All For You Chapter 488

Yu Yuehan’s long figure stood outside the door.

His long black trench coat, with the wind blowing up the hem of his jacket, made his whole person look, with an extra touch of cold and stern.

His angular face was carved like a knife.

His features are perfectly defined and charming.

Just standing there, it was as if he was the centre of the universe, making it impossible for people to ignore him!

Nian Xiaomu’s nerves flinched!

She looked up at the man standing in the doorway, his dark eyes burning at her, and felt her mind go blank!

She hadn’t even thought about how she was going to explain to Yu Yuehan that she was his daughter’s real mother, and then he heard that she was lying about his daughter calling her mother ……

This is horrible!


As soon as Little Liu Liu saw Yu Yue Han who walked in from outside, he immediately climbed up happily from in front of the coffee table and ran towards him with his legs drawn.

He stopped in front of him, tilted his little head, and his delicate little face had a somewhat torn expression on it.

You want to ask for a hug, but then you find that Yu Yuehan is holding something in both hands ……

The last little head turned and looked straight at Nian Xiaomu, “Beautiful mother, you quickly come to see, the poop has brought us a delicious oh!”

Nian Xiaomu: “……”!

She was struggling with how to explain what she had just done.

Little Liu Liu’s “pretty mommy” has betrayed her completely ……

The first thing you need to do is to get up from the sofa and walk towards the father and daughter.

A face of apprehension for their own explanation, “that, in fact, is yesterday little Liu Liu in the kindergarten happened a little thing, I have not had time to tell you, I was also impulsive, so …… so let her …… ”

Before Nian Xiaomu could finish her words, there was suddenly a box of red roses in front of her.

She froze with a jolt.

Somewhat unexpectedly, she looked up and met Yu Yuehan’s dark eyes.

The doting under his eyes was like he was going to drown people, his thin lips slightly opened, “Nian Xiaomu, surprise.”


She looked down at the red rose in front of her and took one more look, suddenly realizing it wasn’t a real flower.

Reaching out and picking it up, only then did she see that it was actually a flower cake.

The red roses on it, containing the lush greenery, were very realistic.

There were exactly three of them.

Three red roses means “I love you”, is he confessing his love in disguise?

Nian Xiaomu’s heart faintly moved.

When she looked again, she saw that he was carrying another box in his hand.

It was a cake in the shape of a little piggy doll, for Little Liu Liu.

“Little Liu Liu loves poop the most!”

As soon as there was something delicious to eat, the little glutinous rice dumpling’s mouth was as sweet as if it had been smeared with honey.

Holding the cake, she ran happily towards the dining room.

Nian Xiaomu just wanted to remind her to run slower, but before she could say anything, Yu Yuehan had already taken a step in front of her.

He took her hand and pulled her into the restaurant with him.

He thoughtfully pulled out a chair for her and let her sit down, but his upright body stood behind her without moving, his hands pressed on her shoulders.

The moment she was about to turn around, he suddenly ducked his head towards her, buried it in her long hair and took a deep breath.

She was just about to ask him what was wrong when his thin lips were pressed to her ear, his low voice, demonic and compelling.

“Nian Xiaomu, I am very happy.”

Nian Xiaomu: …… happy about what? That she accepted his rose, or that she had just let little Liu Liu call her mother?

In all her life, Nian Xiaomu had never been so nervous as she was today.

It felt like she was meat on a sticky board, watching the butcher sharpen his knife ……