All For You Chapter 339

The moment these words came out, the smile on the corner of Yu Yuehan’s mouth, who was sitting beside her, immediately froze.

Nian Xiaomu didn’t notice the change in his expression and said.

“Not only does he have a bad temper, he also has a bad personality, always cold to people, just like a lump of ice!”


“When I first met him, the thing I thought about most every day was to hold a gas can and die with him!”


Lombardi listened quietly, still holding a smile in front of him, and when he heard the rest, the look he gave Yu Yuehan had turned into sympathy.

Couldn’t help but explain a sentence for him, “Young Han doesn’t look, like this kind of person ……”

Not waiting for Lombardi to finish, Nian Xiaomu had already interrupted him quickly.

“That is because you are not familiar with him, not I blow, business he is a good partner, this point is true, but in a relationship, dead don’t find him like this, a disagreement is frozen, who can stand it?”

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Putting the empty cup down, she naturally ordered, “Still a bit thirsty, please give me another cup!”

Turning her head, she continued to spit with Lombardi.


Yu Yuehan looked at the empty cup of tea placed in front of him, his dark eyes sank, and his handsome, peerless face was covered in a layer of gloom.

Look at the woman who badmouthed him to his face and dared to make him do it!

He really couldn’t tell when she was being nice in front of him, but it turned out that she had been trying to die with him by holding a gas can.

And that sentence, fall in love to death don’t find him like this ……

The pupils of Yu Yuehan shrank!

The hand that just picked up the cup, suddenly put it down heavily.

The force was out of control, and the cup broke with a sound.

Yu Yuehan did not let go of the hand, fingers also cut a blood scar ……

The sudden move caused everyone to look over towards him.

Nian Xiaomu was closest to him and was even more startled, his whole body stood up from his seat.

Glancing at the blood flowing out of his finger, he was stunned.

“Young, young master, why are you bleeding ……”

She came back to her senses, unable to ask more questions, and instinctively drew a tissue to try to press the injured finger for him.

Before her hand touched him, Yu Yuehan had already drawn back his hand and indifferently got up, his thin lips slightly opened.

“Accidentally broke the cup, nothing serious.”


“If Mr. Lombardi doesn’t have anything else, I have something else to do, so I won’t be accompanying you.”

Yu Yuehan said and crossed over to Nian Xiaomu, then prepared to leave first.

Looking at his still bleeding wound, Nian Xiaomu hurriedly stood up after him, explained to Lombardi a couple of times, and chased him out.

Yu Yuehan walked quickly and his legs were long.

Nian Xiaomu ran after him and chased him to the car, so that he could easily catch up with him.

The body crossed over and blocked the car door.

Gasping, “Young master, your hand is still bleeding, you can’t leave it untreated, have you forgotten that I used to be a caretaker, I can stop the bleeding first ……”

“My business, no need for you to care.”

Yu Yuehan looked at her coldly and opened his lips detachedly.

Nian Xiaomu still refused to move out of the way, “No, I won’t let you go until the wound is bandaged!”

“Nian Xiaomu, who are you to me, who are you to control me?” Yu Yuehan’s dark eyes were deep and his gaze was burning as he looked at her.

At that, Nian Xiaomu blurted out, “Just because I care about you!”


“Not really care about you, who cares if you live or die, so fierce!” Nian Xiaomu yelled back at him.