day to stay at the Yu family villa, if you make any more unreasonable comments, I will ask you to leave immediately!”


As soon as she heard that she would be kicked out immediately, Fang Zhen Yi immediately quieted down.

She glared at Nian Xiaomu reluctantly before turning around and leaving indignantly.

When she saw the housekeeper looking towards her, she finally understood why the housekeeper was looking at her so strangely just now.

Even the housekeeper thought that it was her intention to fire Fang Zhenyi, right?

She was wronged!

Yu Yuehan was so inhuman, who could tell what was in his mind.

But she and Fang Zhenyi had never been on the same page, so Yu Yuehan had to be given credit for doing what she wanted!

“Strange, that ice lump has always had a bad eye, why has it suddenly become good?”

Nian Xiaomu was muttering, when a cold breath suddenly came from behind her.

She instinctively turned around and saw Yu Yuehan standing behind her, the smile on the corner of her mouth froze instantly!