All For You Chapter 788

Just as I reached the first floor, I saw Little Liu Liu was holding the model, straining to open the bedroom door which was not closed tightly, and then running in with a clatter.

Nian Xiaomu stood in the doorway and reached out to grab the door handle, but his movements were a little hesitant.

She didn’t quite dare to push the door open.

She didn’t know what kind of look he would give her.

The matter of the video, and the matter of Tan Bump, up to now, she hadn’t been able to give him an explanation ……

But when she thought of him not feeling well, her grip on the handle of the door tightened again.

Mentally, she said to herself, she would just take a look.

As long as he’s okay, one look, and she’ll leave right away!

With this in mind, she pushed the door open with all her might.

When she walked in, she didn’t see Yu Yuehan, who she thought was dying, on the big bed, but in front of it, she saw Little Liu Liu, who was frozen.

He blinked his big black eyes and looked at the empty room with confusion.

Like he did not expect to pounce on an empty ……

The first time I saw this was when I was a little girl.

Seeing that Yu Yuehan was not in the bedroom, she thought for a moment and pointed in the direction of the study room to little Liu Liu.

The tacit understanding between mother and daughter is once again online.

Little Liu Liu hugged the model and ran towards the study with a clatter.

When she reached the door to the study, she saw that the door to the study was not closed, and Nian Xiaomu’s eyebrows wrinkled.

He was not feeling well and he was still working?

Before she could think about it, Little Liu Liu had already reached out and pushed open the door, poking her little head in.

When she didn’t find Yu Yuehan in the study, her little face fell as she pulled the door open and walked out.

He spoke in a resigned voice.

“Ma Ma, Poa Su Bu Su is missing!”


The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of where you are going.

She held Little Liu Liu in disbelief and searched the whole villa.

At last, both of them collapsed on the sofa in the living room.

Just in time, the housekeeper came out with the freshly stewed cold sugar pear.

As soon as Nian Xiaomu saw him, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Isn’t Yu Yuehan not feeling well? Where did he go?”

“Young master is not feeling well? How come I don’t know?” The housekeeper just put down the iced sugar sorbet and looked up with a dumbfounded expression.

Nian Xiaomu: “……”!!!

“When young master got up this morning, he did say something about his head being a bit uncomfortable, it should be because he drank too much yesterday and slept too late, he was fine after breakfast.” As if reacting, the butler opened his mouth to explain.

Nian Xiaomu was stunned, “He’s fine then why didn’t he go to work?”

“It seems like there was something urgent, he answered a phone call and went out, what exactly he was doing, I don’t know, Young Master’s whereabouts, he never explains to us.”

Nian Xiaomu: “……”

So, there is no such thing as a miserable illness.

It was all a figment of the imagination of the company’s group of “wife fans”, of which she was also one.

The company’s “wife fans” imagined it, and she was one of them. They even rushed over to him nervously, worried that he was so sick that he couldn’t take care of himself.

“Miss Nian, it’s getting late, would you like to stay for dinner before you leave?” the butler asked respectfully. The butler asked respectfully.

“No, there’s no need.”

Knowing that Yu Yuehan was fine, Nian Xiaomu’s strong heart, which had been majestically strong just now, suddenly became timid again.

After kissing Little Liu Liu and making an appointment to come back to see her another day, he prepared to leave.

Just as he stood up from the sofa, he saw a dignified figure, who was walking in from outside.

The long black trench coat outlined his upright body in a handsome manner.

The light of the setting sun hit his side face, glowing with the brilliance of Rooibos.

Nian Xiaomu’s body stiffened!