All For You Chapter 582

When she finished, she hung up the phone without waiting for the agent to say anything else.

Taking the phone, she walked over to the bed.

Turning her head, she looked at the hotel room where she had been staying for a while.

Once, she had lived here alone and hadn’t felt miserable.

But since he had come, every time she returned here alone again, she always felt horribly cold.

She was tired.

After chasing and pestering for so long.

If he had had her in his heart, he would have been touched long ago.

But all she saw was his evasiveness and impatience.

He should be annoyed with her, right?

He would care about her only because he had drunk too much that night and accidentally had S*x with her, feeling guilty and indebted to her.

He cares whether she is dating or not, but also just wants to find a good man he thinks is suitable so that he can push her out logically and he won’t have to worry about anything ……

Look how cheap she has made herself look.

The more he did this, the more he looked unbearable.

Shangxin walked over to the wine cabinet, took a bottle of red wine out of it and poured himself a gla*s.

He picked it up and drank it all in one gulp.

She was just about to pour a second gla*s when a sudden wave of nausea rose up in her chest.

She hurriedly put the gla*s down and rushed into the bathroom.


The red wine she had just drunk, she immediately vomited.

She hugged the toilet and vomited dryly for a while, until she had vomited up everything in her stomach, and only then did she feel alive.

The whole person leaned against the toilet in a deflated manner, unable to stand up ……

The night, dark and deep.

A low-profile black limousine was parked on the quiet street.

Compared to the busy street across the street, this was like a forgotten world.

“Young Fan, the address that was asked for, is here.” The a*sistant parked the car steadily and pointed to a dark square across the street.

From here, there was not a single person there.

It didn’t look like a bustling exchange at all.

Hearing the a*sistant’s words, Fan Yu in the back seat of the car closed his computer and slowly raised his head, looking out of the car window.

The scene that caught his eye made his warm pupils, faintly flicker.

Pushing open the car door, he walked outside.

Crossing the quiet street, he walked all the way to the square.

The square was empty, with only a cold breeze.

He did not rush, but walked around the square and finally found an entrance in the corner closest to the left.

Just as he was about to go up, he found that this only entrance, too, had been blocked.

Fan Yu took a step.

“Did you remember the address correctly?”

“It should be correct, according to the donor of the ring, he would have bought that ring in the first place because he got drunk once and was dragged to the underground auction house by some foxes and friends, and at that time, it was also because he saw that the shape was special and the price was cheap that he bid for it, other than that, he didn’t know anything.”

The a*sistant explained respectfully.

The underground auction house was not a formal auction place.

Most of the things circulating there were from unknown sources and had been a key channel for selling stolen goods.

Therefore, people of status were reluctant to let others know that they had ever bought anything in such places.

Now it seemed that they were too late.

The place should have been discovered by the police and sealed off.

Van Yu reentered the car.

A layer of gloom covered his handsome face.

Tan Beng Beng was too tight lipped and he couldn’t find out anything.

Now even the trail of the Queen’s Ring is broken ……

Fan Yu’s warm eyes, slightly converging up, the waves of light under his eyes flowing, seems to be thinking about something.

Long fingers on the car door, tapping gently.